“Lord Yas, the front is the Torrant Sea!”

Dorsia looked at the record pointer in his hand and said.

Above the wide sea, islands have finally appeared.

And the sea area in front of you has changed significantly.

The most significant is the seawater.

A dividing line is clearly visible.

On this side of the dividing line is ordinary seawater.

And over there, there is a special sea area made of various drinks.

If you don’t follow the chart, once you go inside, you will encounter a terrible disaster.

“It’s amazing, this world.”

Yas sighed.

It’s really a strange thing.

Dorasia strictly compared the sea area, and the huge island ship finally managed to successfully enter the sea area along the sea route on the chart.

Around the island ship, there are all kinds of deep-sea whirlpools and deep-sea undercurrents.

To test the dangers of the sea, Yas called Captain John.

“Put a boat over there and take a look.”

Yas pointed in the direction to the left hand side of the ship.

Captain John nodded, this mysterious sea had a huge attraction for someone as curious as him.

He called his men and ordered:

“Let the pirates caught this time try the depth.”

Yas, they sailed on this sea for more than four months.

It is certainly impossible not to encounter any attacks during this period.

Some are simple dulls, seeing such a large island ship and wanting to take it for themselves.

Some recognized Yas’s identity and wanted to personally defeat such a sea thief with a reward of 500 million Bailey and ascend to the sky in one step.

Anyway, these people ended up with the same end, that is, they were sent to the death row built by the island ship.

And now is when they come in handy.

Soon, a dozen death row inmates were sailing on the ship prepared for them by Captain John.

They drove without looking back.

Not caring about the dangers that may arise in front of you.

Because Captain John said that if they dared to come back, it would be a dead end.

Anyway, it’s all dead, and it’s possible to survive if you fight forward.

If you survive, you can also take the opportunity to escape the control of this terrorist pirate group.

When they thought of Yas’s appearance at that time, they couldn’t help but tremble until now.

It’s horrible.

That’s when they also learned why Yas was given such a high bounty.

Of course, if the Navy Headquarters knew that Yas easily solved the Greatsword Pirates, this bounty would probably rise a lot.

All eyes on deck followed the boat.

They were curious about what would happen next.

Suddenly, the boat began to rock.

The pirates on the ship looked terrified.

Then a huge whirlpool suddenly appeared in that sea.

The boat that Yas provided them was swallowed up by the whirlpool without the slightest power to fight back, crushing into countless wood chips.

Just crisp and neat!

“A whirlpool of this size, I’m afraid even the largest warship in the navy can’t escape.”

Captain John made such a judgment.

Yas nodded in satisfaction.

The inability of naval warships to pass through this area meant that the Navy could not launch a large-scale attack on the Totland Sea.

At most, it is to send some elites to conduct infiltration operations.

Just like the Straw Hat Pirates in the original book….

“It’s horrible.”

“I don’t know how this chart was made.”

Lilian suddenly sighed.

In addition to dealing with her own enemies, Lillian is quite kind to everyone else.

That’s why I say something like that.

Hearing these words, Vana and Dorsia were also silent.

After all, charts were explored by their ancestors.

If you want to find a way out of such a dangerous sea, you obviously need to fill in an unknown number of lives….

With some sadness, Yas and they finally arrived on the first island.


It is an island made up of countless ice creams.

Just looking at it is very mouth-watering.

Yasi looked left and right, but did not find Yiji’s figure.

According to normal circumstances, the most excited person now should be Ichihime.

Yas frowned.

But soon Ichihime ran out of the castle.

“Dad! Father! ”

“Mom, she has a fever!”

Xiao Yiji said anxiously.

She is now a year old and looks quirky.

Only now his face is full of anxiety.


Yas frowned.

With Lingling’s physical fitness, how could she have a fever?

Unless it’s…

A very bad thought suddenly appeared in Yas’s mind.

He rushed to the ward almost immediately.

A team of doctors headed by Traufar Gabeti is diagnosing Lingling’s condition.

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