Australian Storm 1876

Chapter 1080: lose both

   Chapter 1080 Both loses

Take this opportunity

  The British destroyer quickly turned at a large angle, trying to get out of the coverage of the German naval ship's artillery at the fastest speed and escape this place of death.

  The small body of the destroyer is not enough to see in front of the huge battleship. When it is close to a distance of less than 3000 yards, the main gun with its barrel flat is like a turkey, basically a round of artillery fire reimburses a destroyer.

   Due to the backward technology of steam torpedoes in this era, the range is generally between 1500 and 2800 meters. Torpedoes shot at 4500 meters only have a symbolic threat and are completely blinded.

  Because the distance is too long, the steam gas power is exhausted, the speed of the torpedo is very slow, and the enemy ship can easily avoid it.

   But the sacrifices of these British destroyers were not worthless. They managed to gain 25-30 minutes for their fleet.

  The deafening sound of the cannon was like thunder, and the main forces of the British and German navies officially entered the field, and a fierce battle was launched in the North Sea.

  After a short period of panic, the German front line regained its calm. Except for a hapless light cruiser whose broadside was torpedoed torpedo, there was no loss except that it was floating on the sea and slowly sinking.

  The destroyer just now made a forcible assault, and the British lost 17 destroyers, of which 12 were sunk, 2 were badly damaged, and 3 were lightly wounded, thus gaining valuable 30 minutes of time.

The    war has rekindled. Intensive artillery fire and gunpowder have rendered the North Sea waters into a world of blood and fire. The world's largest two top navies are defending head-on, and the highest level of confrontation in the era of large ships and giant guns.

After the Battle of Jutland, the Royal British Navy learned the lesson of blood, especially after the Battle of Jutland, the British Navy noticed that ammunition storage rooms and ammunition conveyors can also cause ammunition depot fires, resulting in catastrophic death. . Send a mighty battleship to the bottom of the ocean.

  After the war, all British battleships and battlecruisers were modified with enhanced blast door shielding to prevent further damage after shells exploded in turrets during naval battles.

  The flames generated by the explosion followed the vertical channel and entered the ammunition depot without any armor protection, causing the entire ship to explode, and this was the main reason for the loss of the main British battleship in the Battle of Jutland.

   In the Battle of Jutland, at least three powerful battlecruisers and two main battleships were killed by this fatal flaw, with catastrophic consequences.

   During the Battle of the North Sea

  The powerful British main fleet confronted the German High Seas Fleet head-on, fighting heroically and tenaciously in the case of losing the first-mover advantage, recovering the disadvantage bit by bit.

  The German High Seas Fleet has established an advantageous "T" prefix formation in advance, which can fully release all the firepower on the broadside and carry out a coverage strike on the British Oceanic Fleet.

   After more than 5 hours of hard fighting

  British and German navies were both defeated, and the British capital ships that continued to join the battle group added vitality to this cruel and **** naval battle, showing the tenacious will of Great Britain.

   The British reinforcement fleet from Spaka Bay and Wilhelmshaven in the United Kingdom is rushing to the battlefield at a high speed of 22 knots. These off-site factors have caused huge pressure on the German High Seas Fleet.

   on the scene

  The German High Seas Fleet continued to strike the British Royal Navy with more accurate artillery and superior positions. One after another, the main British battleships were sunk and severely damaged, showing the strong attack power of the German High Seas Fleet.

   Injures the enemy 10,000, and loses 7,000 to himself.

In the deadly artillery bombardment, the main battleships of Britain and Germany both suffered heavy blows. 11 battleships of the British High Seas Fleet were sunk or severely damaged, and 5 battleships of the German fleet were also sunk and severely damaged. The endless North Sea waters The artillery fire continued, and countless warship wrecks floated and sank, presenting a doomsday scene.

   (end of this chapter)

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