Australian Storm 1876

Chapter 1095: industrial competition

   Chapter 1095 Industrial Competition

  Australian mainland, Daming Palace.

At the weekly court meeting of cabinet members to meet the emperor, Li Fushou took out a private letter from the two Russian princesses in Vladivostok asking for help and handed it to Prime Minister Zhang Li, saying, "Take this letter back and leave it to the foreign affairs department to handle it as appropriate. ."

When the sage said this, Prime Minister Zhang Li knew it in his heart. This is a business attitude. He took the letter with both hands respectfully, and quickly scanned it and replied; Fang put pressure on him and arranged for the Political Intelligence Bureau to investigate the news and try to hear back as soon as possible."

   "Well, just show your attitude." Li Fushou replied calmly.

  I don't know which idiot encouraged the two princesses to come up with this bad idea?

  The pressure of the Oceanic Empire will cause the Russian workers' regime to be highly vigilant, believing that this is an unreasonable interference in Russia's internal affairs by imperialists and a violation of national sovereignty, and it will inevitably respond violently.

   Maybe, the death knell of Nicholas II was sounded in advance.

   This is by no means alarmist. The issue of abdicating the tsar has never been a personal issue, but a major issue related to state power.

   As the chief leader and spiritual totem of the all-Russian royalist rebels, Nicholas II will exist for a day, and the numerous White Army will have the backbone, and the rebellion will intensify and never stop.

  Unfortunately, the two princesses who have not yet experienced the world do not know how powerful it is. Nicholas II can live a little longer if he lives, but now...

   Li Fushou has no intention of pursuing these trivial matters, and the situation in Tsarist Russia is not his focus. His first concern is the situation in North America, especially the just-concluded battle on the Northern Front.

  To say that the Japanese pirates are really fierce, they have gathered 500,000 troops on the northern front, and it has been more than 5 months now that they have faced off against the millions of troops of the United States.

During the    period, there were winners and losers, and apart from the increase in casualties, there was no major breakthrough.

Who knew that the Fuso people had prepared a secret move. Taking advantage of the slack of the U.S. military on the northern front, they armed more than 200,000 veterans from nearly 2 million Japanese immigrants, bypassed the northern frontal defense line of the United States and attacked Omaha, and then attacked from inside and outside. The northern line of defense, and then the capture of Davenport, has now approached the Great Lakes town of Chicago.

  The flames of the war burned into the Great Lakes Heavy Industrial Zone. After the First World War, nearly half of the million American troops lost nearly half of them, including more than 167,300 casualties, more than 200,000 prisoners, and more than 43,000 missing and escaping.

  The U.S. military lost countless weapons and equipment, and a large number of artillery, tanks and armored vehicles and materials were captured by the Japanese army, which experienced an unprecedented defeat.

  The new President Taft came to the front line in Chicago, calling on all Americans to take up arms and join the army, save the nation, and fight the Japanese army to the end.

   in the final analysis

   is because the Great Plains in the middle of the United States is endless and there is no danger to rely on, and the roads extend in all directions. As long as you make more detours, you can avoid the heavily defended areas of the US military, which is extremely unfavorable to the defending party.

  The field is the Achilles heel of the US military. Just relying on tanks and armored troops to fight fires everywhere, there will always be times when they cannot be saved.

   In this battle, Fusang also made a lot of money.

The mobile strike corps composed of 200,000 old devils stormed Omaha, and then counterattacked the back of the US Northern Front. They rushed along the way. After the **** battle, they conquered Davenport and directly threatened the big city of one million people in the Great Lakes region. chicago.

   In this battle, the Japanese Mobile Corps lost more than 110,000 experienced old devils, of which more than 40,000 were killed and more than 70,000 wounded.

  According to the strong Japanese tradition of not being able to fall into the line of fire with minor injuries, after at least half of the more than 70,000 wounded were healed, they would no longer be able to play on the battlefield. The loss is not too big.

   But the record was equally brilliant, breaking the northern defense line where the US military was heavily stationed in one fell swoop, and spreading the war to the industrial core area of ​​the Great Lakes.

  The brutality of the Japanese army has been known to all generations. After occupying dozens of cities around the Great Lakes region, the North American Expeditionary Army indulged its soldiers to burn, kill and loot, raped and looted local white women, and killed civilians, creating one heinous **** case after another.

   Now that the situation in the United States is critical, Li Fushou has let go of his heart;

  The dog, Fusang, is fierce enough to rip and bite the United States. It’s time to loosen the dog’s chains and give some benefits.

