Australian Storm 1876

Chapter 1097: Persistence is victory

   Chapter 1097 Persistence is victory


"Ah..." Youpeng in Shanxian County sneezed, he rubbed his nose, and said brightly; "The imperial army's great victory in the North American battlefield, showing its illustrious martial arts, broke the deadlock in one fell swoop and established a favorable situation in North America. , gong is in the future, it's really hard for you!"

   "Sir Shanxian has won the prize. It all depends on your rear commander, and the soldiers on the front line fought bravely to kill the enemy. This is such a good situation!" Prime Minister Masaichi Temple replied with a red face.

"Tera Nei-kun doesn't have to be too modest. We all know that the government is under enormous pressure, and it has done its best to support the North American front line. It is a great contribution." Yamaxian Youpeng looked at the core staff such as Tera Nei Zhengyi and Kataro, with a strange expression on his face. Delighted, nodded and said;

   "Political affairs and maintenance, all relying on everyone to stand together through thick and thin, work together, and finally break out into a new world.

  I will go to the palace today to see the emperor and ask for credit for the monarchs and the soldiers on the front lines.

   For more than ten years, we have been unswervingly fulfilling the legacy of the late emperor, fighting for the rise of the Great Fusang Empire, and making the colonization of North America a success even beyond the great waves of the Buguo!

   After this war

  The Great Fusang Kingdom has completely gained a firm foothold in North America, no longer relying on his face and breath, and the Empire will truly embark on the road of a prosperous country and a strong army. I have full confidence in this.

   Gentlemen, let's toast! "

  You Peng from Shanxian County raised his glass first, and all the military and political dignitaries sitting around the table ordered to make peace. A group of old devils were smiling, accompanied by Japanese singing and dancing tunes.

   Today's Fuso Kingdom is full of singing and dancing to celebrate the victory, and many people dance to the beat on the street, cheering for the victory of the imperial warriors.

The news of   's victory in the North American War was like a shot in the arm, which stimulated the whole country of Fusang to agitate.

  The wave of immigrating to North America has risen from wave to wave. I heard that there is a land flowing with milk and honey, with tall buildings and endless railways. Compared with the small Fusang Island, North America is a fertile continent.

  The rich people of the United States have always been well-known. Immigrating to North America is to live a good life. Who doesn’t want to go?

  Official commitment;

  The families of soldiers who have made meritorious deeds can share large tracts of land and houses for free, and ordinary Japanese immigrants can also get 20 acres of land for free, which is equivalent to 120 ares.

  It’s rare for a little devil to be generous. Anyway, there is a vast land in the Great Plains in the middle of America.

  The strong immigration demand has greatly stimulated the development of the shipbuilding industry. The large and small shipyards of Fusang are in full swing.

   Benefiting from the war dividend, the industrial economy of Fusang has developed vigorously, showing a thriving scene, and all this is based on the pain of the American people.

   Half is sea water and half is fire.


The tall buildings in this metropolis with a population of more than 2.2 million are like forests, showing the style of a modern metropolis. Because too many refugees from surrounding cities and villages have poured in, many tents have been set up along the wide streets, and the environment can not be seen at a glance. Noisy and dirty.

Many white refugees sat on the side of the street all day, their eyes full of helplessness and numbness. Their pastures, homes, livestock and all their possessions were all lost. In their eyes, there was still the fear of the madness of the Japanese army and the future. confused.

   This disastrous situation

   appeared in the wool war ten years ago, when people were panicked and it seemed like the end of the world.

  In a tall building on Evans Street

  President William Taft looked down at the crowded and chaotic scene in the city from a distance through the large glass, and sighed heavily in his heart;

   The mess that President Davin Porter threw him was worse than expected.

   The war spreads

  A large number of white refugees poured into the independent southern countries. There are only simple boundary markers on the borderline of more than 2,400 kilometers from east to west, and everything else is unobstructed.

   This allowed white refugees to easily cross the border into the Republic of Virginia and the Confederate Republic of the South.

   Just a few months

  The population loss of the United States has reached more than 2.7 million, and this trend has not been significantly slowed down. The loss of population has made industrial and agricultural production barren and greatly reduced its strength.

  According to the estimates of the Federal Bureau of Statistics, the current population of the United States is about 36.5 million to 37 million, which has reached a very dangerous edge. This has caused a great impact on the current order of industrial and agricultural production, all industries have withered, and a large number of people have been displaced.

  The good news is that Britain, France and other countries finally face up to the predicament faced by the United States, and the international community is trying to help. The bad news is that the trend of net outflows has not slowed.

