Attack the myths of the heavens and create the Taoist Tibetan wilderness!

Chapter 44 Night and Sun, the Dwarf God, Suval's Backstab!

"Of course I know what I'm doing. It's you, Sukrus, and Cernunnos, who haven't figured out the situation yet!"

"This is a round table meeting of the gods!"

Morrigan stood up, and her eyes, as bright as stars, swept across the gods, and finally fell on Sukrus and Angus, who were inclined to negotiate.

The voice of the goddess of war was like a breeze blowing in the dark night, cold and chilling.

"We have to decide whether to fight or not!"

"There is no option for peace talks. The war between gods can only end when one side dies completely!"

Morrigan stared at Sucruz and other gods, and said as if it was a declaration of war: "Whether it is the Fomor clan or those invaders, they stepped on the land ruled by the gods. This is a provocation to the Tuatha de Danan. The goddess has issued a warning!"

"Can't you make the right judgment!?"

"At the moment of life and death, you still want to negotiate?"

"What are you kidding!"

The voice fell!

The gods sitting around the round table looked slightly condensed, looking at Morrigan standing there from a distance, and they couldn't help but feel a little touched in their hearts.

This is not that they are really moved...but Morrigan, the goddess of war, has a powerful priesthood to a certain extent, and under the blessing of pure divinity, even the gods will be affected by this declaration of war.

"Whatever you want to do, do it. The night will always accompany the sun and never leave!"

Morrigan turned his eyes and looked at Ruger. His eyes were deep, reflecting his unwavering resolution.

This is open support!

The gods looked at this scene with some unspeakable emotions in their hearts, and suddenly thought of a rumor that had been circulated among the Celtic gods.

Morrigan, the goddess who was in charge of the war, death, night and other priesthoods in the Celtic mythology world, admired the glory of the sun god Ruger, so she had private exchanges with him.

Even the sun spear held by Ruger was called a magic spear because it was blessed with Morrigan's divine power, so the sun spear had the terrible power to absolutely kill the enemy.

In addition, on the Celtic continent, Morrigan's many temples were very close to Ruger's sun temple, and the bishops of each temple almost all had excellent friendships.

So much so that the believers of the two main gods never had a conflict, which once aroused the envy and curiosity of the gods.

Now, Morrigan no longer hides and publicly supports Ruger in front of the gods, which almost confirms the rumor.

"What about you?"

Ruger nodded to Morrigan, his expression did not change at all. For gods, the communication and combination between each other are not like humans, there is no shyness or embarrassment.

The combination of yin and yang is the origin of the world.

"Then fight, Avalon will fully support this war."

A god sitting in an inconspicuous position around the end of the round table slowly spoke, raised his head to reveal a face covered with beards, his eyes were not big, but very delicate, reflecting unimaginable cold light.

He is Gobida, the craftsman and casting god of Avalon. In Celtic mythology, most of the famous artifacts and secret treasures are from his hands.

Even the holy sword 'Broken Steel Sword' was forged by him, including the sword in the stone that Arthur broke before, and he finally repaired it.

In addition, he is also the belief of the dwarves, the first dwarf in the Celtic mythology world, the first king of the dwarves, and later, relying on the forging technology, he ignited the divine fire and became a god.

However, although Gobida became a god very early, and was also a god of the main god level, due to his priesthood, his strength was not strong, but his realm was very high.

According to the division of the prehistoric world... Gobida is probably the most watery Daluo Jinxian.

"The arrival of those invaders destroyed the tranquility of the forest, which is an unforgivable crime."

After Gobida, the dwarf god, another god of the main god level spoke, and sat next to Morrigan, obviously a god with strong strength.

"Ona, fairies are a race that believes in peace!"

Seeing this, Sukrus spoke helplessly and looked at a very beautiful man next to him... or a fairy.

"Suval, as the fairy king, don't you say anything?"

After the words fell, the man called the fairy king smiled and shook his head, and said softly: "I'm sorry, Sukrus, you know, I love my wife very much, and what she said... can represent the entire fairy clan, and can also represent me."

After that, this god, who is known as the first fairy born in the forest in Celtic mythology and is also the fairy king, stood up and said slowly: "In the name of the fairy king Suval, declare war on all invaders who destroy the tranquility of the forest!"

"I am willing to follow the sun god Luger and eliminate all demons who attempt to subvert the Tuatha de Danu!"

Seeing this, the gods sitting around the round table couldn't help shaking their heads. Suval is the fairy god and originally stood on the side of Sukrus, Angus and others, but another fairy queen spoke... directly affecting Suval's attitude.

Thinking of this, some gods cast their eyes and looked at the fairy queen Ona standing next to Morrigan.

In Celtic mythology, when the forest was first conceived, it gave birth to two fairies.

One is the fairy king Suval, and the other is the fairy queen Ona.

The two have maintained the peace and tranquility of the forest for a long time, and finally ignited the divine fire and became gods.

The most important thing is that they are both main gods with extremely powerful divine power.

Among the gods of Avalon, this is the only couple at the main god level.

Therefore, the weight of their words is also very large, almost second only to Ruger.

And now, Suval, who originally supported Sukrus, chose to betray and support Ruger.

"Forget it, so be it, whatever you do!"

Seeing this, Sukrus shook his head a little dejectedly, and said almost as if he had given up: "I just hope you don't regret it in the end."

After that, Sukrus sat back in his seat, which meant giving up.

"What about you?"

Ruger nodded at Sukrus, and did not choose to force or add insult to injury. There is no need for such low-level means between gods.

He looked at the gods such as Cernunnos and Angus who stood with Sukrus. The requirement of the round table meeting was that more than two-thirds of the gods needed to express their agreement in order to pass the resolution.

And now, Ruger needed the attitudes of Cernunnos, Angus and other gods.

"If the Father God were here, there should be a better way."

Angus was silent for a while, sighed, raised his hand and said: "But unfortunately, the Father God is not here, and I don't have his ability, so... Ruger, I choose to follow you!"

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