One hundred dragon heads shot out red flames, and two hundred arms grabbed from below.

His speed was very fast, and the two hundred arms were like two hundred magic mountains, crushing over.

Di Jun's mind moved, and he did not resist.

He was grabbed by the two hundred arms, one after another.

"I didn't expect you to have such a handsome face."

"Unfortunately, what I hate most is handsome gods like you!"

The one hundred dragon heads of the demon ancestor Typhon stared at Di Jun.

He was deceived by a handsome human.

That's why he was imprisoned in this dark place.

He couldn't remember how many years it had passed.

But the hatred in the past could never be forgotten.

"It seems that you want to stay here forever and never get out, right?"

Di Jun raised the corner of his mouth and sneered.

"What did you say?"

The demon ancestor Typhon wanted to go out all the time.

But Zeus used his thunder scepter to seal the entire volcano.

Turned this place into his prison.

He couldn't escape at all.

Even with his heaven-shaking power, he couldn't tear this seal.

That was the seal released by the great God King Zeus!

Unless there is a power that can surpass Zeus.

But even Gaia, the mother of the earth, can't be said to surpass Zeus!

"Fool, I'm not an existence that a fool like you can understand."

Emperor Jun scolded.

The imperial majesty emanating from the incarnation made the Demon Ancestor Typhon involuntarily loosen his hand.

Then his body trembled, and he subconsciously retreated downwards.

It was like an ordinary civilian seeing the emperor who was high above.

After reacting, he felt quite ashamed.

"Humble gods, even those weak ones in the ocean, are stronger than you!"

"How dare you talk to the great Demon Ancestor Typhon like this, I will tear you into pieces."

The two hundred hands of the Demon Ancestor Typhon pressed down, and were about to grab Emperor Jun and tear him apart.

Emperor Jun sneered and flew upwards.

Typhon charged, and two hundred arms grabbed at him like mountains.

Emperor Jun soon reached the trumpet mouth.

Typhon's body hit hard there.

He couldn't move forward at all.

The lightning seal was triggered, and thick lightning hit the body of the Demon Ancestor Typhon.

His flesh and blood were torn apart, and streams of demon blood, like a river bursting, spurted down from his body.

The ground was dyed black.

This black muddy land was actually dyed with his blood.

I don't know how many times he usually charged.

Emperor Jun continued to go up and tried to leave this place.

At this time, the Demon Ancestor Typhon roared violently.

His anger turned into a real flame again and rushed upward.

But the Demon Ancestor Typhon obviously forgot that Emperor Jun was not afraid of fire.

The flame helped Emperor Jun instead.

He rode the flame and flew directly upward.

He passed through a small hole and rose from a furnace.

In front of him was an ugly middle-aged man with a red beard.

His eyes contained the power of casting.

In his right hand, he held a square hammer with the glow of fire on it, and the law of fire flowed through it.

In his left hand, he held an iron clamp, clamping a piece of divine iron.

He was hammering!

Seeing the anger of the demon ancestor Typhon erupting again, he raised the corner of his mouth.

The hammer struck at a very fast speed.

Every strike was just right, in line with the law of craftsmanship.

The sparks that sputtered up shot onto his chest.

But they were blocked by his red chest hair.

This was Hephaestus, the god of fire and craftsmanship in Greek mythology.

Hephaestus was the son of the goddess Hera born from one sex.

Although he was ugly and lame, he had a strong talent for craftsmanship.

He could create all kinds of magical objects.

He made the shield Aegis for Zeus.

He made a Bacchus staff for Dionysus, the god of wine.

He made a sun chariot for Helios, the god of the sun.

He made golden and silver arrows for Eros.

He made an invulnerable armor for Achilles, the son of the sea goddess Thetis.

He also used clay to mold Pandora and made the metal giant Talos.

The chains that bound Prometheus were also forged by Hephaestus.

Although he was very sad about it.

This craftsman also married one of the twelve main gods, the most beautiful goddess of Mount Olympus - the goddess of love Aphrodite!

If things only ended here, it would be perfect.

Unfortunately, the wife of this craftsman god, the goddess of love Aphrodite, is a god who likes to cheat.

She has relationships with the god of war Ares, the messenger of the gods Hermes, the god of the sea Poseidon, etc.

The head of the craftsman god is glowing green.

"Today, the anger of the demon ancestor Typhon lasted longer than usual."

"Did he remember something that made him angry?"

The god of craftsmanship Hephaestus continued to hammer the sacred iron, muttering to himself.

The demon ancestor Typhon would get angry at other times, but not for as long as this time.

Hephaestus did not think much about it, but continued to hammer the sacred iron.

A red glow flew up from the flames and fell outside the furnace.

Hephaestus did not notice it at all.

His mind was focused on craftsmanship.

The flame of the demon ancestor Typhon was the best flame for forging, and he was not distracted.

Emperor Jun left Hephaestus's forge and came to the outside world.

There was no spiritual energy in the air.

It was as if he had come to a desolate place in the prehistoric world.

"No spiritual energy!"

"If I ask people to come and fight, it won't be good!"

Emperor Jun said to himself.

I thought there was no spiritual energy in the prison of the demon ancestor Typhon.

But there was no spiritual energy in the palace of the God of Fire.

The laws of this world are different.

It seems that spiritual energy does not exist in the outside world.

If the great masters of the prehistoric world come to fight, it will be very troublesome if they cannot absorb spiritual energy to restore their magic power.

Even the strong men from countless years ago, such as Zhen Yuanzi and Fuxi.

Their magic power is unknown for hundreds of Yuanhui, but it will still be exhausted.

"We have to study it carefully!"

Emperor Jun turned into a red bird and flew out of the simple palace.

A burst of fragrance came, and he was attracted to it.

Behind the palace, there is a more prosperous palace.

Compared with Hephaestus's simple palace, it is really a thatched house compared to Emperor Jun's Lingxiao Palace.

Di Jun spread his wings and walked forward, standing on an apple tree.

Inside, a beautiful woman was dressing in front of the mirror.

That sweet scent came from this woman.

Needless to say, this must be the goddess of love Aphrodite!

In the palace of the god of fire, only this woman can be so beautiful.

Di Jun couldn't help but be attracted by her.

Her figure was extremely graceful, simply a perfect creation.

Her long hair was casually scattered behind her head, but it still gave people a lazy beauty.

Her skin was as white as jade, and people were reluctant to touch it.

However, Di Jun's mind moved, thinking about the origin of the goddess of love, and he woke up instantly.

The goddess of love was incarnated by Kronos using a sharp sickle to cut off the penis of his father Uranus.

In other words, the beautiful woman in front of him was a Gou Ba...

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