Australian Storm 1876

Chapter 102: New-type ocean-going ship with 10,000 tons

  Chapter 102 New-type Ocean-going Vessel

  The next morning

A group of people from the Gu Mansion and the Li clan gathered to see Li Fushou and Gu Liuyan off to Europa. The 31 students recommended by Gu Yanchuan and five confidantes, together with their families, totaling nearly 50 people, they will ride. The clippers headed to the Shanghai Sea, and then set sail from the Shanghai Sea.

  It's the parting season

  Cold spring, a bleak scene

   even more melancholy, Gu Liuyan really cried into tears, drew Madam Gu and the female family to tears, shedding tears of sympathy that cannot be separated.

   "Yuan Ding, this is a long journey to the West. You must take care of your body. If you want to take care of Yan'er for me, I will leave it to you." Gu Yanchuan warned.

  "Master Yue Zhang, please rest assured, Yuanding will save it."

   "That's good, I wish you all a smooth sailing and get ready to go on the road." Gu Yanchuan frowned and looked at the next female family members. Seeing that they were still sobbing reluctantly, it was very sad and sentimental in this early spring.

Tears flickered faintly in the old Gu Yanchuan's eyes, then he turned his head quickly and asked quietly; "This morning, the right chief envoy sent someone to report the funeral. Lord Luo Min suffered from a serious illness and was harmed by the doctor. It is already unfortunate. Therefore, Luo Min's mansion informed Taiwan Master Gusu Mansion that the whole city was arresting the murderer. It is said that this doctor and his family ran cleanly. Isn't this related to you?"

   "Yes, Luo Min is a narrow-minded person, and coupled with his vicious nature, I must report it. I don't worry about leaving this poisonous snake, so I removed it easily." Li Fushou's performance was calm and calm, and there was no need to hide it from Master Yue.

   As expected.

  Gu Yanchuan nodded silently, with mixed feelings and mixed feelings in his heart, and he had another layer of understanding of the new uncle he had personally set up, and asked in a quiet voice;

  "Can the tail of the hand be clean?"

   "I have been rafting the Shanghai sea last night, and I will take the nearest steamer to Australia, and I will not return in the future."

   "That's good, that's good..."

  Gu Yanchuan was so relieved that Li Fushou was from a hard-wired Western background, and he was not afraid of Luo Min's revenge.

  He did this to eliminate hidden dangers for the Gu family.

from now on

  Before vainly attempting to infiltrate the Gu Mansion, everyone must carefully consider whether they can afford to offend the foreigner's son-in-law. The foreigner's revenge comes quickly, fiercely and unscrupulously.

  Slightly greeting

Seeing that Gu Liuyan was still sorrowful and distressed, Li Fushou could only force his wife to get into the carriage, waved to bid farewell to relatives and friends who were seeing off, this little Nizi leaned against the carriage window crying really heartbreaking Split lung makes people cry.

  With the sound of rumbling horses' hoofs away, what is taken away are the reluctant misses and concerns of relatives, as well as the full of anticipation.

  Only Gu Zhiwen, the two Gu Zhixue brothers clapped their hands excitedly and breathed a long sigh of relief while touching their chests.

  I feel as if I have gone to a mountain. I feel better without stress, my breathing is refreshed, and the air is sweeter. This new uncle puts too much pressure on the brothers.

  It’s seems too early to be happy.

  The two princes turned their heads and saw Gu Yanchuan staring at him with black head and black face, and bursts of bitterness in their hearts...

  New uncle, we also want to go to Europa.


The ship "Taishan" sounded a long whistle, and slowly left the Huangpu River wharf and slipped into the river. Thick black smoke came out from the chimney, and the steam engine drove the propeller to stir the waves and roll, leaving a long white sail behind the huge hull. Trace, the goal is directed to the east.

  After exiting Wusong Pass, Taishan will sail south along the coastline, passing through Hong Kong and then turning to the southwest.

  All the way straight to Calcutta, India, where we will replenish vegetable supplies, burn coal and fresh water, and continue to the distant deep blue.

  The cabin is covered with thick carpets, warm and warm.

  This is a separate study room, which is also used for small-scale discussions. The golden sunlight shines in from the porthole, and the air is filled with a faint scent of sandalwood.

  Li Fushou was reviewing the urgent items sent by the telegraph room. The bright light shone on his face, emitting a moving halo.

  He is holding an application report message;

  The 12,000-ton ocean-going bulk cargo ship designed by a British ship designer with a lot of money has been revised after several drafts and reviewed by experts from the Royal Shipping Council of the British Empire. It is finally finalized.

  The application is made in the telegram that four ships will be built at the Red Mountain Shipbuilding Plant in Australia at the same time. The construction cost is estimated at 248,000 pounds, or 62,000 pounds per ship.

  At first glance, the cost seems to be a bit more expensive.

  The 5,000-ton freighter ordered by the 19th Century United Shipping Company in Oakland, North America, is priced at 22,500 pounds and has been in good quality so far.

  At the beginning of the production of the Hongshan Shipbuilding Plant, the 3,000-ton ocean freighter was built. A large number of experienced ship mechanics from North America took apprentices. The new ship was built in less than three months, and the quality passed the acceptance smoothly.


  Hongshan Shipbuilding Factory mainly produces 5,000-ton mastless cargo ships. The production capacity and technical level have been greatly improved. Up to twelve 5,000-ton ocean freighters can be built every year, and the cost is reduced to 17,600 pounds.

  This profit level can ensure the healthy and smooth development of the shipbuilding plant, providing up to 3,400 jobs, and establishing a complete steel riveting training system and logistics facilities to meet the needs of the majority of employees.

