Attack the myths of the heavens and create the Taoist Tibetan wilderness!

Chapter 118: Kungunir's power, his magnificent rebellion, and Loki's true identity!


In a flash, Odin reacted and looked again, only to see that the Queen Mother of the West had disappeared.

That gaze stared at him...making him react a little slower.

"But there are still gains." Odin muttered to himself, looking at the direction where the Queen Mother of the West disappeared.

He could not sense the existence of the invader, it should have completely disappeared...or returned to the universe where she was.

"The existence of another universe, it seems that countless universes coexist, all of which are real!" Odin took a deep breath.

Since a long time ago, he sat on the supreme throne and could spy on the Nine Realms, but he always felt a little strange.

The Nine Realms can be seen by him...what about those outside the Nine Realms?

So, Odin began to vaguely sense that there are other universes outside the Nine Realms.

This is also due to his prophetic ability.

As the God King of Norse mythology, Odin is the most powerful prophet among the Nine Realms.

So, he also felt vaguely that there are other universes outside the Nine Realms based on his prophecy.

But, he has always been struggling to find traces of the existence of other universes.

This time, after he fell into eternal sleep, he traveled through the nine realms and gained unexpected gains.

"Okay, it's time to go back. This time, I gained a lot!"

Odin nodded with satisfaction, and when he was ready to wake up, he immediately ordered all the gods to find the woman who called herself the Queen Mother of the West.

Thinking of this, Odin slowly closed his eyes and disappeared in this empty galaxy.


At the same time.

The boundless and dazzling light of the Asgard Royal City left a terrifying atmosphere between the clouds.

Countless gods looked up at this scene, their hearts full of shock.

Just now, Kungunir's stab at an infinite distance left an indelible impression on all the gods.

"Kungunir... The glory of the eternal spear will always cover Asgard!" A god muttered to himself, his eyes full of endless fanaticism.

It's no wonder, that's Kungunir, the most powerful artifact in the entire Norse mythology.

Moreover, it is the symbol of the god king Odin.

The only thing that made the gods feel sorry was that it was not Odin who threw Kungnir, but Njord, who now holds the eternal power.

However, what the gods did not know was that there were two people in the Asgard Palace who were not in a good mood.


Asgard Kingdom, Silver Hall.

Njord's face was a little strange, looking at Kungnir tightly in his hand, his brows were furrowed.

The Spear of Eternity has extremely powerful characteristics. No matter where it is, it can be recalled as long as it is called.

And just now, after Njord recalled the Spear of Eternity, he learned an astonishing news.

The Spear of Eternity... did not penetrate the thief!

It missed!

"This is impossible... Who can avoid Kungnir's lock? That's fate!" Njord's eyes were full of disbelief.

Even as calm as he was, a hint of absurdity appeared in his heart at this moment, and he couldn't help but look at the Kungnir in his hand.

This is indeed the Spear of Eternity!

If there was no reason to doubt, Njord would have wondered if Frigga had used a fake to fool him.

"What on earth is going on?" Njord was bewildered.


At this moment, Frigga was as bewildered as Njord.

As the queen of Asgard, she could naturally sense the situation in the Silver Hall. Although she didn't know that Kungunir had failed... she knew that the High Throne had not returned to the Silver Hall.

"What happened?" Frigga couldn't help but frown, and then she was about to walk towards the Silver Hall.

She didn't expect Njord to have failed, and she didn't doubt at all that Kungunir hadn't pierced the thief, because that was impossible.

However, Frigga had just taken a step, and suddenly sensed something, and her face changed slightly.

The next moment——

The queen of Asgard disappeared in a magical glow.


At the same time.

In the underground prison of the Asgard Palace, Loki propped up a world that was exactly the same as the Asgard Royal City with his hands, and then walked into it.

"This is..." Thor was shocked, holding Frey's Victory Sword in his hand.

"Go, don't stand there." Loki frowned, looking at Thor's slowness, and couldn't help frowning.

If Thor hadn't been the son of Odin... he would not have been willing to take Thor with him.

But his plan really needed Thor's power.

"Loki, is your magic so powerful?" Thor heard the words and hurriedly walked into this fake Asgard Royal City scene, sighing.

"It's just a trick, it's a sleight of hand, it's all fake." Loki's mouth curled up with a smug smile.

This is indeed fake, he doesn't have such a powerful divine power to completely copy the Asgard Royal City.

That's impossible.

However, it's still no problem for him to just create a fake scene.

After all, he is the god of lies and deception!

"Where are we going?"

Thor felt a little uncomfortable holding Frey's sword of victory. After all, this was not his weapon. Although it was equally powerful, he was still not used to it.

And, most importantly, he was now a fugitive.

"Of course, we should leave Asgard first, and we'll talk about the rest later!" Loki fooled Thor casually. He certainly had a clear plan in his mind, but he didn't intend to tell Thor.

Moreover, it was no longer convenient to stay in Asgard.

Thinking of this, Loki's eyes flashed with fear and horror.

When he just propped up this fake Asgard Royal City, he sensed... a terrifying spirit coming out from the depths of the palace.

Loki knew who that breath belonged to.

"He actually woke up at this time. Was he disturbed by that invader?" Loki was thinking about it and was a little angry.

His plan was good, but he didn't expect it to be disrupted by an invader.

So Balder was alerted in advance, and Njord cast Kungunir, shocking the Nine Realms.

This disrupted Loki's subsequent plans.

The most important thing is... Odin woke up, which means he must be more careful!

"Never mind, let's leave Asgard first, otherwise my little tricks will never be hidden from Odin's eyes!"

Loki took a deep breath, propped up the fake Asgard Royal City, and instantly disappeared from the real reality with Thor.

This is Loki's magic. There is also truth between deception and lies.

However, before he pointed it out, no one could tell which one was false and which one was true.

On the other side, deep in the hall of the Asgard Palace.

Frigga hurriedly walked to the innermost hall, looking at a crystal coffin quietly placed in the center, and couldn't help showing a nervous look on her face.

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