Australian Storm 1876

Chapter 1074: Virginia's Ambition

  Chapter 1074 Virginian's Ambition

  The change in the fortunes of the United States began with the Wool War in 1908, and since then it has been on a downward slope.

The five major political entities split from the United States, namely, the four states of the Northern Commonwealth belonging to the Empire, the four states of the Arizona Republic supported by Fusang, the independent Republic of California, the Southern Federal Republic and the Republic of Virginia, generally have an interest in the United States. Stay on high alert.

   Among them, the Republic of Virginia is the most vigilant. From a geographical point of view, its only neighbor is the United States, and it surrounds the territory of the Republic of Virginia from three sides.

   In order to stand up to the United States and resist its influence, the Republic of Virginia had to rely heavily on the Ocean Empire and Great Britain, both militarily and politically.

  Look around the world

   Only the above-mentioned two major world powers are capable of transoceanic warfare and pose a serious threat to the United States. The Germans could not do it before, and they can't do it now.

The    Ocean Empire and the British military presence in the Republic of Virginia are the cornerstones of the latter's national security.

With the victory momentum of the Japanese army in the second U.S.-Japanese war, the Republic of Texas absorbed and annexed the four central states, mainly Mississippi, to form a more powerful Southern Federal Republic, greatly enhancing its strength and improving With its own security posture, it has become one of the regional powers in North America.

The Confederacy’s successful path is also the path that the Republic of Virginia wants to replicate, and it vigorously promotes the split argument that the Yankees and the Southerners are naturally estranged and blood feuding, trying to pull Florida and other southern swing states into their own camp. , became the primary objective of the Republic of Virginia.

  If you want to do all this, you cannot do without the support of the boss...the Ocean Empire.

  The attitude of the British has been very clear, and they never want to see the existence of forces that divide North America and further weaken the United States, which is seriously contrary to the national interests of the United Kingdom.

   Sometime in the afternoon

  The Emperor of the Ocean Empire, Li Fushou, met with Duan Changjiang, the governor of North America who had returned to his country to report his duties, in the imperial study.

   "The Governor of North America, Wei Chen, Duan Changjiang, greeted the Holy Master, and respectfully asked the Holy One."

   "Forget it, no ceremony, and a seat."

   "Wei Chen thank you for your seat."

   Duan Changjiang was very respectful, and the etiquette in front of the king was very meticulous. He sat down on the bottom half of the brocade stool, his upper body was straight, and he did not dare to be sloppy.

   A look of admiration flashed in Li Fushou's eyes. This new generation of courtiers who has been teaching by his side for more than 10 years is a leader among the second generation of aristocrats. He is nearly forty years old, which is when he is young and strong and shows off his skills.

   briefly asked about the current situation in North America, Duan Changjiang replied respectfully, and finally mentioned an important matter;

   That is, the President of the Republic of Virginia, McDonnell Keynes, sent an emissary to return to the mainland with him, carrying the presidential secret letter with him, hoping to choose an opportunity to appear before the imperial court.

   After finishing speaking, Duan Changjiang respectfully took out the secret letter and presented it with both hands.

   Liang Ruhao, the deputy director of the secretariat on duty, took the secret letter, looked deeply at the high-ranking minister who was ten years younger than him, and presented the imperial case with both hands.

  Li Fushou took the secret letter, opened it and read it, and then said nothing for a long time.

   Aside from those respectful words, President MacDonald-Keynes's appeal is very simple, that is, he hopes that the Empire will support the expansion of the Republic of Virginia in the southern states, and if necessary, will not rule out resorting to force.

   It sounds wild. In the three states of the Republic of Virginia, how can an army force of more than 70,000 people compete with the millions of US troops (most of them are militia, the same below)?


  The more than 70,000 Army troops of the Republic of Virginia are fully equipped and trained according to the military regulations of the Empire, and even include an armored regiment equipped with T5 tanks and a self-propelled artillery regiment, and their combat strength cannot be underestimated.

  Independence has been in its ninth year, the Republic of Virginia has carefully built a small but powerful army, and it has been training and working together with the imperial garrison all the year round, and the relationship is inseparable.

   There are many Chinese officers who married local white Virginia women and served in the Army of the Republic of Virginia, accounting for about 40% of the officers in this army.

  The commander-in-chief of its army, General Zheng Fusheng, has served as a member of the Ocean Empire Military Observation Mission in Africa, the Mozambique Mobile Division Commander, the Qingdao Division Commander, and the Deputy Commander of the Eastern Front Corps of the North American Expeditionary Force.

  Especially after the turn of the British North American policy, the Republic of Virginia relied more on the support of the Ocean Empire, and gradually squeezed out the British officers in the army and supported the local white officers.

   But for a while, the young local white officers were not able to take up big positions.

   in secret letter

President Macdonald-Keynes revealed his heart, focusing on the geographical disadvantage of being surrounded by the United States on three sides, which made him sleepless all the time, hoping to instigate the independence of the southern swing states and merge into the Republic of Virginia, thereby strengthening his own strength, and the Federal Republic of the South. Echoing each other from a distance, changing the geostrategic disadvantage.

   He is not preparing to compete with the millions of troops in the United States. The main goal is that the Daven-Porter government will massively enter the 38,000 US troops in the southern states in the case of the southern crisis.

   The right time

  The Republic of Virginia quickly dispatched troops to the southern states, eliminated a total of 38,000 troops from the US Federation, and supported the separatist forces in the southern swing states to hold an independence referendum, which has achieved its ultimate goal.

