Attack the myths of the heavens and create the Taoist Tibetan wilderness!

Chapter 99: The conspiracy of the God of Trickery, the authority of the God King, the sea god Njord,

"Now that Odin has fallen into a deep sleep, if we fall into civil strife at this time, who will protect Asgard?"

Frigga sat on the far right under the throne, with boundless divine power lingering in her beautiful eyes, and said slowly: "Everyone here, you are the most powerful gods in Asgard. You possess terrifying power and can be easily destroyed. A galaxy, destroying the peace of a kingdom!"

"Now, I'm calling you here, not to see your quarrel, but to get a solution!"

"While Odin falls into a deep sleep and has not yet woken up, there must be no unrest in the Nine Realms. We must continue the peace created by Odin!"

The words fell!

The gods in the palace hall looked at each other in confusion and kept discussing.

But no one is willing to stand up and take on this huge responsibility.

After all, although they are extremely powerful beings among the gods, and some even have the power to easily destroy a galaxy, there is only one Odin.

If you want to replace Odin and protect the peace of the entire nine seems that only one person can do it.

For a moment, the eyes of the gods turned to the left side of Odin's throne, where a tall and handsome male god sat with his arms folded across his chest and his eyes closed.

Judging from where he was sitting... his status among Asgard should be at least as good as that of Frigga, the queen.

Moreover, when the gods thought of replacing Odin, he was the first one they looked at, which is enough to prove his strength.

In fact, he is not a god from Asgard, or even a god from the Aesir clan, but from the Vanir clan.

In Norse mythology, there are two major tribes of gods, just like Celtic mythology.

However, the two major clans of gods in Norse mythology are much more powerful than the Danu clan and the Fermor clan in Celtic mythology.

"Niord, while Odin is sleeping, can you please temporarily hold eternal power and protect the peace of the nine realms?"

When Frigga saw the eyes of the gods, she also looked at them, and said slowly: "Don't worry, I proposed this matter, and the gods agreed. When Odin wakes up, they won't blame you."

The words fell!

The god known as Niord opened his eyes, glanced at the gods, shook his head and said: "Queen, the authority of the God King is not something so casual. Once you give it to me today, how dare you Guarantee, I will return it in the future?”

Niord, the god of the Vanir clan, is also the god of summer and sea in Norse mythology!

He has many responsibilities, including controlling summer, oceans, storms, fisheries, and wealth. He is also regarded as the patron saint of navigation.

In the myth, when Niord is angry, he will wave the iron oar in his hand, which can not only easily set off huge waves, but also cause storms and tsunamis, destroying the entire world.

And when he is happy, the world will become peaceful.

For this reason, he has extremely high worship belief in the hearts of the Vikings in Midgard.

As the Poseidon of the Warner Protoss, the reason why Niord appears in Asgard and has a status that is not inferior to Frigga can be traced back to the conflict that broke out between the two protoss a long time ago. war.

Since the beginning of chaos in the world, the first large-scale and tragic battle of the gods broke out.

The warriors of the two gods fought each other on the battlefield, and the spearheads of the gods were stained with the blood of their enemies.

But because the two sides were evenly matched in the end, the war lasted for countless years, and both protoss suffered huge sacrifices.

Finally, all the gods were tired of this protracted war and the senseless fighting among the gods.

As a result, peace talks began between the gods.

In order to maintain the peace between the two major gods for a long time and prevent the war from igniting again in the world of gods, the gods finally decided that both sides would send hostages to each other.

The Aesir sent to Vanaheim were Heinir and the wise giant Mimir, while the Vanir sent to Asgard Njord and his twin children, Frey and Freya.

This is why Niord appears in Asgard, and his status is not inferior to Frigga, the queen.

"Don't worry, we always believe in Odin!"

After hearing Niord's worries, Frigga said directly: "The most important thing is that the two major gods finally calmed down the war. I believe that Niord will not challenge you again because of this incident." A war started between the two great clans of gods.”

Hearing this, Niord narrowed his eyes slightly and nodded silently: "This is natural."

When Frigga saw this, she couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at the gods: "Then, Asgard and the Nine Realms will be temporarily handed over to Niord for protection. You can find everything. Niord!”

In the palace hall, the gods stood up one after another and responded: "Obey the eternal decree!"

Niord looked at this scene and stood up slowly, nodding to pay respect to the gods.

Only Thor, who was standing aside, looked unwilling, and finally left the palace hall with Mjolnir in his hand.

At the same time, Loki, who was not far away, had a panoramic view of everything, and a strange color flashed in his strange eyes.

Then, he disappeared from the palace hall.

Asgard is the core place of the gods and the holy land of the gods. It is responsible for protecting the peace of the nine realms.

Therefore, when any unrest occurs in the Nine Realms, the gods of Asgard will immediately go out, either to mediate the war or to start the war.

There are only two possible results.

As the youngest god, Thor also possesses the power that the gods dare not underestimate. He holds the Thor's hammer, which is famous in the entire Norse mythology. He is the most powerful god warrior in the entire Asgard.

There is a record that is enough to prove Thor's strength. Since Thor began to conquer the Nine Realms, the number of giants who died in his hands has exceeded three digits.

This is a number that no god in Asgard has been able to reach, except for the god king Odin.

"Why is it Njord... Damn it!"

Thor holds the Thor's hammer, and the red cloak rises behind him, as if reflecting Thor's state of mind at the moment.

With dissatisfaction on his face, he stood in front of the attic, looking at the prosperous Asgard, and muttered: "Why can't I protect Asgard..."

"Because you are not Frigga's biological son!"

A calm voice suddenly sounded behind Thor, which woke him up immediately. He suddenly clenched the hammer in his hand, and his eyes were filled with terrifying thunder!


Above the sky of Asgard, the thunderstorm roared, moving without clouds!

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