Attack the myths of the heavens and create the Taoist Tibetan wilderness!

Chapter 78: The destruction of the deep-sea giants, the evil-eyed demon king Balor, and the death of

Since ancient times, only a very few people have been able to possess the merits of the Heavenly Dao.

This time, with the harvest from the expedition to the Celtic mythology world, the Heavenly Dao generously bestowed many merits of the Heavenly Dao.

Naturally, all the great magical powers of the prehistoric world robbed them all.

At this moment, they were like speculators who caught a fat sheep and took advantage of it.

"That's right, brother." Donghuang Taiyi nodded without objection.

Then, he looked at Di Jun, hesitated for a moment, and asked, "Brother, what did the Taoist Hongyun do in the Celtic mythology world?"

"Second on the expedition ranking list... This is not easy!"

"Even Dayi and Zhen Yuanzi, who killed one of the twelve upper gods and captured the origin of the Druids' beliefs, are far inferior to Taoist Hongyun."

If he was simply ranked second on the expedition ranking list, Donghuang Taiyi would not have such a strong desire for knowledge.

The reason for this... When the members of the expeditionary force were clearing their gains and exchanging them for Heavenly Dao Merit, Taoist Hongyun alone almost swept a quarter of Heavenly Dao Merit in the prehistoric interface.

Fuxi, who had more than him, only had a little more, and the difference between the two was not big.

This made the prehistoric great supernatural powers feel very intuitively how much Taoist Hongyun had gained this time.

Moreover, they were even more curious about what Taoist Hongyun had experienced in the Celtic mythology world... He was almost as good as Fuxi, who killed two generations of gods in the Celtic mythology world.

"Actually, there is nothing special. Taoist Hongyun just did the same thing as the others." Di Jun explained.

He was the initiator and leader of this expedition plan, and anything that happened during the expedition could not be hidden from his eyes.

Although at the beginning, he was dazzled by the perspectives projected by the water mirrors, so he seriously missed Taoist Hongyun.

But after the expedition ended... Di Jun still knew what Taoist Hongyun had done.

"Brother, what do you mean..." Donghuang Taiyi was stunned, and a thought came to his mind.

"Fuxi caused the king of gods Nuada and the sun god Rug to fall in his hands indirectly or directly, and collected the corpses and priesthood of two generations of god kings, as well as the two supreme artifacts."

Di Jun stood with his hands behind his back, standing on the edge of the sea of ​​clouds, looking at the fairy island palace in the distance, and said lightly: "The fact that Taoist Hongyun can reach Fuxi... naturally means that he has killed at least one god king!"

What! ?

Donghuang Taiyi's heart skipped a beat, and he couldn't help but say: "But the Celtic mythology world is not only..."

"Not only two god kings... there is another one."

Di Jun shook his head slowly and interrupted Donghuang Taiyi's words.

"Who?" Donghuang Taiyi asked.

Di Jun's eyes were far away, staring at the sky and the sea of ​​clouds, as if he was looking at the Celtic mythology that had disappeared in the long river of mythology.

Then, he slowly said: "The Celtic mythology world almost won the second war of the gods. The deep-sea giant, the king of the Fomor clan, was predicted by the druids to be killed by his own descendants, and killed the evil eye demon king of Nuada, the king of the gods... Barol!"


During the expedition to the Celtic mythology world, a group of great gods as members of the expeditionary force, because it was the first time to descend, so the location of their descent was mostly random.

Just like Zhen Yuanzi, he descended directly to the place where Emperor Jun descended.

Another example is Fuxi descended to the capital of the Kingdom of Karades.

And Dayi appeared in the kingdom of Kornunnos.

Among them, the most special one is the Taoist Hongyun.

He did not appear on the Celtic continent, nor in the kingdom of any god, but descended to the deep sea.

That is the territory of the deep-sea giant, the Fomor clan.

The sudden appearance of Taoist Hongyun in the Fomor clan naturally caused great panic.

Afterwards, the entire deep-sea giant clan began to chase and intercept Taoist Hongyun, intending to capture him.

But several pursuits... were all resolved by Taoist Hongyun, and even the two deputy clan leaders of the Fomor clan died at the hands of Taoist Hongyun.

This time, the Fomor clan could no longer sit still.

The evil-eyed demon king Barol was alarmed and personally took action to hunt down Taoist Hongyun.

In Celtic mythology, Barol is a veritable evil god with extremely powerful power.

The Fomor clan he created is a deep-sea giant living in the deep sea, with the power to raise tsunamis and calm storms.

According to rumors, Barol has two eyes, one of which is closed and the eyeball cannot be seen.

It is said that only the strength of four strong men can lift his eyelids.

Once this closed eye is opened, if it is shot by his sight, whether it is a human or a god, it will die immediately.

But Balor, who possessed such power, was predicted by the druids that he would be killed by his grandson.

To avoid bad luck, Balor imprisoned his daughter Enya in a crystal tower to ensure that she would not fall in love with anyone or gods and give birth to offspring.

But one day, with the help of a druid, the sub-god of the Tuatha de Danu entered the crystal tower and slept with Enya, eventually giving birth to three children.

Balor was very angry when he knew about it, and he threw the three children into the sea, trying to drown them all.

But one of the children fell out and survived by chance.

Finally, the child was picked up by Helbo, the god of craftsmanship and music.

The child later became the sun god of the Tuatha de Danaan.

It was Lug Mac Esoron!

In the Celtic mythology, the second war of the gods was recorded. The Tuatha de Danaan fought with the Fomor tribe. The king of the gods, Nuada, was shot dead by the evil eye of Balor. Lug replaced the god king and challenged him. He killed Balor with the spear of the sun and became the new god king.

However, with the demise of Celtic mythology, all this has turned to ashes.

As for Balor... he died at the hands of Taoist Hongyun when no one was paying attention.

As for the so-called evil eye that could kill everyone and gods, it did not kill Taoist Hongyun in the end.

Instead, the entire deep-sea giant tribe was buried in the hands of Taoist Hongyun.

This is why Taoist Hongyun can rank second on the expedition ranking list.

He destroyed the Fomor tribe and killed the evil eye demon king Balor. In terms of gains and achievements alone, he is not even inferior to Fuxi.

If it weren't for the fact that the deep-sea giants didn't have any artifacts or treasures... I'm afraid the number one on this expedition ranking list wouldn't be Fuxi, but Taoist Hongyun.


At the same time.

As a group of great magical powers left the heavens, the expeditionary army returned triumphantly from the Celtic mythology world, and countless news spread throughout the entire prehistoric world.

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