North Sea, Kingdom of Frevans.

It is known as a white town and paradise on earth.

From a distance, it looks like a snowy snow, and it is as beautiful as a fairy tale.

The most attractive thing here is not this beautiful view.

It’s business opportunities everywhere!

The discovery of platinum-lead ore more than a decade ago has transformed Frevans from a small country on the fringes to an important raw material country around the world.

And the world’s merchants are like sharks smelling blood in the sea, swarming here.

Make this a new mecca!

No way, who makes the function of platinum lead is too powerful.

From people’s livelihood to industry, no industry can leave it.

Its existence has made the citizens of Frevans one of the richest citizens in the entire world!

People rejoice in this gift from heaven.

As everyone knows, these gifts have been secretly marked with a price.

Today, as always, there are still long queues outside the harbor of Frevans.

It was not easy for caravans to enter the port to buy ore.

You need to apply, register, and give enough benefits to the coast guard in charge of the review before they let you in.

Even so, there is still a lot of traffic outside the port of Frevans.

“Let me go first, this is 500,000 Baileys, all for you!”

Ships, you fight for me.

Not all merchants here, there are also pirates disguised as merchants.

In short, fish and dragons are mixed.

Only those who have the strength can get out of here.

As for those who don’t have enough strength and want to try their luck? The grave grass should be several meters tall by now.

In a noisy environment, a businessman suddenly looked down at the sea level.

At first a black spot.

Then the black dot gets bigger and bigger, and finally it becomes like a huge island!

“It’s a sea king!”

The alarm was finally sounded.

These merchants and pirates who licked blood with knife tips all had terrified expressions on their faces at this time.

“Why are the sea kings here?”

“Aren’t they only in the Sea of Death?”

They asked in a panic.

After all, the most powerful sea creatures in the North Sea are sea beasts similar to the King of the Near Sea.

Giant sea kings like this are the ones they may never touch in their lifetime.

As a result, it actually appeared in front of their eyes now.

“You see, the body of the sea king is an island…”

“No, it’s a ship, it’s an island ship!”

“I’ve heard people say that someone in the legendary Great Passage was able to build ships the size of an island, but I didn’t expect it to be true!”

The appearance of Yas and the others was instantly watched by everyone.

Even Frevans’ Coast Guard was stunned.

Because they had never seen such a huge creature as Pony.

For a while, I was caught in the choice of blocking or not blocking.

After all, if you block it, you are likely to lose your life.

No way, this goal is too big.

Even the waves generated by Pony’s inadvertent activities were almost able to overturn the surrounding ships.

When Lilian saw her hometown, she couldn’t help but feel sad again.

And Charlotte Lingling felt the breath of these people below, and yawned a little lazily.

“Yas, these people are so weak.”

That’s right, it’s weak.

Lingling grew up in the Giant Clan.

Every citizen there is great power.

Later, in the New World, he also experienced numerous battles, although he was never defeated.

But that’s not her opponent too dish.

It’s that Lingling is too powerful!

Any one of her opponents may be able to dominate the four seas.

“You can raise the fetus with peace of mind, this kind of small scene does not need your hand.”

Yas spoke.

After all, Lingling is now seven months old, and he wants to try to avoid Lingling’s fighting.

“Got it.”

Lingling said strangely.

Although the entire people of Frevans are probably not her opponents.

But she just loved the feeling of being cared for by Yas.

Yas looked at Lillian again.

“Come with me.”

Lilian was stunned for a moment, and then the Qianqianyu hand was picked up by Yas.

The two stood together on top of Little Pony’s head.

As soon as the two appeared, they immediately attracted everyone’s attention.

“Look, someone is out.”

“What kind of person is this guy, who can actually stand on top of the sea kings.”

“It’s too exaggerated, could it be that this sea king class is his mount?”

They marveled and gave an answer that came closest to reality.

At the port, a minister looked at the two men on Pony’s head with a telescope.

A burly outrageous.

This height must be about ten meters.

And the other has fair skin, pure appearance, and a mournful expression that makes people feel pity.

But soon he realized something was wrong.

Isn’t this Her Royal Highness the princess who was sold as a slave by them?!

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