So Alger spoke first and introduced some secret knowledge. Gu Meng added it at any time, while Mr. Fool remained on the sidelines with an enigmatic look.

Although they are both members of the system, there is actually a big difference between Sequence Nine and Sequence Seven.

Xiaoke's basic annual salary is actually only slightly higher than the average middle-class income, while the captain's annual salary is ten times that of him, and the confidentiality level is also different, so Alger of Sequence 7 knows more from church information and gossip. .

For example, in the secret organization Moss Trappist Order, Xiao Ke has no access to the reasons for the corruption of this organization.

Alger spoke first:

"Let's start with the Moss Ascetic Order. It is the earliest secret organization. Of course, many people believe that the earliest secret organizations should be the Church of the Goddess of the Night, the Church of the Mother Earth and the Church of the God of War."

"These people must be members of the Church of the Lord of Storms, the Church of the Eternal Blazing Sun, or the Church of the God of Knowledge and Wisdom." Audrey retorted dully.

This was the first time that Klein had heard a similar statement, and Alger was quite confident about it:

"These truths have long been buried in that ancient history. The only thing that is certain is that no one has ever said that the Church of the Lord of Storms, the Church of the Eternal Blazing Sun, and the Church of the God of Knowledge and Wisdom were once secret organizations."

"Haha," Gu Meng smiled at Alger: "These can't be said to be the earliest. Moss Ascetic Order was formed by a few humans in the Fourth Age who watched the desecration of the stone slab. The ancient gods in the Second Age were unscrupulous. It can’t be said to be secretive, but in the Third Age, when the god with the appearance of a savior ruled the world, there were also other gods and the king of angels who secretly spread their faith. They were also secret organizations..."

"Also, although these truths have been buried, what happened in history will not be tampered with. If you know the true gods of the three churches..."

Gu Meng's voice became softer, he shook his head and said, "It's too early for you."

Mr. Hanged Man heard the implicit denigration of the three gods in Mr. Power's words, and he wanted to refute it, but after thinking about it, he was now in the meeting of the evil gods, and he could not be said to be loyal to the church, so he might as well forget it.

Moreover, Mr. Strength is a high-sequence strongman. He knows more. Maybe what he said is true...

Perhaps the Lord of Storms, the Eternal Sun, or the God of Knowledge and Wisdom were minor gods in the Third Age? Involuntarily, several people present had a treasonous idea.

Mr. Hanged Man continued to explain for a while, most of which was also known to Klein.

"...They use penance to fight against loss of control, resolve the remaining effects of potions, strictly keep secrets, adhere to morals and precepts, persist in the pursuit of knowledge, believe that everything is numbered, and pursue knowledge itself."

Gu Meng added: "The early Moss Ascetic Order was a very respected organization and had good relations with all major churches. All members who joined the group were required to refrain from speaking after becoming 'Peepers' Five years, learn to be silent, this is 'penance'."

"As for the difference between 'knowledge', the difference between knowledge itself and omniscience, is another topic. In fact, the 'Church of Steam and Machinery' represents knowledge itself better than the 'Church of Wisdom and Knowledge'... As this topic continues, justice The lady can’t afford the price.”

Alger looked at Gu Meng, introduced him for a while, and finally said:

"...As Mr. Power said, it is true that they were not an evil organization in the early days, but I don't know the reason for their current degeneration. This may have been completely covered up by the dust of history, but I know a horrifying explanation."

"In that explanation, the main reason for the fall of the Moss Trappist Order was that the god they believed in, the 'Hidden Sage', came alive!"

"He became a personified evil god!"

"Alive? How could this... be alive?" Audrey heard more and more advanced knowledge, and felt as if the gods had also removed a layer of aura.

Xiao Ke has never really believed in the gods of this world, but hearing about the Hidden Sage is like hearing a ghost story... and that "ghost" is still a god...

"I'm sorry, no one knows the answer." Alger originally wanted to say, "Maybe Mr. Fool knows." Since the Fool is not the real creator, he may be the other side of the hidden sage. The sage and the fool are quite similar. No? But he forced himself to resist the urge.

It is written clearly in the Church Bible "Book of Storms"——

“Don’t tempt God!”

Looking back now, the Hanged Man regrets that he was not respectful enough when he spoke to Mr. Fool several times before.

Now that Gu Meng is no longer in Tingen, he speaks more casually and adds some more:

"The motto they left behind, 'Do whatever you want, but do no harm,' is still followed by many voyeurs today."

"In the past, this path that represented knowledge, information and mysteries had little risk of losing control, but because of that evil god, it is now easy to lose control. Russell believes that the Hidden Sage is... you don't need to know... something of a high level. The real situation of the revitalized evil god is unknown. He really likes to instill knowledge into extraordinary people of the same path. In professional terms, it is called knowledge chasing people. This topic involves the nature of the world, and I can’t say much about it.”

"Recently in Tingen, I saw a spy being targeted by Him."

"By the way, there is a suspected big figure in the mysterious world among the founders of this organization. I can mention his name, but you guys probably don't dare to listen... Stiano, steam (hard accent), steam, he may have already Became a righteous god..."

Audrey thought to herself that I didn't dare to listen. She looked at Mr. Power for help and begged him to stop.

How can I afford this kind of knowledge with my thousand pounds!

Gu Meng nodded and sighed: "You are still too weak, hurry up and improve your order." Then he made a gesture to shut up, and then he didn't speak much.

Audrey calmed down her emotions and did not ask any more questions. She motioned for Mr. Hanged Man to continue, and said quickly, don't let Mr. Strength interrupt.

Alger's heart was also filled with turmoil, and he forced himself to forget about the blasphemous words he heard, and continued to introduce them one by one with an expressionless face.

When talking about the Spiritual Religion Group, Gu Meng just sneered and said "Battle of the Four Emperors".

Speaking of the Psychological Alchemy Society, Alger mentioned that they were similar to the early Moss Ascetic Society, and Gu Meng curled his lips disdainfully.

When mentioning the Witch Sect, Alger said: "The Witch Sect was also called the Witch Family in the Fourth Age. At that time, they had few members and relied on bloodline reproduction to maintain themselves. Moreover, they would kill the father of their children and abandon the baby boys. , so all members are women.”

"This is a wrong view," Gu Meng corrected the outrageous error, "The reason all members of the Witch Sect are women is because their sequence seven is a witch. There are several other ways to change gender, which usually occur in high sequences."


Will the pathway change?

When the two of them met, everyone suddenly felt in danger!

"What are you looking at? After embarking on this extraordinary road, everything that happens is normal. Is it weird to change your personality? Forget it, looking at the worried looks of you two, don't worry, the sailors and the audience will not change their gender. "

The two of them were relieved. Mr. Fool was sitting on the wax. He really wanted to ask the fortune teller if he would change, but it was difficult to ask.

In the end, after everyone exchanged information for a while, Klein could only announce that this gathering was over.

"Follow your will." The three of them stood up at the same time.

After cutting off the contact and watching their figures shatter and disappear, Klein rubbed his brows and tried to imagine a "trumpet" coming out.

Of course it still didn't work.

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