Attack the myths of the heavens and create the Taoist Tibetan wilderness!

Chapter 116 The Ancestral Witch and the Frost Giants, Frigga’s move, the most powerful magic, the po


In an instant, the Spear of Eternity turned into a dazzling silver light, tearing the sky and earth apart, slicing through the sky, and flew to the end of the horizon!

The terrifying might shook the entire Asgard Palace, and countless gods were startled, looking up, roaring excitedly, and the sound reached the sky.


"Hahaha, it's the light of the Spear of Eternity, it really shines the whole Asgard again!"

"Odin fell into eternal sleep, who threw Gungnir..."

"It must be Njord, don't forget, he now holds the eternal power!"

"How is it possible, Njord is just the main god, and the main god of the Vanir, how can he be recognized by Gungnir?"

"What's so surprising, isn't it said that Njord is the next God King recognized by the Vanir?"


In the Royal City of Asgard, a group of gods watched this scene excitedly. For them, what can truly symbolize Odin's supreme authority, power and status is not the stolen Supreme Throne in the Silver Hall, nor the eight-legged Pegasus that is said to be able to cross the nine realms.

But this silver light symbolizes eternity and means absolute victory.

The eternal spear Kungunir, in Norse mythology, all those who are locked by it, whether they are gods or giants, cannot escape the fate of being pierced by it!

This is the same as the magic spear owned by the sun god Luger in Celtic mythology, but it is more terrifying than the magic spear.

Because Kungunir locks... the will of the world!


At the same time.

In the dim and boundless sea of ​​stars, the Styx Patriarch looked at the empty and boundless darkness around him, thinking.

"This is the world outside the Nine Realms... Wait, Asgard? So that's it, this holy land of the gods is actually a star!"

When the Styx Patriarch looked around, he suddenly realized that the huge and boundless star behind him was Asgard.

And the sea of ​​stars deep in his heart is the universe connected to the Nine Realms, and it is also chaos.

"This information should be useful..." The Styx Patriarch murmured.

However, just when he was about to record this information, he suddenly felt a trace of horror!

"What's going on!?"

The Styx Patriarch felt a disaster coming in an instant, as if the shadow of death had enveloped his whole body.

Almost at the same time, countless prompt bars popped up in front of him.

[Emperor of Heaven: Run away! ]

The Styx Patriarch looked at the name in the prefix of the message, his pupils trembled violently, without any hesitation, he circulated the magic power around his body, and boundless blood mist surged!

Then, he suddenly disappeared in this sea of ​​stars in the universe.

But the sense of horror in the dark... still did not disappear!

"Damn, what's going on?!"

The Styx Patriarch was terrified. He saw the prompt bars that kept popping up. Those were all the great magical powers of the prehistoric world that sent him information through the prehistoric world communication.

But at this time, the Styx Patriarch had no time to look at it. When he sensed the sense of horror behind him, he finally realized that something was wrong.


Almost at the same time, the surrounding space suddenly trembled violently!

An extremely bright silver light, as if it penetrated time and space, locked the existence of the Styx Patriarch!

"This is..."

The Styx Patriarch took a breath and stared at the silver light, as if he saw a silver spear, symbolizing eternity and destiny.

A figure that seemed to fill the entire universe slowly emerged, holding the silver spear and stabbing him!


In an instant, the surrounding sea of ​​stars was destroyed, and countless stars turned into dust!

"The Spear of Eternity... Kungunir!"

The Styx Patriarch instantly knew the name of the spear and who the figure was.

The King of Gods in Norse mythology, the Supreme Odin!


The light of the Spear of Eternity was boundless and bright, directly submerging the entire chaotic sea of ​​stars.

At the same time, the Nine Realms were also affected and shook!


In a galaxy far away from Asgard, there stood a star surrounded by boundless extreme cold.

Giants as huge as mountains stood on the ground, looking up at the sky. The dazzling silver light seemed to symbolize eternity, spanning an unimaginable distance, and could be seen even here.

"The Spear of Eternity... Has Odin awakened?" A giant couldn't help but murmur.

The news they received was that Odin had fallen into an eternal sleep, and Asgard had lost its king.

But now it seems that this is not the case.

"No, Odin has not woken up, and the Spear of Eternity is now in the hands of another Lord!" Another giant shook his head, and his eyes reflected a faint blue, like the cold current of the Arctic glacier.

Hearing this, the other giants breathed a sigh of relief.

However, at this time, the giant with blue eyes turned his head to look at the visitor in this giant world, and said in a muffled voice: "The one who was locked by Kungunir... is it your friend?"

The voice fell!

The other giants also cast their eyes, looking at the two visitors who were similar in shape to them, but the aura they exuded was even more terrifying.

"No, not really a friend... but definitely a fellow traveler." Xuan Ming shook her head, her face somewhat strange.

She had not expected that the Styx Patriarch would cause such a big disturbance just after arriving in the world of Norse mythology.

Asgard Palace.

In the attic, Frigga was wearing a palace dress, looking in the direction of the Silver Hall from a distance, and murmured: "Sure enough, Niord can also use Kungunir... My guess is right!"

Immediately, she shook her head, as if she had thought of something, and turned her eyes to the palace underground.

The queen of Asgard seemed to have seen something and couldn't help but frown.

"Loki...what do you want to do?"

at the same time.

Underground in the Asgard palace, Loki's eyes turned green, and he raised his hands, casting the most powerful magic he had!

An extremely huge royal city of Asgard... is gradually coming into view at this moment!

Thor, who was following Loki, couldn't help but look horrified when he saw this scene.

"Is this...magic?" Thor looked at this scene in disbelief.


Loki smiled proudly and said: "Be careful, when this Asgardian royal city covers reality, we have to escape immediately, otherwise if we get involved, I don't know what will happen!"

Upon hearing this, Thor nodded quickly and followed Loki closely.

At this moment, the God of Thunder has no idea... what kind of huge storm his escape from prison will cause!

at the same time.

In a deserted sea of ​​stars far beyond the Nine Realms, the Queen Mother of the West walked alone on the surface of the stars, looking at the extremely empty world around her.

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