Australian Storm 1876

Chapter 1039: Germans take it for granted

   Chapter 1039 Germans take it for granted

  The affairs between countries are full of intrigue, far from being as simple as it seems on the surface, nor is it a black-and-white distinction.

Under the guidance of the science and technology development policy of the Ocean Empire, the booming AC motor and power station equipment, the electronic and electrical industry are changing with each passing day, and various inventions and innovations are emerging one after another. It has become an important industry in the national economy that cannot be ignored, leading the world .

  Vacuum tube radios, radio stations, washing machines, bread machines, sewing machines, refrigeration equipment and elevators, electric equipment, etc., have developed rapidly under the support of science and technology policies and have become new business cards in the imperial industry.

The Western world, led by Britain, France, the United States and Germany, is caught in the quagmire of war. It has no time to consider these trivial inventions, nor enough energy, funds and resources to focus on the electronics and motor industries. What they need is more cannons and ammunition, tanks, planes, and battleships are needed, as well as Ocean Empire's new zero-type semi-automatic rifle.

In order to prepare for the Battle of the Somme, Britain, France and other Allied countries imported 750,000 Type Zero semi-automatic rifles and 8,200 Type 03 light machine guns from the Ocean Empire, and imported 5 billion rounds of ammunition. The relevant orders will be issued within 8 months. goods.

Today, a total of 180,000 zero-type semi-automatic rifles are delivered, most of which are from strategic stocks, but the French are already impatient. They are under too much pressure on the Verdun front line and urgently need to open up a new battlefield on the Somme. .

   This year is 16 years, and it is also the year of the decisive battle.

Berlin, Germany

  In the court of the Hohenzollern Dynasty, Kaiser Wilhelm II, with a two-stroke upturned Prussian beard, was dressed in military uniform and stood in front of a large military map, listening to his chief of staff, Falkenham, explaining the current war situation.

   "The Imperial High Command has enough evidence to establish that the British and French have proposed plans for a massive counter-attack in the Somme area north of Verdun, in an attempt to shake off our superiority.

And the British and French did not hide this, they invested 11 British divisions under the British Fourth Army in the Somme region, the main force of five French divisions, and more British Expeditionary Forces into this area. direction.

  The army currently assembled on the Somme has more than 27 divisions, mainly the British, with a total of 19 divisions, and this number is still increasing.

  On the Eastern Front

  The Brusinov assault campaign launched by the Russian army in April caused serious damage to our Austro-Hungarian allies and the German army in the east. We had to draw 13 German divisions from the west to support them to prevent the rout of the east.

If the Western Front opens the Battle of the Somme again, it will cause serious checks and balances on the total strength of the imperial army. The biggest problem now is that strong German troops are needed on all battlefields, and the allies of Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire cannot provide enough help. The size of the Bulgarian army was too small, and further military mobilization was needed on the imperial side to be able to cope with the war situation on the Eastern and Western Fronts.

  Your Majesty, the Imperial High Command hopes that the Navy can make enough contributions to relieve the pressure on the Army.

The Ocean Empire is transporting millions of tons of war supplies to Europe, greatly supporting the world war, and our lack of such an ally with a strong industrial base that can provide everything we need is the most troublesome. The place. "

Admiral Erich von Faggingham introduced it cautiously. At the beginning of 1916, the German Schlieffen plan went bankrupt. Faggingham proposed the eastern defense, focusing on the Verdun salient on the French right wing on the western front. Carry out the assault, this time the plan of action is called "the place of execution".

The purpose of    is to attack the important military places that France intends to defend, crucify all the French troops, and then wipe them out in one sweep, forcing them to surrender, and let France bleed!

   The German offensive plan was formally implemented in accordance with the intentions of Chief of Staff Falkenham. The result was unsatisfactory. After the German army gained a partial first-mover advantage in the early days of Verdun, with the continuous reinforcement of the French army, the two sides fell into an anxious trench warfare.

In order to ease the pressure on the Verdun Front, Tsarist Russia launched the staggering Brusinov assault campaign on the Eastern Front, which has caused more than 1.4 million casualties in Germany, Austria and Russia. battle.

  The German chief of staff, Falkinhan, took away 13 German divisions on the western front to strengthen the counterattack on the eastern front and curb the crazy offensive momentum of the Russian army.

   This was precisely the point, much to the chagrin of Kaiser Wilhelm II.

What Falkenhan did was under the sway of China, Britain, France and other countries, and the strategic purpose of Tsarist Russia's eastern offensive was also achieved, and it was bound to weaken the attack in the Verdun area. This was the last thing Kaiser Wilhelm II wanted to see. to the situation.

   Coupled with the upcoming Battle of the Somme, the position of Admiral Falkenham, the German chief of staff, was at stake, so he defended himself without a trace in the introduction of the battle situation, and pulled the German navy as the backing.

   Kaiser Wilhelm II stood in front of the map with his chest and belly up, his eyes gloomy, wondering what he was thinking?

   silent for a while

   He said; "Gentlemen, my ambition is to lead the German Empire to the world, to open up a vast living space for the Germanic nation, and to build the world's Germany, the world's Berlin, and the land of the Germanic nation under the sunlight.

   For this, we are willing to suffer temporarily.

