Attack the myths of the heavens and create the Taoist Tibetan wilderness!

Chapter 108 There is no Fusang anymore, only the prehistoric world. The prehistoric expeditionary va

"Damn it!"

In Takamagahara, Kunino Tsunetachi, the head of the Seventh Generation of Gods, could not help but frown, and wielded his divine power to continuously shoot down the Yellow Springs ghosts and gods that jumped out of the Yellow Springs Kingdom and wanted to set foot on Takamagahara.

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Then, he looked sharply at the sky clouds, as if he was stepping on the Yellow Springs master of the entire Takamagahara, and could not help but roared: "Izanagi, you were once a god of Takamagahara, and you were also born in Takamagahara. Don't you have a trace of mercy now!?"

The voice fell!

The gods who kept resisting the invasion of the Yellow Springs ghosts and gods in Takamagahara couldn't help but cast their eyes one after another, with a trace of numb fear in their hearts.

Since the Yellow Springs Kingdom rose up and blocked Takamagahara, countless gods have fallen.

The eight million gods in the mythology of Fusang... not even half of them are left now.

These gods all died in the invasion of the Netherworld.

Izanagi received the gift from Emperor Jun, and realized the true Daluo method from it, and achieved the Daluo Jinxian, and created the nearly immortal Netherworld ghosts and gods. Relying on the existence of Netherworld, as long as Netherworld is not destroyed, they will not die.


"When I was abandoned by Izanagi, did you ever have mercy on me!?"

Izanami stepped on the clouds, her eyes were cold, with a trace of madness, as if she had issued the final judgment: "Today, Takamagahara will fall, and the country on earth will no longer exist!"

Then, when Izanami raised her hand, the boundless and surging sun fire surged and covered the sky!

In an instant, those gods who stood on the cliffs of Takamagahara and resisted the invasion of the Netherworld ghosts and gods were burned to ashes with wailing!

"This kind of flame again!"

The faces of the seven generations of gods, including Kunino Tsuchitachi, suddenly changed. They recognized the true fire of the sun in Izanami's hand, turned around, and fled to the palace in the deepest part of Takama-ga-hara.

This kind of flame...when it first appeared, it directly burned Izanagi to death.

This was witnessed by the gods of Takama-ga-hara.

They didn't want to follow in Izanagi's footsteps, and fled to the God of Five Betsu.

Now, it was the moment of life and death for Takama-ga-hara, and the God of Five Betsu could no longer hide.

"Want to seek the protection of the God of Five Betsu...It's useless!"

Izanami took a deep breath, and the coldness in her eyes became more and more thorough, like an echo in the Nine Nether Hell.

"I'm looking for them!"


Above the sky, the Buddha's light suddenly shone, shaking the entire Fusang mythological world!

One figure after another, as if the gods were sending down punishment from heaven, overwhelming the sky and the earth, and shocked the gods at once!

"They are..."

The gods of Takamagahara, such as Kunino Tsunetachi, could not help but look up, and there was a sense of familiarity in their hearts.

At the beginning, the mysterious existence that gave Izanami the opportunity to change her fate seemed to have appeared in this way!

"Oh, this is the Fusang myth world... It is exactly the same as what His Majesty the Emperor said!"

The Taoist priest Yaoshi, who was dressed in a moon-white Taoist robe, could not help but glance around, and his eyes fell on Takamagahara, and he was stunned.

This holy place in the Fusang myth world is now full of ruins, countless corpses, piled up into a mountain.

"I don't know whether we came at the right time or at the wrong time?" The Taoist Ksitigarbha also noticed the situation in Takamagahara at this time, and couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, thinking.

It seems that this Fusang myth world... is experiencing an unprecedented war!

Before they came, they had received information from Di Jun that Takamagahara was the holy place of the Fusang myth world, which was equivalent to the significance of Mount Buzhou to the Wu clan.

But now, this holy place is about to be sunk from the sky!


"Who are you...?"

Izanami drove the Yellow Spring Kingdom, looking at the Western disciples and great supernatural powers such as Ksitigarbha Taoist and Yaoshi Taoist, and hesitated for a moment.

She sensed a familiar breath from these people... but not particularly close.

"The Lord of the Yellow Spring, Izanami?"

Ksitigarbha Taoist raised his eyebrows, looking at the peerless, like a graceful fairy Izanami, and recognized the latter's identity at a glance.

"That's right."

Izanami's attitude was very low, because from these people... she sensed a sense of oppression.

This was the first time she had this feeling after she became a Golden Immortal. In the past, even when facing the entire Takamagahara, she did not have this kind of pressure.

"That's good."

The Ksitigarbha Taoist nodded slightly, then carefully, with his finger, took out a ray of the Sun's True Fire from the sky between his eyebrows, and immediately attracted the aura of Izanami.

It was the 'killer' that Emperor Jun gave to the two Western Daos.

This ray of the Sun's True Fire, which contained the mark of Emperor Jun, could make Izanami surrender and provide a little help for the Western people to conquer the Fusang mythological world.

Izanami respectfully took the ray of the Sun's True Fire, then realized the vast and boundless will in it, and an expression of reverence and submission appeared on her face.

"So that's it!"

Izanami carefully put away the ray of the Sun's True Fire, then lowered her eyebrows and looked at the Ksitigarbha Taoist and the Medicine Master Taoist, and said respectfully: "Please tell the two immortals, Izanami has received the master's instructions, Huangquan is willing to obey!"

The voice fell!

In the Fuso mythological world, the gods could not help but be stunned. The Lord of the Underworld who had just stepped on Takama-ga-hara... was so humble at this moment.

It is hard to imagine, what is going on! ?

Only the gods such as the Seventh Generation of Gods who had experienced the incident in Yomi Birasaka reacted vaguely, and their faces became even uglier.

Izanami alone has almost made Takama-ga-hara fall... and with these immortals who came from nowhere, the end of the Fuso mythology world may be today!

"First, take down this Takama-ga-hara... first!"

The Taoist Ksitigarbha and the Taoist Medicine Master looked at each other, and then looked at the palace deep in Takama-ga-hara.

With their cultivation, they naturally sensed that there were five extremely powerful auras in it... which were not inferior to the Golden Immortal!

This is probably the most difficult trouble in the entire Fuso mythology world!

However, it is just a trouble.

When they take down Takama-ga-hara... from then on, there will be no Fuso mythology, only the Fuso Pure Land of the Western world!


Honghuang world.

Heaven, Lingxiao Palace

The central hall, which used to be deserted, now gathers several majestic figures, each standing on one side.

At this moment, if there are creatures in the prehistoric world who see this scene, they will definitely recognize these figures, all of whom are well-known great supernatural powers or innate sacredness, and almost all of them are powerful people at the peak of the quasi-saint realm!

Donghuang Taiyi stood at the top and glanced at the figures in the hall, with a hint of excitement in his heart.

"Brother, it seems that this time, it is really a big deal. He actually summoned these people...Norse mythology, wait for me!"

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