Attack the myths of the heavens and create the Taoist Tibetan wilderness!

Chapter 71 The Way of Heaven descends, engulfing the Celtic mythology world. The end of the Goddess

at the same time.

In the world of Celtic mythology, Nuada used all her divine power and divinity to burn the divine fire, awakening the creation goddess Danu who merged with the will of the world, and launched the real apocalypse.

This mythical world... is about to be destroyed!

The gods have fallen and all living things have been destroyed!

This is true destruction, along with everything, completely annihilated in the rivers of the heavens.

"Playing so big!?"

Fuxi's heart trembled as he watched this scene. He raised his hand and used the innate Bagua compass to sweep away all the light spots scattered between heaven and earth.

These light spots contain the divine power and divinity that the God King Nuada and the Sun God Luger have successively fallen and dispersed.

With Fuxi's methods, he could naturally collect them and then re-condensate the priesthoods of Nuada and Luge.

After doing all this, Fuxi was about to leave when he suddenly caught sight of two golden lights from the corner of his eye. His eyes suddenly lit up and he raised his hand to take them away.

Then, Fuxi turned around and was about to run away.

Just then——

A rapid voice suddenly came from the end of the horizon!

"Brother Fuxi, please stay!"

When the words came, Fuxi couldn't help but be startled, and suddenly looked back, a little surprised.

In this Celtic mythological world...besides him, are there other great supernatural powers?

How is that possible!

Fuxi took a closer look, and his expression gradually became strange.

Because what caught his eyes... was Taoist Hongyun wearing a Hongyun Taoist robe!

Although Fuxi knew that Taoist Hongyun was also a member of the expeditionary force through the Honghuang communication interface before.

But because there had been no movement before, apart from sending a message on the expedition channel, there has been no trace since then.

Therefore, Fuxi ignored Taoist Hongyun.

"Fellow Daoist Hongyun, what are you...why are you still here?" Fuxi couldn't help but ask.

When the final Celtic Doomsday War just broke out, he didn't sense Taoist Hongyun's aura!

Where did the latter come from?

"It's a long story. Pindao came to a place I don't know what it is. There were huge ugly monsters everywhere. He fought a bloody battle there and then came out."

Taoist Hongyun shook his head, sighed rather sadly, then looked around, with a trace of surprise in his eyes, and asked: "Taoist Brother Fuxi, what's going on?"

"It's a long story... In short, this world is going to be destroyed!"

Fuxi shook his head, and then said solemnly: "We must return to the prehistoric world immediately..."

The words fell!

Before Taoist Hongyun could react, unimaginable pressure descended from the sky like a brilliance!

His heart trembled suddenly, and then he and Fuxi looked up...

I saw at the end of the sky in the Celtic mythical world, a pair of eyes without any waves slowly opened!

The way of heaven in the prehistoric world...has arrived!

"The way of heaven!?"

The eyes of Taoist Fuxi and Hongyun trembled, and they suddenly felt the familiar smell!

However, the Eye of Heaven did not scan them, and gazed at the entire Celtic mythological world with long eyes!


The world, which had fallen into deathly silence and doomsday, suddenly moved at the end of the stillness.

It was like a drama coming to an end, but at the end, the actors suddenly returned!

The boundless light and flame cut through the sky, tearing apart all despair and darkness!

A huge and boundless figure slowly emerged, with no emotion in his eyes, only blazing and boundless murderous intent and indifference!

As she raised her hands and feet, endless light and flames surged toward the Eye of Heaven in the invisible layer and void!

Dannu, the goddess of creation!

At the moment when she decided to destroy the world of Celtic mythology, she sensed that the enemy of the world... appeared!

God's way!


Boundless bright golden flames filled the space between heaven and earth, flooding the entire Celtic mythological world!

At this moment, time seems to have stopped!

"No, leave quickly!"

Taoist Fuxi and Hongyun's hearts trembled. They were not shocked at all by the power of Danu, the goddess of creation. Instead, they felt boundless fear.

They are the great supernatural powers in the prehistoric world... No one knows better than them how terrifying the power of heaven is!

In an instant, Fuxi and Taoist Hongyun tore apart the void and escaped into the chaotic starry sky.

They did not choose to leave directly and return to the prehistoric world, but wanted to stay... to witness the last scene!

The destruction of a mythical world!

This is not something you can see just by looking at it!

at the same time--

Almost as Fuxi and Taoist Hongyun fled, the Eye of Heaven hanging high at the end of the sky opened!


The boundless bright mysterious light suppressed the ultimate light and flame, and fell down, as if it was swallowed up and destroyed!

Under the incomparably cold gaze of the Eye of Heaven, there is no life or death!

There is only nothingness...

The entire Celtic mythological world has returned to nothingness, and everything has been naturalized in the gaze cast by heaven.

Very calm, very ordinary.

There were no earth-shattering visions, nor brilliant scenes.

Everything seemed to fall into place... naturally.

The huge and majestic figure seemed to have seen his own end, and couldn't help but lower his eyes, showing a trace of sadness and sorrow.

She has seen... the complete destruction of the Celtic mythical world!


The mysterious light of heaven descends, like thousands of thunders, like a forest and a prison!

In an instant, the body of the goddess of creation Danu was defeated!

She turned into countless light spots and drifted in the chaos of nothingness.

The entire Celtic mythology world... no longer exists.

This world that exists in the myths of the heavens has returned to chaos.

And the goddess of creation Danu, who created the Celtic mythology world, was also directly defeated by the way of heaven and died completely.

In the distance, Fuxi and Hongyun Taoist, who witnessed this scene, couldn't help but take a deep breath and were shocked.

But the next moment——

They seemed to have sensed something, and the red box prompt of the prehistoric communication interface appeared in front of them!

[The first expedition is over, all members of the expedition, please return to the prehistoric world! ]

Then, before Fuxi and Hongyun Taoist could react.

A ray of light from the sky was projected from the dark, covering the two, and then went back!

In a blink of an eye, Fuxi and Hongyun Taoist disappeared.

In the original position of the Celtic mythology world... in the chaos and nothingness, there was only the Eye of Heaven, quietly gazing at everything.

After a long time, the Eye of Heaven also slowly dissipated.

The dead silence and nothingness of the chaos returned to peace again.

A myth that originally existed disappeared.

But in the long river of mythology, this is just an inconspicuous wave.


However, no one knows.

Just as this wave was surging and dissipating, at the end of the long river of mythology, another wave... slowly rose.

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