Australian Storm 1876

Chapter 1024: British and French leaders secret letter

   Chapter 1024 Secret Letter from the Heads of Britain and France

  After the New Year, Australia's singing and dancing are rising. After the Lantern Festival on the 15th of the first lunar month, factories and mines quickly returned to the busy production rhythm of the past.

  In the new year, the war situation in Europe is suddenly tense, and various orders are flying like snowflakes.

The unprecedented scale of the Battle of Verdun broke out on the western front of Europe, and the eastern front was full of artillery fire. The wars that broke out in southern Europe, the Balkans, the Near East, and North Africa stretched to the Eurasian and African continents. The scale and intensity were far greater than the two years before the war. The boundless chill of the year.

   Tens of millions of people are involved in frequent wars and do nothing to produce. The amount of materials consumed every day is astronomical, and greed devours the huge wealth of Europe.


This year is the 40th anniversary of Royal Australia. Since the beginning of the year, the cabinet has planned a series of grand celebration activities to warm up the ceremony in September. Crafts and engineering, etc., many things have already been in full swing.

Although Li Fushou didn't want to do it, he couldn't stand the persuasion and persuasion of the ministers round after round. If he didn't do it, he would put the ministers in a situation of disloyalty and filial piety, inhumanity and righteousness, and without a ruler and no father. The way of your father?

   Li Fushou couldn't beat the ministers, so he could only let them handle it.

   But there are three chapters of the prior covenant;

   First, forcible apportionment is not allowed, raising funds to increase the burden on the people. Second, don't go on big projects, big projects, just enough. Third, the main purpose is to focus on national joy and happiness, and don't over-mobilize people's strength and waste money.

As the richest royal family in the world, the royal family of Ocean Empire has more than 10 billion yuan in wealth, and its royal family funds, family funds, growth funds, many banks and other institutions have invested in enterprises all over the world, and the property rights it owns are innumerable, forming a huge business financial empire.

   With the wealth of the royal family, what kind of baby can catch the eye?

What    needs is just a little bit of heart from the subjects, a song, an article, a long-distance race with 10,000 people participating, a blessing, and a thank you!

   Daming Palace

Different from the peaceful and prosperous situation in the society, the atmosphere in the Dongji Hall is solemn. Prime Minister Zhang Li, Finance Minister Tang Zhaoyi, Foreign Minister Li Sixian, Minister of War Marshal Li Shuanzhu, Minister of the Navy Admiral Zhu Qingxi and other important cabinet ministers are all present. Today is a routine. of the twice-weekly pre-conferences.

  Everyone did not speak, just waited quietly for the inquiries from the sage.

Li Fushou is looking at two letters in his hand, one is a private letter from British Prime Minister Herbert Asquith, the other is a private letter from French Prime Minister Georges Clemenceau, especially the latter one The letter contains a lot of content, seven or eight.

   watched for a while

   Li Fushou put the letter on the imperial case and took a sip of the hot tea. The indifferent expression on his face showed no clue, as if he was still thinking about the contents of the letter.

   After waiting for a few more minutes, Prime Minister Zhang Li asked tentatively, "Your Majesty, what do Britain and France mean?"

"What else is there? They want to drag us into the water. Britain and France are preparing to jointly launch a large-scale offensive on the Somme. Because too many French troops are involved in the Verdun front, the battle is very anxious and the casualties are huge. Therefore, the Battle of the Somme will be dominated by the United Kingdom, and the main force of the British Army will be sent to fight. The letter says a lot, the French are willing to share the Indochina Peninsula with us, and the British want to lease ships to **** them, you can see for yourself.”

   Li Fushou stretched out his hand and pushed it, and the secretary-general Cai Tingqian, who was standing beside the imperial case, quickly picked up the letter with both hands and delivered it to Prime Minister Zhang Li.

   "Thank you, Secretary General." Prime Minister Zhang Li took the letter and thanked him politely.

   Cai Tingqian replied with a smile;

   Although it is a private secret letter, it is about national affairs.

   Of course, Li Fushou will not hide and pretend to be mysterious. The affairs of the imperial court are about national affairs. His current form and style tend to be more moderate.

   Instead of the previous autocracy, the Sacred Heart dictatorship, the cabinet only needs to follow the steps step by step.

   This is because the important ministers in the cabinet are well-trained, experienced in politics, handle things properly and prudently, and have an excellent view of the overall situation of the world. This is an ability that Li Fushou values ​​very much.

   A world power, a powerful country, whose leaders do not have a global strategic vision and only know how to write things behind closed doors, is very scary.

   The current cabinet has been in power for the sixth year, and the internal affairs and foreign affairs have been running very well, so I can rest assured.

  The second is to delegate power to the cabinet and the parliament. This is a gradual process, and the sensitive upper-level politicians in the empire have felt the change and are rejoicing.

   Prime Minister Zhang Li read a letter and then passed it down. The circulation was completed soon. The eyes of the cabinet ministers revealed a look of thought, and their expressions were different.

   "Your Highness, you..."

   "Let's talk about it first. If you have any opinions, you can speak freely without sticking to the point of view. Marshal Shuanzhu will give you some advice first, and let us hear the military's views."

