Attack the myths of the heavens and create the Taoist Tibetan wilderness!

Chapter 103: The pioneer army of the prehistoric expedition, Donghuang Taiyi's worries, the Cha

Norse mythology is different from the mythological world that Di Jun had explored before. Whether it is the strength of the mythological world or the difficulty of the expedition, it is far greater than other mythological worlds.

Even so, in fact, the prehistoric world has only had one expedition experience, that is, the Celtic mythological world.

Comparing Celtic mythology with Norse mythology, the biggest difference between the two... is probably that Norse mythology has an existence beyond the quasi-saint realm.

"Odin..." Di Jun muttered to himself, with a hint of strangeness in his eyes.

He used the River Map and Luoshu to deduce the location of the Norse mythological world in the Chaos Star Map, and also glimpsed some scenes of the Nine Realms.

But in these countless scenes... Di Jun did not see Odin.

According to the rumors circulating in Asgard, Odin fell into an eternal sleep, so the Supreme Throne was vacant.

Njord, the sea god, temporarily took over the eternal authority and fulfilled the duties of the God King.

However, if he just fell into a deep sleep, Di Jun should not be unable to see Odin.

Just like in Celtic mythology, Nuada, the king of the gods, fell into eternal sleep and accumulated divine power for the final battle with the Fomor clan.

However, at that time, Di Jun could see Nuada's figure as long as he wanted.

But this time... Di Jun's eyes penetrated the nine realms, but he could not see any trace of Odin's existence.

There is only one explanation!

That is, Odin has transcended and does not exist in the nine realms, so his existence cannot be spied on.

If it is based on the concept of the prehistoric world, it means that Odin has transcended the three realms and five elements.

Unknowable, inaudible, and unnameable!

This realm... can only be a saint of the heavenly way, or a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian!

"Interesting, it seems that I will have a chance to appear this time?" Di Jun raised his eyebrows, and there was a hint of eagerness in his heart.

Although he has been to the Celtic myth world, the Fusang myth world, and the Hengtan myth world, he has never participated in an expedition.

For this reason, it is inevitable that there are some regrets.

If he can have a chance to appear this time... maybe he can fill some regrets.

However, this thought only lasted for a moment, and was immediately dismissed by Emperor Jun.

"Not necessarily. If those people make a breakthrough in this expedition, maybe I won't be needed again."

While Emperor Jun was muttering to himself, his eyes penetrated the clouds and looked at the prehistoric land.

That was Shouyang Mountain, Xumi Mountain and Wa Palace!

It happened to be the prehistoric world, the dojo of the six saints of the future heavens!

With Emperor Jun's current cultivation of the Hunyuan realm, he could see through the situation of the Three Pure Ones, Nuwa Niangniang and the Western Dao at a glance.

If it is described as overflowing when the water is full... now they are in a state of continuous water injection.

What they lack is just a little opportunity to make them realize how to store water so that when they inject water, they will not see the basin full at all.

At this time, the expedition may allow them to make up for that opportunity.

"However, before that, we have to find a few people to fight for the expeditionary army first... After all, the mythological world of this expedition is really too huge!"

Di Jun's eyes flashed, his thoughts moved slightly, and he looked up at the Heavenly Palace.

Norse mythology is different from Celtic mythology, Fusang mythology and Hengtan mythology. It is too huge and can almost be equal to the current prehistoric world.

Once an expedition is launched, it will inevitably be a protracted and huge war!

At this time, we must be cautious.

"Taiyi, come to the Fusang tree to see me!" Di Jun said in a deep voice.

It seems that he has the law of heaven in his mouth, and his words are the law, shaking the heaven and earth!


At the same time.

Heavenly Palace, Lingxiao Palace.

Donghuang Taiyi sat on the highest throne, concentrating on dealing with various affairs of the Heavenly Palace.

Although Di Jun is the Emperor of Heaven, Di Jun has been in the Fusang Imperial Palace all year round, either in seclusion or practicing, and has no time to take care of various affairs of the Heavenly Palace.

Therefore, most of these matters were handed over to Donghuang Taiyi to handle.

Suddenly, a message came across billions of miles and reached Donghuang Taiyi's ears.

"Taiyi, come to the Fusang tree to see me!"

Donghuang Taiyi raised his head, a little surprised, looked in the direction of the Fusang Imperial Palace, and murmured: "Brother summoned me?"

After a moment of hesitation, Donghuang Taiyi stood up, left the Lingxiao Palace, stepped across the distance between heaven and earth, and arrived at the Fusang Imperial Palace in a blink of an eye.

Under the towering Fusang tree, Di Jun sat cross-legged with his eyes closed, as if he was resting.

"Hello, brother."

Donghuang Taiyi stepped forward to greet him with doubts, and then asked: "But did my brother call me?"

"That's right."

Di Jun opened his eyes, nodded, raised his hand and pointed, and the Chaos Star Map emerged.

Among them, nine stars surrounded, and a huge star stacked together was reflected.

It was the world of Norse mythology.

"Is this... the goal of the second expedition?" Donghuang Taiyi thought for a moment, then reacted and blurted out.

"That's right!"

Dijun nodded slightly, and then talked to Donghuang Taiyi about the existence of Norse mythology, focusing on the existence of Odin, the world tree, Nidhogg, etc.

Especially Odin, Dijun told Donghuang Taiyi that this lord of Norse mythology is likely to be an existence above the quasi-saint realm.

"Above the quasi-saint realm... Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian like your brother?" Donghuang Taiyi's expression was slightly condensed, a little surprised.

Although Dijun had told him before that there are many existences above the quasi-saint realm in the mythological world of the heavens and the worlds.

But I didn't expect that I would run into one on my second expedition.

"Maybe, it may be different." Di Jun thought about it and didn't give a clear answer.

There are many descriptions of Odin in Norse mythology.

Among them are the priesthoods he is in charge of, including prophecy, royal power, wisdom, healing, magic, poetry, war and death, etc.!

The gods in mythology may be strong or weak. If you can't judge them for a while, you can judge them by the number of priesthoods they are in charge of.

Powerful gods don't necessarily hold many priesthoods, but gods who hold many priesthoods must be extremely powerful.

Among the priesthoods in charge of Odin, there are prophecy, royal power, wisdom and other priesthoods, which is enough to show his strength, which is definitely beyond the quasi-saint realm.

As for whether it is a saint of heaven or a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian... or a third person other than these two, even Di Jun doesn't know.

Thinking of this, he was also faintly excited.

Unfortunately, he was the initiator of the expedition plan. If he joined it as a participant at the same time, it would be a bit too unfair.

At that time, I am afraid that the balance of the expedition will be destroyed.

"Brother, what should I do if I encounter this king of gods?" Donghuang Taiyi's eyes flickered for a moment, and then he asked slowly.

He believed that he was very powerful, and before Di Jun broke through, he could even be an enemy of Di Jun.

But facing an existence beyond the quasi-saint realm... Donghuang Taiyi was not so arrogant as to think that he could fight across the border.

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