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Grisha walked forward without caring about his safety, raised his hands helplessly, placed them on Ronan's shoulders, and said excitedly:

"Are you sure that was Dinah! ?"

No wonder Grisha behaved like this. If there was one person he felt most guilty about in his life, it must be his first wife and revolutionary comrade Dinah Fritz. Now that he heard that Ronan had seen her, even if it was just the pure titan she transformed into, it was enough to make Grisha feel excited.

Because this meant that Dinah was at least still alive, instead of being directly executed by Marley.

"I've seen the photo of you and her. According to your notes, the Eldians who are injected with the giant's cerebrospinal fluid will become pure giants, but their appearance and even the subtle expressions will be similar to their previous appearance......"

After a pause, seeing Grisha nod in agreement, Ronan continued:"According to this idea, I have 100%���I am 90% sure that the pure giant that wandered near your house is Aunt Dinah......."

"My Home......Ronan, you said Dinah is near my house?!!!" Grisha was getting more and more excited.

His eyes were bloodshot and full of expectation.

Seeing this, Ronan nodded and said,"Yes, she was near your house. Uncle Hannes was there at that time. You can go over to verify it."


Grisha loosened his grip on Ronan's shoulders, his hands drooped weakly, his eyes were empty, and he seemed to have suddenly turned into a zombie. In his mind, he could not help but recall the many scenes of him and Dina getting to know each other, falling in love, and getting married and having children.

Seeing this, Ronan did not interrupt. He knew that he needed to give Grisha some personal space and let him calm down. This would be far more useful than saying a hundred words of comfort.

After an unknown amount of time, Ronan waited for Grisha to come back to his senses, but a system voice.......

"Ding, the host successfully used his acting skills and eloquence to win over a heavyweight ally, persuasiveness +1, leadership qualities +1!"

"Forehead......This works too?!"

For a moment, Ronan was a little unresponsive. He looked at himself and didn't find any obvious changes, but he knew that this must be beneficial to him. He didn't think too much about it and focused his eyes on Grisha again.

At this moment, after some communication between heaven and man, Grisha still restored his usual wise image, with clear eyes and a firm expression, and said:

"Ronan, I can help you, but you have to agree to one condition!"

"What conditions~" Luo already had one in his mind.

Without any hesitation, Gary said:"I hope you can restore Dai to human form.""


Nodding, Ronan extended his hand:"Happy cooperation"

"Happy cooperation~"

The two hands were tightly clasped together, and Ronan and Grisha looked at each other, their eyes revealing a firm look.

In essence, their goals are the same.

Even if Grisha hadn't proposed it, Ronan was prepared to spend some effort and time to restore Dinah to human form.

After all, only those with royal blood can truly exert the power of the coordinates, and only those who are the complete version of the ancestor giant can have the ability to help Ronan.

Not only in this regard, the ultimate goal of Ronan and Grisha is the same, both to liberate the Eldian nation.

The difference is that Ronan is mainly for himself, while Grisha is for the entire nation.

Ronan naturally won't say this out loud. Although Grisha has some thoughts about this in his heart, he doesn't feel disgusted. If a man does not work for himself, he will be punished by heaven and earth!

Eldian, who is now in Marley, The Eldians were living in such a miserable state. They were regarded as"descendants of the devil" and their status was equivalent to that of slaves.

Their demands were not actually high. They did not need a superior status, as long as they could be treated equally.

But Marley was still unwilling to give it, which made it natural for those with independent thoughts among the Eldians to organize a restoration organization.

Grisha was convinced that as long as the Marley government's policy towards the Eldians did not change, the restoration organization would continue to exist, even if they were killed and dealt with in batches.

Freedom is the most precious thing in the world.

Having successfully reached an alliance, Ronan and Grisha certainly could not stay near the manor. While they had not been discovered yet, the two walked towards the city, talking about the details of their future cooperation as they walked.

""Ronan, how are you going to act?" Grisha asked.

He looked at the overly young boy beside him with curiosity. He used to think he knew Ronan very well, but now he suddenly realized that he had been pretending to be smart all along. From the beginning to the end, he never really understood Ronan.

"The wall is not in chaos enough now. This wall-breaking operation should only be the beginning. The people sent by Marley this time should have infiltrated the wall. Their purpose should be the same as yours, which is to seize the power of the Founding Titan. I think they will start to act again soon."Ronan had a good reason.

"Did you think of this just by looking at the technical stuff in my notes?....."Grisha's eyes flashed with surprise.

He then said seriously,"Marley doesn't know who holds the power of the Founding Titan. The Reis family is very cautious and rarely appears in the spotlight. They have always been behind the scenes. If we want them to act in advance, we must find a way to get the Reis family to the front."

"It’s hard......"

Thinking of the"cowards" and"autistic" people in the Reis family, Ronan suddenly felt a headache.

If it weren't for the fact that Risa didn't have royal blood, even if she swallowed the Founding Titan, she wouldn't be able to activate the power of the coordinates. If she hadn't used some tricks to make the other party notice her and give her more strength, Ronan wouldn't have kept these guys who fantasized about utopia.......

"I know it's difficult, but we don't seem to have any other way to lure them out." Grisha whispered.

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