   It seems that the old devil of Youpeng in Shanxian County finally understands that if he wants to live a good life in the North American occupation zone, he has to keep biting the Americans, and don't make any small calculations.

  After the tragic defeat of the U.S. military, various news of the brutality of the Japanese army came, and under the influence of public opinion, it caused great panic among the people in the central and eastern regions, and families and their families fled.

West Virginia has a total population of about 2.31 million, of which nearly one million fled east to the Republic of Virginia. In New York Harbor, people rushing to flee the country crowded one passenger ship after another, and their destinations except the South. The Republic, as well as the Republic of California on the Pacific coast and the North American Governor's Office 4 states.

  The Panama Canal has already opened, and it only takes 5 days for immigrant passengers to arrive in San Francisco, Republic of California, and 7 and a half days to Seattle or Newport.

  Immigrants who left the United States are fed up with the harassment of war. They have too many relatives who died in the war. They just want a peaceful life, not what to fight for America?

  The weakness of the poor cohesion of immigrant countries is exposed at this moment. European immigrants came to the North American continent only to find a better life and escape the war in Europe, not to fight **** battles for the United States to the end.

  When the end of the war seemed far away, many people gave up their persistence and left wisely.

   This situation is exactly what Li Fushou hopes to see.

  The chaos in North America has attracted great attention from the Allied countries such as Britain, France and Italy, and successively put pressure on Fusang, asking it to take it as soon as possible, restrain the army, and not continue to occupy the territory of the United States and indiscriminately commit atrocities.

  Britain has been dissatisfied with Fusang for a long time. At the beginning of the World War, Japan declared war on Germany according to the Treaty of Anglo-Japanese Alliance, and sent troops to capture the fortress of Qingdao, a German colony on the Jiaodong Peninsula, and took it as its own.

   In the following years, the Japanese side simply ignored the request of the United Kingdom to send troops to Europe to participate in the war, and blindly expanded its aggressive actions in North America and conquered more territories.

   Such actions have seriously deviated from the UK's expectations and damaged the UK's global strategic layout, which made London out of anger.

The United Kingdom has imposed sanctions on Fuso in terms of advanced ship manufacturing technology, prohibiting the export of advanced ship power equipment and technology, prohibiting the export of large-caliber naval guns over 305 mm, prohibiting the export of large-scale ship construction techniques, drawings and related technologies, and prohibiting the export of advanced shipbuilding technologies. The industrial forging technology of…

  Britain and Japan are farther and farther apart, especially on the North American issue, which has become an irreversible trend.

Major Allied countries such as France and Italy were also reluctant to see Fusang's expansion in North America, especially after the traditional French colony of North America, Louisiana (a total of more than 3.6 million square kilometers, covering 14 states) was involved in the war. stance is tougher.

The interests of the descendants of the diaspora in Britain, France, Germany, Italy and other countries were damaged in the region, and the brutal and reckless actions of the Japanese army aroused their great anger. .

   For the Fuso people who have always paid great attention to their international image and hoped to gain international recognition, this is simply a blatant humiliation, even more unacceptable, and the cracks in international relations are getting deeper and deeper.

  The current situation is unstoppable for the Japanese army. After conquering Davenport and other important cities in the Great Lakes region, it is only one step away from threatening Chicago, a metropolis with a population of one million.

  If you continue to go north

   can occupy the city of Milwaukee and Green Bay along the Lake Michigan of the Great Lakes, thus owning the maritime port of the Great Lakes facing the Atlantic Ocean. Its strategic significance cannot be overemphasized.

  Chicago and Detroit, important cities in the Great Lakes region, are located on the lakeside. They are built on the basis of developed water and land transportation. They can easily import or export industrial products at home and abroad, and carry out international trade.

   And this unique geographical location is exactly the ability that the Japanese side covets.

   As long as Milwaukee or Green Bay is occupied, or the metropolis of Chicago with a population of more than 2 million is captured, Fuso will be like a golden baby, and its heavy industry and economic strength will increase sharply.

  Think about it with your toes, the people of Fusang don’t want to take it as soon as it’s good!

   Now is not the time to be entrenched in Kansas City. The Japanese side paid a heavy price and defeated the millions of American troops on the northern front, and they are about to reap huge war dividends.

  Like the hungry wolf who protects food, whoever wants to interrupt the process, Fusang will bite whoever, and it won't work if the special king and Laozi come.

   In Li Fushou's original plan, Fusang was not allowed to escape control. The bottom line was that it was not allowed to have a port to go to sea, and it was not allowed to attack the Great Lakes region.

