Attack the myths of the heavens and create the Taoist Tibetan wilderness!

Chapter 97 The origin of the nine realms, the master of Norse mythology is the giant, the ancestor Y

In the distant legend of Norse mythology, there is a poem sung by a bard.

At the beginning of the world, the giant Ymir was born. There was no sand or ocean between heaven and earth.

The earth did not exist, there were no creatures, and the sky was only dark chaos.

A chasm spanning billions of miles, like a natural moat, was located in the depths of chaos.

But then, Borg's son made the earth rise,

and since then, the glorious Midgard was created.

The above poem story comes from an unknown female wizard who is proficient in divination.

Norse mythology has a great uniqueness from other myths.

That is, in the earliest records of Norse mythology, the first creature born was not a god... but a giant.

His name is Ymir, and he is the ancestor of all creatures in Norse mythology, so some people call him the ancestor giant.

Like other myths in the universe, Norse mythology believes that before the birth of the world, no life existed, no sky or earth, no flowers, trees, no birds or beasts, only endless emptiness and chaos.

And in this chaos, there is an abyss called the 'Kinlunga Gap'.

In the abyss, there are no creatures, no life, and no death.

But it is a pure land in the chaos, with boundaries. Before the birth of the world and all things, there was a vast area called 'Niflheim' in the far north.

This is a land of cold and darkness, a world of ice and snow.

When the world began to move and gradually came into being, Niflheim began to breed water called the source of all things.

Also in the Jinlunga Gap, to its south, there is an area called 'Muspelheim'. In contrast to the extremely cold Niflheim in the north, Muspelheim is an extremely hot place.

It breeds flames, and also symbolizes the original place where flames are born, the end of all flames.

After an unknown number of years, the water from Niflheim in the extreme cold of the north gradually began to blend with the fire of Muspelheim in the south.

Thus, water became flesh, and the blazing flames gave life, and the huge original giant Ymir was born.

After her birth, Ymir felt hungry, and while looking for food everywhere, she found the cow Odumbra, who was also born in the blending of fire and water.

The huge cow flowed four streams of milk under her body, forming four endless white rivers.

So, Ymir fed on Odumbra's milk and gradually became bigger and stronger.

Finally, when Ymir drank the milk and fell asleep, sweat flowed from her armpits on both sides, and two giants, a man and a woman, grew up.

Then, in her sleep, Ymir crossed her legs and gave birth to another son.

Since then, there has been a breath of life in the abyss.

"I witnessed your birth and your union!"

"You are the hope of the future of the world!"

As Ymir chanted in a sacred and solemn manner, the two giants united under witness and gave birth to many giants.

This is the original giant clan.

They are the embodiment of natural forces and phenomena, representing the power of chaos and disorder, and possessing the power of creation and destruction.


At the same time, inspired by Ymir, the cow Odumbra licked the ice and snow day and night, constantly looking for salt frost.

One day, when it licked some salt grains on the ice, it suddenly licked some hair under its tongue.

It remained unmoved and continued to lick the ice.

After the second day, a complete head appeared; on the third day, it licked out a living person; on the fourth day, this person opened his eyes and had life...

So, the ancestor of the gods, Bli, was born.

After Bli was born, he believed that the giants' blood contained poison, their temperament was too cruel, and their power was very dangerous, so he chose to go to war with the giants.

"The giants are too brutal. They will only release power in disorder, which greatly destroys the existence of the world!"

"I must stop the giants!" A sense of mission surged in Bli's heart.

But Bli's power alone is not enough to defeat the giants.

So, he created the gods.


Soon after, Bli gave birth to a tall and mighty child named Bauer.

Then, he was killed by Ymir in the battle with the giants.

After growing up, Bauer robbed the giantess Bestla as his wife. Bestla was the daughter of the giant Borsong and one of the descendants of Ymir.

At the same time, she was also the mother of the gods.

Bauer and Bestla combined and soon gave birth to three sons, Odin, Willy and Ve.

Under heaven and earth, there is no language to describe their height and strength. They are three great gods and will be the masters of all worlds.

They gradually became stronger over time, and finally killed Ymir and ended the war with the giants.

The surviving giants fled to the east, took on a new name, the Frost Giants, and re-established the giant kingdom of Jotunheim, vowing to be the enemy of the gods forever.


"Gods... you will never find peace!"

"In the name of the ancestor Ymir, we in Jotunheim will always watch you, curse you, and witness your demise!"

In Jotunheim, countless frost giants roared their oaths in the cruel and cold environment.

On the other side, after killing Ymir, the three gods Odin, Willy and Ve were disgusted with the nothingness and chaos of the Kinlunga Chasm, and built a new world with Ymir's body.

They turned Ymir's blood into the sea. At the east and west ends of the sea were Jotunheim, the land of the giants, and Vanaheim, the land of the Vanir.

The gods made Ymir's torso float on the sea of ​​blood and become land, bones became mountains, hair became trees, skull buckled on the ground and became the sky, brain became clouds, broken teeth became stones scattered everywhere, and eyebrows were made into a solid wall surrounding the entire earth to prevent the invasion of frost giants.

And Odin took out the flames of Muspelheim, the land of fire, and made the sun, moon and stars, so that there was light in the world.

The gods created humans with trees and gave the earth to humans to live in. This is the human world Midgard.

The gods chose a sunny place in the sky to build the kingdom of God, Asgard, as their residence.

Many maggots grew on Ymir's body. These maggots were endowed with spirituality by the gods and turned into elves. The maggots facing the light became light elves, and the maggots facing away from the light became dark elves.

The gods loved the light elves very much, so they built the kingdom of elves, Alfheim, near Asgard for the elves to live in.

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