The test was conducted in a hurry.

"Yeah." Lu Zhe nodded and looked at the test machine in front of him curiously. He didn't expect that Blue Star had already set standards for the spiritual power in the body of practitioners.

After the test, Lin Feifei took Lu Zhe to another room, where a middle-aged man was sitting. The man was staring at the computer screen and tapping the keyboard.

Hearing someone coming in, he looked up and found that it was Lin Feifei and said:

"Is there another newcomer?"

"If you need anything, please trouble Mr. Lu!" Lin Feifei smiled.

"Fill in the information." Lu Qi took a form and put it in front of Lu Zhe.

Lu Zhe took a look and needed to fill in basic information such as name and address.

After filling it out, Lu Qi took it without looking at it, and continued to ask:

"How did you get started practicing? Do you have a teacher?"

Lu Zhe had thought about these questions before he came, and he answered calmly: "When I went back to the countryside last year, I picked up a package with exercises and several herbs in it. With the help of the herbs, I was lucky to practice to the first level."

The answer was made up by Lu Zhe, but the experience was real.

In August last year, he returned to the former orphanage to visit the old director. The orphanage is in a small town, close to the mountains, and is located in a remote area.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is in the countryside.

The whereabouts can be verified.

Hearing Lu Zhe's answer, Lu Qi's eyes flashed with contempt. He has been in this position for more than ten years, and he doesn't know how many such reasons he has heard.

Shaking his head, Lu Qi recorded every word into the computer. No matter how false the reason was, it was none of his business. Someone would naturally verify it later.

After a while, Lu Qi took out a card from the drawer and dropped it close to the instrument.

"Here is your ID card. If you lose it, you need 10 contribution points to reissue it."

After finishing his work, he waved and let the two go out, without any attitude of serving the people.

Returning to the front desk of Lin Feifei's work, seeing Lu Zhe still staring at the ID card, Lin Feifei laughed:

"This is a supernormal ID card. Supernormal people have two ID cards. With this ID card, you can take the high-speed rail and plane for free, and you don't need to pay for tickets to visit the park."

Lu Zhe was surprised when he heard this. Is this a small benefit given to supernormal people by the higher-ups?

"What level of strength has Miss Lin reached?"

Lu Zhe's personal file still needs to be transferred. Lin Feifei and the others are busy, but it will probably take some time.

While waiting, Lu Zhe asked casually.

Lin Feifei was typing on the keyboard. After hearing Lu Zhe's words, her face darkened.

"I haven't entered the rank yet."

Blue Star is not the sky. There is a shortage of cultivation resources. If you want to make progress in cultivation, resources and talent are indispensable.

She was selected by the Extraordinary Bureau and given a training method after she was found to have a good talent for cultivation during a blood test.

Her family had no background, and all her cultivation depended on the spiritual water distributed by the Extraordinary Bureau every year. However, these resources were insignificant for cultivation, and she had not yet reached the first level.

The Extraordinary Bureau only trained for ten years, and those who had not cultivated to the first level in ten years either gave up cultivation or worked in the Extraordinary Bureau to earn contribution points to exchange for cultivation resources.

Hearing this, Lu Zhe did not speak.

Ten minutes later, Lin Feifei finally solved Lu Zhe's file problem and handed a document to Lu Zhe:

"Mr. Lu, here are some of your file materials."

"Um... can you add a penguin?"

When Lu Zhe took the document and was about to leave, Lin Feifei finally plucked up the courage to speak.


Watching Lu Zhe leave, the colleague said to Lin Feifei: "Fei Fei, are you ready to add his contact information?"

The colleague with glasses hesitated to speak. She knew that front desk staff like them could not earn much contribution points. If they wanted to see the hope of the extraordinary path, it was a good way to curry favor with the newcomers who came to register.

Lin Feifei shook her head,

"After all, he is an extraordinary person who has entered the level. Even if he is at the first level, he is worth making friends with. Besides, he is very young..."

Youth means an unlimited future.

It was already afternoon when Lu Zhe returned to the villa.

He took out the things in the file bag in his hand. In addition to some information, there was also a square hard paper with a website and an account on it.

Enter the website address on the computer, and the page jumps to a secret site,

[Extraordinary Forum]

Lu Zhe's eyes lit up and he quickly logged in.

After entering, he found that it was a place similar to an online forum.


His ID is named Qi and Blood Emperor.

The forum homepage has the latest hot news,

"The Ugly Country's supernatural medicine has made another breakthrough, and the defects may be reduced"

"Supernatural riots occurred in the country of Asan, and the governor was assassinated by a supernatural"

"The third-level supernatural boss Eve opened a store"

"The supernatural war between the country of Malaysia and the country of Mexico is intensifying"

"The fourth-level supernatural is suspected to appear in the country of Xiong"



Lu Zhe randomly clicked in and browsed some of them, which recorded the recent major and minor events in the global supernatural field.

The most of them were speculations about the supernatural strength of various countries. Lu Zhe also saw news about Cynthia in a small corner,

"A certain research institute stole the skills of the Xia country and was uprooted"

All kinds of news, Lu Zhe read for more than an hour, and he didn't feel bored at all. Instead, he tried to understand the development of cultivation on Blue Star from them.

"What is this?" In a new pop-up message, Lu Zhe found that there was actually a video attached.

The video showed the battle process of two supernaturals.

General Yaqilin: Yoshi, it's actually a battle between Yamada-kun and the Xia people!

I love to eat kimchi: Your little eight beard lost again

Mechanical Knight: This kind of battle is not good, our ugly country's latest psychic gun is better than you!

Walker Wu Song: Cut, Sun Bie from the ugly country, stop bragging, your broken gun has been misfired several times, and you are still bragging!

I love to drink Henghe water: Or our Asan country's extraordinary people are powerful!

Walker Wu Song: It's really powerful...

General Yaqilin: Asan country's extraordinary people were killed by their own missiles last month.

I love to eat kimchi: Your name is really beautiful, I want to shit in Henghe.


Looking at the floor messages that popped up one by one, Lu Zhe's head had a few black lines on his head,

It is worthy of being a forum connecting the world, with all kinds of monsters and demons.

While he was in a daze, the floor had jumped to more than 30 floors. Lu Zhe clicked on the video posted by the host. It was a battle between two second-level extraordinary people.

Both used cold weapons.

During the battle, both sides used many powerful moves. Lu Zhe could not tell whether they were immortal methods or martial arts.

It looked more like a mixture of the immortal cultivation system and the martial arts system.

After watching the video with a frown, Lu Zhe switched to the Xia country area.

It was full of extraordinary people in Xia country, which could be called the intranet.

Compared to the global channel, the Xia country area was very peaceful, and no major events occurred. It was basically transaction information.

This was related to Xia country's strict management of extraordinary people.

There was an account of the Extraordinary Bureau. Most of the trading parties would choose to pay a sum of resources to let the Extraordinary Bureau guarantee it. The Extraordinary Bureau would check the trading items of both parties and deliver them by express.

There was no need to worry about exposing their identities or being spied on.

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