  Once such signs of danger appear, the Empire will use emergency intervention measures, including but not limited to direct participation in the war with neighboring countries, and strike against the Japanese army.

   But that is just a preset position, which changes with the change of the international situation, not the established national policy.

If the Japanese army achieved such an achievement last year, the European battlefield of the World War was in a state of extreme anxiety, and Britain, France, Italy and other countries could not intervene. The Republic of California besieged the Japanese army to stop its frenzied expansion.

   is different now

  The situation of the war in Europe has become clear. Although the Allies lost the war on the Eastern Front, they prepared a huge "showdown military operation" on the Western Front of Europe, mobilizing a huge military force of more than 4.7 million to invade Germany in three ways.

  This military plan is in intensive preparations and is expected to be officially implemented in August and September, breaking the "Hindenburg Line of Defense" fully prepared by the German High Command in one fell swoop and ending the five-year super-large war.

   It’s already mid-April, and it’s not too long before the arranging operations are in full swing.

   It is precisely because Britain, France, Italy and other countries are well prepared that they have the ability to start sending troops to intervene in the situation in Russia, and they also have the energy to rebuke the Japanese army for their reckless actions, ordering them not to continue to expand in North America, and ordering them to strictly restrain the army from harming the people and acting recklessly.

   In a word, the old ways are back!

  The arrogance of the Europeans has never looked down on Japanese pirates, let alone the short hibiscus soldiers who harass white people, rape, rob and do all kinds of evil.

  The situation is different a year ago and a year later. Under the new situation, the Ocean Empire's countermeasures should not continue to restrict Fuso, but should relax some of the restrictions and make it grow faster.

   Of course, this does not include the high-tech blockade of the heavy chemical industry, shipbuilding and metallurgy, advanced technology blockade of forging, electronics, machinery, advanced machine tool equipment and aircraft engine manufacturing technology blockade…

  Ocean Empire implements strict confidentiality and patent systems in advanced technology, and reserves all countries in Europe and the United States, strictly prohibits the outflow of high-end technology, and has adopted quite strict measures to formulate the "Export Technology Control Law".

  All the content that belongs to the "Export Technology Control Law" is strictly confidential and strictly prohibited from being released. Violators are punished extremely severely, second only to treason.

  The economic policy of the Ocean Empire was not liberal capitalism represented by the United Kingdom and the United States, but dominated by large and medium-sized enterprise groups controlled by the royal family and the government, which can be called a state capitalist system.

The difference is that compared with the former, the empire has more in-depth control over the industrial economy and technology, greater control, and greater policy influence, avoiding most disorderly and repetitive competition, effectively saving social resources, and higher development efficiency. .

In the field of scientific research, Ocean Empire has established a government and royal family-led scientific research fund assistance policy, and has produced a large number of world-class technologies such as electronic appliances, mechanical metallurgy, automobile manufacturing, and complete sets of heavy and chemical industry equipment, surpassing Ocean Empire. Countries such as Britain, France, the United States and Germany have laid a solid foundation for advanced technology.

Especially in the rapidly developing electronic and electrical industry, the complete set of AC power transmission and transformation equipment technology mainly based on Professor Tesla, the medical and microelectronic semiconductor technology developed with the research results of Professor Rutherford, based on Marie Curie's nuclear physics research The achievements and the construction of the heavy water plant, a major scientific and technological project that is being promoted, are all world-leading scientific and technological achievements.

  The policy of the Ocean Empire has always been to sell products but not technology. Through the patent war after the Wool War, it completely destroyed the automobile industry in the United States in the early stage of development.

  In this field, the technology level has been ahead of Europe for 20 years, forming an undoubted industrial advantage.

French logo, Italian Fiat, British Luster and other old-fashioned car companies all rely on importing important components such as advanced engines, gearboxes and rear axle drive axles from Ocean Empire, and rely on importing tires and rubber shock pads from Ocean Empire. , Door frame rubber and other parts.

  The sedans, trucks and buses produced by Ocean Empire account for more than 85% of the world's production. With undoubted technological and monopoly advantages, it is one of the world-class advantageous industries of Ocean Empire.

  The automobile industry in the United States has been completely controlled by the automobile manufacturers of the Ocean Empire under the double blow of the imported automobile tide and the patent war, and has become uncompetitive.

   We can only produce products that are one generation behind in the United States according to the plan, and all key components are imported from the Ocean Empire. As a result, we are reduced to a large-scale automobile assembly manufacturer and lose our core competitiveness.

   (end of this chapter)

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