Attack the myths of the heavens and create the Taoist Tibetan wilderness!

Chapter 20 Broken Steel Sword, the Law of Immortality, and the Destiny of Celtic Legends!

Not long ago, Di Jun cut out a Da Luo Dharma Body and came to this world.

He didn't react at first, but with Daluo Jinxian's cultivation, he got the information of this world with just a moment of induction.

In addition, there are countless complex fluctuations coming from all directions.

Even with the Daluo Jinxian cultivation level possessed by his dharma body, it took him a quarter of an hour to sort out the information that poured into his mind.

The world of Celtic mythology!

Di Jun's understanding of Celtic mythology was very unfamiliar, far less than that of Fusang mythology. He only knew a few widely circulated legends.

However, when he saw the young man with blond hair as bright as the sun and the old man with white beard, Di Jun knew their identities.

Arthur Pendragon, in Celtic mythology, is a born king known as the 'Eternal King' and is also the leader of the Knights of the Round Table.

As for the other one, it was the legendary great magician Merlin, a believer in the Fairy of the Lake and a legendary figure in the world of Celtic mythology.

Among the many messages Di Jun received, there were also gods from this mythical world.

Among them was the lake fairy who lived in the lake in front of him.

"The Sword in the Lake... This thing is quite interesting. The blade of the sword will cut everything, and the scabbard will never bleed. It is equivalent to immortality!"

Di Jun's eyes flickered, and he looked thoughtfully at the holy lake in the distance. He could clearly feel that there was a strong aura in the lake.

It is roughly equivalent to the Taiyi Golden Immortal in the prehistoric world, but it feels a bit strange and seems to have mastered the power of similar laws.

"The rules of the gods? It should be something like sounds similar to the rules!" Di Jun touched his chin.

This world seemed much stronger than the Fuso Mythical World. The first god he met had power that was not inferior to that of Taiyi Golden Immortal.

Moreover, the power controlled by the fairy in the lake seems to be much stronger than the five different gods and seven generations of gods in the Fuso myth!

"Moreover, my luck seems to be good. Two times before and after my arrival, I met the Son of Destiny blessed by the will of the world!" Di Jun murmured to himself, looking at the blond young man standing on the edge of the holy lake.

Arthur Pendragon, even in Celtic mythology, a world surrounded by gods and countless legends spread far and wide, he is a very important existence.

Before Arthur's defeat, he held the holy sword 'Broken Steel Sword' and had never lost a war and was invincible.

He once wielded this holy sword and killed hundreds of knights in one day, which was enough to make one powerful knight equal to a hundred. From then on, he shocked the entire Celtic mythological world.

Bards from all over the world were telling the story of Arthur's fame while he was still alive, spreading it widely and making him known.

However, in Di Jun's eyes, Arthur had only one identity and name - the son of destiny in the world of Celtic mythology.

Like Izanagi in the Fuso mythological world, Arthur, as a born king, once pulled out the sword in the stone that symbolized the kingship of the Kingdom of Camelot when he was young, which meant the will of the Celtic mythological world. , befell him.

And this worldly will of the Destined Son is exactly what Di Jun wants.

"However, this time we can't just kidnap Arthur like in the Fuso Mythical World... The gods in this world don't seem to be weak!" Di Jun looked up at the sky, his eyes seemed to be able to Penetrate the boundless clouds and glimpse the chaos.

That's right, outside the sky of this world, there is only chaos, no fairyland, and no other world.

But outside this world on the surface, there are many places like secret realms that are extremely strange.

Many of the fluctuations and information that Di Jun sensed came from these strange places.

He guessed that the gods in Celtic mythology should be in these strange worlds.

"Is the alternate world of Avalon... interesting?" Di Jun took a deep breath and turned his eyes again to the young man with long golden hair as dazzling as the sun on the edge of the holy lake.

In any case, this mythical eternal king is also the son of destiny in Celtic mythology.

Although Di Jun does not plan to take action immediately, it is also a good choice to observe what actions this destined son of Celtic myth will take...

At this time, on the edge of the holy lake.

After hearing Merlin's words, Arthur looked a little hesitantly on his face and looked towards the Holy Lake hesitantly.

Just now, Merlin told Arthur that there was indeed a lake fairy sleeping in this lake. She was the goddess who triggered the war of the gods in the past. Because she could not bear the cruelty of the war of the gods, she left Avalon and came to Arriving at the Holy Lake, he fell into a deep sleep.

In the hands of the fairy in the lake, there is a holy sword, the 'Broken Steel Sword', which symbolizes the will of the gods. It was born in Avalon and has extremely powerful power, no less powerful than the Sword in the Stone.

Merlin told Arthur that he could get this holy sword, return to the Kingdom of Camelot, reunite the people, and make all the Knights of the Round Table surrender to him.

"Holy Sword..." Arthur murmured, slowly stepped forward and entered the lake.

The icy cold lake water penetrated his skin and soaked into his bone marrow, giving him an inexplicable fear!

For a moment, Arthur recalled all the rumors about the Holy Lake in the Kingdom of Camelot, and felt inexplicably regretful.

There is a fairy sleeping in the lake. This legend is true, because Merlin once told him that he was a believer in the fairy in the lake.

But similarly, there are rumors about the Lady of the Lake in the kingdom, and there are also rumors that she was expelled from Avalon by the gods!

The reason is that the Lady of the Lake caused the war of the gods, which led to the destruction of the world!

At this time, Arthur remembered all the rumors and regretted it.

But he had entered the holy lake, the lake water flooded over his feet, and there was a thick fog around him... A beautiful fairy wearing only a veil, stood quietly in the middle of the lake at some point.

Her eyes shone like gems, like a star fable, extremely bright, and the sound of a lark sounded in the middle of the lake.

"You are finally here, King of Camelot, Arthur Pendragon!"

After the words fell, Arthur woke up instantly, all the thoughts in his mind disappeared, and he looked at the Fairy of the Lake curiously and asked, "Do you know me?"

"Of course, son of King Uther, King of Camelot, you will lead the Knights of the Round Table, lead the people of Camelot, and spread the glory of the gods to every corner of the world!"

"The gods will praise your bravery, the elves will sing praises for you, the giants will bow to you, and the dwarves will forge weapons for you... You will become the eternal king of Avalon!"

The Fairy of the Lake danced around Arthur, like a bard, telling Arthur's great achievements!

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