   This move is very feasible from a military point of view, but the Americans are not fools. It is impossible to allow the Republic of Virginia to do things in the south, and a large army will inevitably be dispatched to intervene.

at this time

   The Ocean Empire and the Fusang Kingdom need to make a practical intervention gesture, so that the United States can throw the mouse away and buy time for the Republic of Virginia to instigate the independence of the South.

How    is instigated and by what means is a matter for the Republic of Virginia.

   One of the most critical factors is to obtain the full support of the Ocean Empire.

  The Republic of Virginia is backed by the Ocean Empire garrison of more than 100,000 people (including the Panther Panther Cavalry Division, that is, the 304th Division), and the British army of more than 4,200 people. The homeland is safe.

   to bad

The    operation failed and returned to the country, and the American army could not pursue it, because it triggered the joint defense treaty signed by the Ocean Empire and the Republic of Virginia.

   In accordance with the provisions of the Joint Defense Treaty;

  When the territory of the Republic of Virginia is invaded by foreign military forces, the Ocean Empire has the right to take all necessary military and political means to inflict heavy losses on the foreign forces until they win the final victory.

   With the Ocean Empire backing down, President MacDonald Keynes developed undeserved ambitions. After the separatist and independent forces in the south were extinguished, he was ready to resort to force.

   "Duan Aiqing, what do you think?" Li Fushou asked.

   Duan Changjiang respectfully clasped his fists and saluted, and replied;

   "Returning to the sage, according to the humble opinion of the minister;

  Although the country of the United States is torn apart and its national strength has been greatly weakened, the northern heavy industry has a strong foundation and its essence is still preserved.

   Do everything to get rid of bandits, and beat the underdogs.

   Considered from a geostrategic perspective

  The empire should not allow a force that can threaten the interests of the empire to grow, including the United States, Fusang, Tsarist Russia, the French Indochina Peninsula, the British Indian colony, and the homeland of China.

   Weichen thought that in terms of priority, the United States should be the first, followed by Fusang, and Tsarist Russia again.

  The Ocean Empire occupies 4 North American states, Alaska and Hawaii. Fundamentally speaking, it is an out-and-out enemy of the United States. This situation is unlikely to change in the next hundred years.

   The same location in North America, of course, the weaker the enemy, the better.

on this side

The   Fuso countries have stronger needs, and they are also willing to support President MacDonald Keynes' expansion move, provided that some economic aid is paid to the Japanese army.

  Wei Chen secretly thought that as long as the Empire made a practical gesture of mobilizing its forces, it could achieve the purpose of deterring the United States. "

  Li Fushou closed his eyes slightly, as if thinking about the suggestion of the North American Governor Duan Changjiang. After a while, he opened his eyes, revealing a glint of ruthlessness in his eyes.

   With just this wink, Duan Changjiang was frightened, his back became cold, and he quickly bowed his head respectfully.

  Li Fushou said slowly;

   "The direction of North America's strategic pattern is not determined by the will of the Republic of Virginia and the Southern Federal Republic, but in line with the interests of the Empire. This is the premise of all changes.

   At first glance

   Supporting the demands of the Republic of Virginia and splitting the southern swing states from the United States will help to implement the basic national policy of continuous containment and long-term attack on the United States, and it should be strongly supported.

   However, it should be noted that the strategic pattern of North America is not as simple as changing the other.

If President Macdonald-Keynes's strategic intentions are realized, a powerful country with eight states (including the Special District of Columbia) and a total population of more than 21.5 million will appear in the southern part of the United States, surpassing the Confederacy of the South and becoming the first country in North America. .

  If it joins forces with the Confederation of the South, with a total population of more than 33 million, it is fully capable of competing with the North.

   Then in this case, the military and political dependence on the Empire will be greatly weakened.

   Today the Virginians can join forces with the Ocean Empire to expel the British, and tomorrow they can join forces with the Confederacy to expel the Ocean Empire. There should be no blood-cured friendship between countries, everything is profit-oriented.

   Therefore, it is possible to support the separatist forces in the south and the military operations of the Republic of Virginia, but whether or not the independent southern states will merge in the end depends on the will of the empire.

  A bunch of small countries are always easier to manipulate than a regional power, do you understand? "

   After these words, Duan Changjiang suddenly became enlightened. He quickly stood up, put his hands on the ground, and worshipped with sincerity.

   "Well, this matter needs to be closely coordinated with the Security Bureau. Well, the two of you will draw up a detailed plan, thoroughly mobilize all the dark sons in North America to act, notify the Virginians to act at the right time, and the empire will reap the benefits."

   "Wei Chen understands."

   "Well, back off."

Li Fushou responded, watching the North American Governor Duan Changjiang resign with a respectful expression, tapping his slender fingers lightly on the imperial case, and instructing Deputy Director Liang Ruhao; "The Secretariat has been closely following the situation in North America recently. Fangluo draws up a charter, which must be implemented unremittingly for a long time. The pattern of 5 generations and 10 countries is much more exciting than Romance of the Three Kingdoms.”

   "The minister obeys the decree." Liang Ruhao understood.

  The Virginians hoped to use the power of the Empire and Fusang to achieve a leap forward in their territory and strength. They really wanted to go blind.

   Ocean Empire is not his father, so why pay for free?

   (end of this chapter)

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