   It is precisely because of the common aspiration that I can now better understand what Li Fushou, the emperor of the Ocean Empire, has done. He is indeed a rare and wise ruler. Although there were some opportunistic tricks in the process of his rise, he succeeded after all.

  The Ocean Empire defeated the Americans and achieved dominance in the Pacific region.

And now, what Germany has to face are the British, French and Russians who are ten times more vicious than the Americans. I have always believed that the strong and excellent Germanic nation will defeat these vicious enemies. Win the final victory of the war.

  Only the German Empire that stepped on the corpses of its enemies to the throne is the undisputed strongest in the world, and we are now in this great historical process, fighting for the glory of the Empire and the future of the Germanic nation.

   He asked each of us to make an effort, Admiral Reinhard Scheer, do you have anything to say? "

Kaiser Wilhelm II named the high-ranking admiral of the Admiralty, and Admiral Reinhard Scheer came out of the group of admirals, put one hand on his chest, bent over, and said, "Your Majesty, the High Seas Fleet is at any time. Heed your call."

   "Very well, my general, Germany needs the High Seas Fleet in this war, just as the Royal Ocean Empire defeated the more powerful US Navy, we need a victory to inspire the people."

"As you wish, Your Majesty." After saluting, Admiral Reinhard Scheer took a few steps forward, taking the position of Chief of Staff Falkingham, and then picked up the baton and gestured on the map. ;

"For more than two years after the war began, the United Kingdom imposed a maritime blockade on our high seas fleet by virtue of its naval superiority. Britain's powerful main fleet squatted in the port of Scapaflow like a watchdog, staring at the high seas. The fleet, which kept us most of the time in Wilhelmshaven and Bremerhaven, could not change the major role of the course of the war.

   Your Majesty and gentlemen;

Under the heavy pressure of   , the Imperial Ocean Fleet did not give up its preparations for finding fighter planes and strengthening its combat power, preparing for a possible decisive battle at sea.

   First, the Ocean Fleet began a series of hit-and-run raids along the British coast with a handful of battleships and cruisers, luring some of the British fleet forward.

   To realize this plan, I spent 4 months, dispatched battlecruisers, submarines and "Led Zeppelin" airships, repeatedly attacked the east coast of England, and carried out minelaying and reconnaissance operations.

   If the situation is favorable, concentrate the main force of the Oceanic Fleet to annihilate, and then defeat the main British fleet in the decisive battle.

  Secondly, the German Navy obtained the key technology of the Ocean Empire radio rangefinder through successful operations, and successfully copied it in domestic factories.

   At present, all the main battleships, battle cruisers and main cruisers of the high seas fleet have been equipped. Under the high-intensity pre-war training, the strength of the ocean fleet has grown rapidly.

   All preparations are ready, and we are about to implement a new battle plan.

  The plan, elaborated by the Admiralty, will lure the main force of the Royal Navy into a trap, surround and annihilate it.

The   bait was a fleet of battlecruisers and light cruisers under the command of Admiral Franz von Hipper who cruised off the coast of Norway.

  It is inferred

   The British would not have sent their entire fleet to intercept a limited raiding fleet, and Scheer would personally command the full force of the High Seas Fleet to follow after fifty miles.

  If the British navy attacked, Hipper of the decoy fleet, after a symbolic resistance, would turn the rudder and bring the pursuers into the range of Scheer's grand fleet.

  This tactic was inspired by the Hawaiian Battle of the Ocean Empire. They established a comparative advantage by first eliminating part of the main fleet of the US Navy who underestimated the enemy. "

  Speaking of this

Admiral Reinhard Scheer said with an air of self-confidence: "This series of military plans is designed to carry out an offensive surprise attack on the British naval forces tasked with monitoring and blocking the German coast at any time possible. At the same time, the British Coastal minelaying and submarine attack to achieve the purpose of killing the British fleet. When the results of such operations have accumulated to the point where the naval strength of both sides is equal, all our forces must be ready and assembled, and try to find fighters that are unfavorable to the enemy. The decisive battle of the fleet will recreate the glorious victories that the Royal Navy of the Ocean Empire once achieved."

   His speech aroused enthusiastic applause from the crowd, which immediately detonated the atmosphere in the palace, and His Majesty Kaiser Wilhelm II was also very excited.

The brilliant achievements of the Royal Navy of the Ocean Empire have inspired countless people. In particular, Kaiser Wilhelm II was the most excited. He seemed to see the shadow of the rise of the East Sea Fleet of the German Navy from the Royal Navy of the Ocean Empire. He raised his hands and shouted excitedly. ;

"God bless Germany, we will repeat this glorious victory in the Atlantic, send the British armada into the icy sea, as they once did with the Spaniards, the Germans are a better people than the Tang. , we will do it eventually, I have no doubts about that.”

   Delighted, Kaiser Wilhelm II ordered the court tailor to carefully sew a second set of the same uniform of Admiral He Fang. As a reward to himself, he often wore this marshal's uniform to walk in the palace gardens and meet visiting guests.

   As for the same uniform of Field Marshal Li Shuanzhu, who was torn apart by his sword, the court tailor quietly made another set and kept it in the wardrobe of Kaiser Wilhelm II.

   To prevent His Majesty from seeing Li Xinxi one day and wanting to change clothes again.

   (end of this chapter)

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