The 5000-ton mastless cargo ship is more overloaded, and the two ships can almost be worth a new 12,000-ton ship. The construction technology is mature, and the cost is only 36,200 pounds, which seems to be much cheaper than 62,000 pounds. Cost-effective.

  Actually, accounts cannot be calculated like this.

  First of all, the 12,000-ton new 10,000-ton cargo ship represents the latest development of the ocean shipping industry in the current era. It embodies the most advanced shipbuilding technology in the UK and the world today. The design of technical drawings alone cost nearly 5,200 pounds.

What does   5200 GBP mean?

In the most prosperous West End of London, you can buy two 5-bedroom luxury apartments with bathrooms, and you can buy a manor with an area of ​​no more than 40 acres outside London. It is the kind of luxury manor with classical sculptures, with private gardens and stables. of.

   Such a large-scale project, which is not available to any ocean-going shipping company, represents the latest technological progress.

  Secondly, the thickness of the steel plates used by the 5000-ton freighter and the 12,000-ton freighter are completely different, and the cost is also very different.

In order to roll the thick steel plate used by the 10,000-ton freighter, Hongshan Iron and Steel Plant must import the latest thick plate rolling production line from the United Kingdom. This is a thick steel plate production line used in battleship class. Each set is worth up to 185,000 pounds. .

The most important part of the entire thick plate rolling production line is the 100,000-kN steam free forging hydraulic press produced by the British Portsmouth Naval Shipyard. This is the most advanced forging equipment in the world today. It replaces the super large steam forging hammer. Great improvement.

  The thick steel plate produced by the 100,000-kN steam free forging hydraulic press has physical properties and yield strength far exceeding the ordinary thick steel plate, and it is the best steel plate for the construction of huge ships of more than 10,000 tons.

  In order to cope with the increasing demand for steel, Hongshan Iron and Steel Plant will import a second set of steel smelting equipment. It is estimated that by the beginning of 1880, that is, one year later, the production capacity will be increased to 200,000 tons/year.

  These costs must all be converted into the price of steel plate, which also leads to the high price of thick steel plate for 10,000-ton freighters, which is much higher than that of medium-thickness steel plate.

  If the large-scale production of 10,000-ton ocean-going freighters in the future, the cost in this area will be drastically reduced, and the benefits are self-evident.

  Battleships produced with thick steel plates can withstand the ravages of the Atlantic wind and waves, and sail all the way to the ocean, with stronger wave resistance and rigidity, and can meet the safety requirements of warships under extreme sea conditions.

  Battleships need to attach thousands of tons of carburized steel armor belts on both sides of the hull, and only special thick steel plates can withstand high-strength riveting without deformation, meeting the combat needs of battleships, and running across the seven seas under the control of the Royal Navy.

  In the construction of an ocean freighter, 80% of the cost is steel plates. Taking a new 10,000-ton ocean freighter as an example, nearly 7,000 tons of various types of steel plates are needed to build one.

  Calculated at US$24 per ton of ordinary steel plate in North America, it is worth almost four pounds and 15 shillings per ton. The price of special thick steel plate is higher, which accounts for the vast majority of the cost.

  In addition, there are shipyard labor, profit, and the latest reciprocating marine steam engines, which can greatly reduce coal consumption and further reduce costs.

  Thanks to the convenience of the colony of the British Empire in Australia, the most advanced technology and concepts can be introduced unimpededly, and development can stand on the shoulders of giants.

  The new 12,000-ton ocean-going freighter embodies the rich design experience of the British shipbuilding industry, choosing the best hull line type and the best power mix.

   Coal consumption has been reduced from 106 tons per day to 59 tons per day, with an average speed of 8.5 knots, which is 15% higher than the previous model, making it more suitable for long-distance ocean navigation.

The entire new-type 10,000-ton ship uses 46 crew members. Compared with the 5000-ton ocean-going freighter, only 9 people are added. The daily coal consumption is slightly increased by two tons, while the carrying capacity is increased by 1.4 times, and the long-term operating cost is greatly reduced. The company is the best choice.

  According to the calculation of the voyage to Europe, three voyages can be transported each year, and the cost of each voyage is up to 11,000 pounds, and the net income will be doubled.

  All investment costs can be recovered in just one year, and the rest is net profit. This is the huge profits of transoceanic transportation in the world today.

  Li Fushou reviewed the telegram with satisfaction, and commented on it with a swipe of a pen;

  Approved to build 4 ships.

  This note;

  This is a major opportunity for development. Hongshan Shipyard immediately organized a capable force to thoroughly understand the new ship production technology, research new technology and new technology, and promote it as a key product to the world shipbuilding market, and win respect with its strength.

   put down the pen

  Li Fushou walked out of the study room, full of ambition.

The ocean shipping industry is related to the long-term strategic development of the Red River Valley and has an important pillar position. It can not only bring a steady stream of immigrants, deepen the foundation and strength of the Red River Valley, but also cultivate a large number of sailors who can fight the wind and waves. This is to form a strong team. The foundation of the Steam Armored Fleet.

Not only that, the ocean shipping industry consumes a large amount of steel production capacity and brings many heavy industry job opportunities, from iron ore, coal mines, steel plants to profile plants, wire rod plants, foundries to the steel processing industry, steam engine industry and other industries. A lot of taxes and profits.

  The offshore fishing industry developed in the plan is also based on this.

A thousand miles begins with a single step.

  The seeds sown today will take root and sprout in the fertile soil, and will grow up vigorously, and will develop into a towering tree that shades the sun in the future.

  (End of this chapter)

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