Xiong Biwen brought the basketball team to the gymnasium. This is where the sports students specially train. The basketball field outside the playground is reserved for other classes.

Qin Kai, the physical education teacher, was already waiting for them in the field. Seeing that everyone was coming, and this woman was following behind, he couldn't help frowning.

Why did they bring a woman to the training of their basketball team? ?

What's going on? Qin Kai pointed at Lin Jian in the distance, and looked at Xiong Biwen.

Xiong Biwen smiled and was about to speak when he saw Lin Qiang wipe the dust off the stool for Lin Jian, then unscrewed a bottle of drink and handed it to him, then lowered his head and said something concerned, Qin Kai raised his eyebrows on the spot Angrily said: If you don't want to train, get out!

What's going on, last year I lost to ordinary people who were not sports students, and this year I even brought my girlfriend to train, what ah! !

Lin Qiang was stunned for a moment, but Lin Jian waved his hand calmly: Go, don't worry about me.

Well, if you are hungry, little aunt, I have something to eat in my bag, which Uncle Zhong packed.

Okay, let's go.

Lin Jian waved his hand, and Lin Qiang turned around and stood in the line as expected.

Qin Kai gave Lin Qiang a hard look, then turned around and asked Xiong Biwen, Is Xiao Shan's leg still not healed?

Xiaoshan is the one who had a car accident during the summer vacation. His name is Quan Xiaoshan. He has played basketball since elementary school and is Qin Kai's proud student.

No, the steel nails haven't been removed yet.

Qin Kai became more and more depressed. It was so easy to produce a good seedling, but how could there be a car accident, really.

What's this for? Qin Kai pointed his chin at Lin Qiang. The handsome guy at 179 doesn't look very tall among a group of basketball players whose average height is over 185, but he is eye-catching. Bringing his girlfriend here made Qin Kai even more displeased.

Coach, this is for Xiao Shan.

Him? Qin Kai snorted and turned to ask Lin Qiang, How tall are you?

178?? 179?? He wasn't sure either, he had been growing up recently.

Hmph! Qin Kai sneered, he didn't even know how tall he was? ?

Jump one, I'll see if I jump one! Qin Kai looked impatient.

Lin Qiang was a little puzzled by Monk Zhang Er, but he still jumped, but he didn't use much force, he just flipped casually, not ten centimeters off the ground.

Heh! Qin Kai was happy again, jumping so low? ? What kind of rubbish students are these? Even if Quan Xiaoshan couldn't come, he couldn't just come in and play the game alone? ?

Change someone!

Xiong Biwen looked tangled: There is no coach, so we can't ask the shot putter to come and practice basketball with us, right? Then push people.

The physical education class has all kinds of sports, long and short running is the most, although there are many ball games, but basketball, football, softball, shot put...there are so many balls, even a class with so few people can't divide them.

I can't find anyone.

Qin Kai also looked helpless, and finally could only look at Lin Qiang: Okay, you guys play a game first, and I'll see how good you are.

Adding six coaches, exactly three-on-three, Xiong Biwen led Lin Qiang to the first team, and Qin Kai was naturally on the other team.

At the beginning of the game, Xiong Biwen always gave the ball to Lin Qiang, mainly to let him perform more. Lin Qiang has trained for so many days, and his basic skills are already solid, so he played quite smoothly. The ball went steadily forward.

No! Qin Kai interrupted the game directly: You, Lin Qiang, you can't play like this. Do you know what fast break is?? Do you know what tactics are?? You need to cooperate more with others. You can do it yourself. Do you play the whole game??

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