In a blink of an eye, Monday is here again.

The fourth Tarot session was held as scheduled.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Fool."

After Miss Justice said hello, she congratulated Mr. Fool on his previous attempt. Alger and Gu Meng also praised the Fool.

Before last Wednesday, all three of them had tried to pray to Mr. Fool, and all had apparently succeeded.

Kemeow, great!

This week, Alger was still following the church's orders in vain to hunt down an Aurora Listener.

The listener was taking his son to find the legendary place abandoned by God, which is also the sanctuary of the true Creator. He started chasing it last week.

Because the matter itself was quite nonsense, he only thought it was a madman going crazy at sea, which was even more ridiculous than the legendary Emperor Russell and the treasures of the ancient empire, so he never mentioned it in the Tarot Club.

If he dared to mention it, Gu Meng would dare to charge some money and make melons. The land abandoned by the gods is real.

Already...there's nothing to be afraid of!

Audrey was training Susie how to be an extraordinary person. Susie said, "But I'm just a dog."

Gu Meng's true body has left Tingen, and he will officially start to cause trouble...use his fingers to clone himself.

In addition to causing trouble and recruiting apprentices to teach martial arts, it starts with making Snape famous!

The organization has decided that you, the middle finger of your right hand, Snape Potter, will sell these charming little pills yourself!

What, so embarrassing? It doesn't matter, being in a vegetative state has no face, as long as Gu Meng himself doesn't lose face.

If it doesn't work, take back Snape's surname. What does the medicine sold by Snape Riddle have to do with me, Tom Potter?

Xiao Ke has already solved the matter of the magic mirror divination left by Hainas. He tried to take this opportunity to remind the Nighthawks that there is a conspiracy of the evil god believers, trying to attract the attention of Captain Dunn.

But a small accident of this level obviously cannot tear apart the 0-08 script, even if Ince Zangwill is not very good at making up stories.

Before that, the Antigonus family notes had been recovered by the Nighthawks. Under the influence of 0-08, Dunn was contaminated by the notes and his condition became even worse.

The third-rate writer really took great pains to influence Dunn's state.

Hearing the compliments from the three people, especially from Mr. Strength, Klein actually felt a little guilty, but there was nothing wrong at all on his face. He pressed his right hand and spoke as if he was answering an ordinary matter:

"Very good. This shows that we are on a fruitful path. If something happens to you in the future, then hold a ceremony in advance and inform me. Well, you only need to change the content of 'Pray for a good dream' in the incantation to something specific. reason.”

"Okay." Audrey nodded briskly, "Mr. Fool, I got another page of Emperor Russell's diary."

Alger didn't find the new diary, he was still on the ship.

"Mr. Fool, I also wrote down two more pages of the diary." Gu Meng compiled another two pages of the diary.

"Okay, Miss Justice, Mr. Strength, you can express the diary now."

"Follow your will." x2

Not long after, the expression was complete, and the three pages of parchment suddenly appeared in his palm.

Xiao Ke who is above the gray fog is indeed very capable, and such small things can be accomplished with just a thought.

Miss Justice's page in Russell's diary is quite long. The first paragraph mentions Russell's suspicion that the sequence path is called God's Favor, God's Path. Then why is there a stone tablet that records the complete twenty-two sequence paths? would be called desecrating the Tablets.

Blasphemy is really profound...Who exactly was blasphemed?

Xiaoke knew about Russell's problem, because Mr. Strength had already exposed the god's background.

The true god of this world is Sequence Zero, so a tablet that is complete enough to contain the Sequence Zero formula will of course be considered blasphemy by people with faith!

The following is Russell's first impression of the Church of the Righteous God at that time. Among the seven major churches at that time, the Church of the Artisan God seemed to be the weakest.

Russell complained that he had joined an organization with little future, but he had a time-traveling character at the time and quickly cheered up. He also felt that it was easier to draw on a blank sheet of paper, and that a weak organization had nothing to do with it.

Indeed, he raised the God of Craftsmen with one hand, and later started the Industrial Revolution. The name of the god was changed and became the Steam Queen. He was also regarded as the Son of God, and his sons could become angels.

Of course, the gods had completely different ideas from his, which also led to the subsequent rupture between the two parties. Of course, Xiao Ke still doesn't know this yet. He just thinks that Emperor Russell is worthy of being a time traveler. He is really ambitious.

Later in the diary, Russell once again mentioned "the mysterious Mr. Zaratul, who turned out to be the leader of the ancient organization the Secret Order!"

Well, if Xiaoke had known this news before, he would have been a little shocked, because the Antigonus family notes related to the fortune teller's path were lost by the Secret Order. He had always thought that the Secret Order might be possible. It's the mastermind behind this.

But Gu Meng had revealed part of the truth last time, saying that Zarath was the leader of the Secret Order and was just a cover in the Tingen incident.

After meeting him once in real life, Xiao Ke felt that Mr. Power's intelligence was quite amazing, so he trusted his judgment and didn't care so much.

Zaratul was obviously a high-sequence powerhouse. In his diary, he mentioned that there were many more secrets hidden in the sequence path than Russell had imagined, but when Russell continued to ask why, he stopped talking.

According to what Zaratu revealed, the fortune teller should be the riddler. He only spoke half of the words since he started acting as Sequence Nine.

Xiao Ke thought, it seems that everyone's role-playing rules are really different. Although he would pay attention to confidentiality when solving puzzles, he would not be like Zaratu, who never explained things clearly and had to arouse the other party's curiosity.

No wonder when he was trying to recruit people in the later period, Roselle decisively helped his fellow villager instead of Zaratu. All the riddlers should die!

In the diary, Zaratu hoped that Roselle would cooperate with him, and when Roselle's status in the church was improved, he would help him steal a dangerous sealed object from the Church of the God of Craftsmen, the relic of the Antigonus family.

After that, Roselle asked about the role-playing method again, and Xiao Ke also got some knowledge about role-playing digestion. In the diary, Roselle wanted to ask about the reaction after digestion, how to determine it, and what kind of feeling it was. Zaratu only said that he would know when the time came, and then smiled and said nothing when asked again.

"Fuck you for smiling without saying anything. When I become a high-sequence expert, I will beat up every 'fortune teller' I see!"

This is the end of this page. Klein shook his head after reading it. I chose the fortune teller because of you. Don't go crazy here.

Then he picked up the next page from Mr. Strength's notes:

"Damn script! Damn fate! We, Potter, have to change our fate against the will of heaven!"

"When I achieve the Supreme Dragon and Tiger Dao Body, I will beat up all these audiences!"


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