Compared with France at the same time as the outbreak of the World War, the total native population is about 40 million. During the war so far, more than 7 million soldiers have been mobilized to participate in the war, with more than 1.3 million soldiers killed, more than 2.8 million disabled, and 1.36 million civilians in the war. The war was either dead or disabled, with a loss of more than 5 million people.

   These are all young and middle-aged men. The Battle of Verdun initiated by German Field Marshal Hindenburg almost made "France shed the last drop of blood".

  A whole generation of young French men lost 80% in this unprecedentedly tragic war.

  The population age structure of the United States is relatively young, the losses are not as bad as those of France, and there is still capital to fight.

"Gentlemen, the difficulties are temporary. I have ordered auto manufacturers to fully produce armored vehicles and allocated special funds for this, which will greatly enhance the field capability of the U.S. military." President William Taft looked around with confidence. said.

   For a politician, he must believe the big words he says, otherwise, how can he convince others?

  In the conference room

Several key figures in the new U.S. government are all listed, White House Chief of Staff Jenkins, Treasury Secretary Rubin Wilkinson, Secretary of State Wenley Costan, Presidential Security Adviser Martin Walsh, and Secretary of the Economy Tom McDonnell , Secretary of the Army Jon, Chief of Army Staff General Fred C. Ainsworth, 1st Army Commander General George Coventry, 3rd Army Commander General Cruise, 4th Army Commander Ed - Admiral Olivier, etc., all sitting at the conference table, the atmosphere is very dignified.

   in previous issue

  The dignitaries of the current government unanimously discussed and passed the decision to fight to the end. In the future, there will be no more negotiations with the Fuso people, only war, until the final victory is won.

  Although everyone knows that the Ocean Empire is behind the scenes, at this stage, they have to continue to endure the product dumping and economic aggression of the Ocean Empire, and the US customs tax is still in the hands of the financial consortium led by the Ocean Empire.

  The huge war reparation principal and interest totaling up to 9.6 billion US dollars, half of which have been repaid in 10 years. However, various war loans and huge capital lending have caused the United States' debt to rise instead of falling.

  The war that broke out in Europe has a certain boosting effect on the U.S. economy, but the U.S., mired in the quagmire of war, spends money much faster than it makes money.

   Just maintaining an army of more than 1.5 million people and paying hundreds of thousands of soldiers' pensions and medical expenses is an astronomical amount.

   "Gentlemen, I have exchanged views with British Prime Minister Herbert Asquith and French Prime Minister Georges Clemenceau on the current situation in North America and reached a consensus.

   We all believe that the large-scale invasion of the Fuso people is an intolerable harm to the civilized society of North America and must be stopped.

  London and Paris have sent a clear signal that we are about to receive strong support from European society, and all we have to do now is to persevere and get through the most difficult times.

  After the showdown, the outcome of the world war will become clear.

   Only then can we get substantial aid from Europe, including officers and artillery, tanks, planes, and everything we need.

  Current stage

  We must rely on our own strength to hold the Chicago line of defense, hold on to the core essence of the Great Lakes from being violated, hold on to the bottom line, and do everything possible to maintain the current front line and avoid the situation from completely deteriorating.

   Guys, you can come to a conclusion after rational analysis;

   As long as we hold on until the end of the year, we will usher in the dawn of victory and the much-needed European aid.

  I propose that Admiral Ainsworth, the master of defense, take over the Chicago line of defense, and lead the heroic soldiers to hold on until the United States wins the final victory..."

  President William Taftow used his demagoguery skills to speak with impassioned and provocative words.

   His words really touched many people present and rekindled hope.

  President William Taft is not all bragging. Everyone here knows that Europe is now facing a decisive battle, and the mobilization and war preparations of millions of troops cannot be kept secret. This is a fact that almost everyone knows.

   After defeating the Germans, is it not as simple as plucking a leg out of a random army from Europe, which is crowded with heavy troops?

   I am afraid that when the British and French troops arrive, the Japanese pirates will die.

Admiral   Fred-C-Ainsworth looked seriously and asked, "Mr. President, how do you solve the intervention of the Ocean Empire in North American affairs?"

   This question is a good idea. Everyone's eyes fell on President Taft's face, wanting to see how he would answer this question?

  The situation in North America has collapsed to the point where it is today. The biggest black hand is the Ocean Empire. The United States is restrained everywhere in the war. It originated from the "Wool War" 10 years ago.

   Behind every divided southern republic, there is more or less the shadow of the Oceanic Empire. I don’t know why the dictatorial emperor hated America so much and vowed to kill it and then quickly?

   (end of this chapter)

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