   Li Fushou didn't want to set the tone for the issue first, so he interrupted Prime Minister Zhang Li's inquiry, and took the lead in naming Marshal Li Zhuzhu, then took a sip of tea, and made a quiet statement.

   Now that he was named, Marshal Li Zhuzhu stood up and bowed his hands, and said after a little thought;

   "Report to the Holy One;

  Wei Chen thought that there was a lot of content in the private letters between Britain and France, but first of all there was a major premise to be established, that is, did the empire participate in the war?

  If you don't join the war, then everything will be implemented step by step according to the current policy. This is a matter of no doubt and need not be discussed.

   If we go to war, this is related to a fundamental change in the imperial policy, involving all aspects of politics and military affairs, and the solution to the above-mentioned problems will be different.

  War has always been a stage for soldiers to display their skills. The army is the protagonist who does his part, but as a soldier, you must always keep in mind;

  War is just a continuation of imperial politics, a means of solving problems, instead of delusional thinking of taking over, kidnapping the empire and embarking on the path of war in order to realize personal ambitions and dreams.

  From the official standpoint of the military

  We are not in favor of joining the Allied Powers, participating in European wars, not wanting our officers and soldiers to shed blood for the white people, and not willing to fight for the nihilistic goal of world stability and peace.

  This war, which has affected the whole of Europe and Asia and Africa, is essentially a drama of white countries competing for world hegemony, and has nothing to do with our Chinese Empire.

   If one day, the Holy One decides to participate in the European competition, to dominate the world, Shuanzhu asks himself to be a pawn, and leads the millions of warriors of the Royal Army to charge into the battle, advancing but not retreating. "

   What Marshal Li Shuanzhu said is very reasonable. First of all, a major policy premise must be established, otherwise the following discussion will not be able to proceed.

   The measures taken to go to war and not to go to war are completely different, and this should not be confused.

All the ministers turned their attention to the saint again. Facing the eyes of everyone who depended on him, Li Fushou felt warm and helpless in his heart. All of these people were from secretaries he personally trained. Li Fushou's identity is also master, father and master. Including the former Minister of Foreign Affairs and the current Minister of Finance Tang Zhaoyi is no exception, and their reliance on him is almost natural and unreserved.

   "The current major policies remain unchanged, and whether to change course in the future depends on the evolution of the international situation. Let's discuss it with this major premise." Li Fushou said.

   He is talking about the third possibility besides participating in the war and not participating in the war, which adds more uncertainty to policy-making and leaves more room for action.

   Marshal Li Shuanzhu heard the words and bowed his hands respectfully, and replied respectfully;

   "The sage's decree, Wei Chen understands.

  What the leaders of Britain and France said, without considering the current participation in the war, what the French Prime Minister Georges Clemenceau said about sharing the colonies of the Indochina Peninsula, is not in the cabinet's consideration.

Indochina Peninsula French Governor's Office, Vietnam, Thailand, British Strait Governor's Office and other places are all close neighbors of our empire. After Sumatra Island was included in the empire's pocket, it was separated from the above countries by a narrow Strait of Malacca. That's it.

   It can be said that chickens and dogs know each other, and they are close at hand.

   Regarding matters related to entering the Indo-China Peninsula, there are many discussions among the people, and the military admits that there are also relevant military plans, but this is only to deal with contingencies, not the strategic direction of imperial expansion.

  As a soldier, Shuanzhu did not dare to influence national policy with the needs of the military, and he did not make a fuss about it.

  The King of Yue and Shuan Zhu are old acquaintances, and they had a friendship to defend against the French army together.

   In private secret letters, he made no secret of his ambitions for French Laos and Cambodia, hoping to one day dominate the Indo-China Peninsula and establish a great power.

   It is rude to say that this person is ambitious and sparse, far from the pattern of the master, and his ability cannot support such enthusiasm.

  Yu also pointed out this point directly in his reply. The King of Yue has ruled the country for more than 20 years, and the empire has given a lot of gifts. Up to now, Yue State is only a preliminary industrial country with agriculture as its mainstay, and its economy is not good enough. The development of people's livelihood is far inferior to that of Fusang State. The integration of ethnic groups is neither thorough nor practical, and even the implementation of the national language is not effective.

  The domestic bureaucratic comprador is rampant, and the upper class nobles are more popular with a luxury style, all of which are inseparable from the King of Yue himself.

   The current strength of the country of Yue is more than self-preservation and insufficient expansion.

   So I told the King of Yue bluntly in my reply, and persuaded him to put out this undeserved thought as soon as possible.

  Although the French were beaten up by the Germans, it was not something that the little King of Yue could remember.

   Regarding the British lease of ships, the Army is optimistic about the success and declined to comment.

   Regarding the Allied countries’ desire to supply a large amount of existing military equipment, in addition to the newly equipped tanks, self-propelled artillery and aircraft, we can cooperate without affecting the combat effectiveness of the main force.

   Reserve ammunition and backward weapons can be given more, and standard equipment can be given less.

  Reporting to the sage, Wei Chen’s words are finished. "

   Marshal Li Shuanzhu saluted again, and Li Fushou nodded lightly, indicating that he could sit back and listen to other people's opinions.

   (end of this chapter)

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