"...What will happen if an ordinary animal drinks a Sequence 9 potion?"

What the hell is this question... Ke Miao was confused and at the same time saw through the spiritual vision above the gray fog that Audrey was feeling a little ashamed and nervous, and guessed that she had probably done something stupid.

Alger, the Hanged Man, was also stunned for a while, and then he explained that if ordinary animals drank the magic potion, they would most likely die on the spot, or collapse into monsters, and there was a small chance that they would become extraordinary creatures.

Gu Meng added that after turning into a Sequence 9 extraordinary creature, if you choose the right path, you may be able to transform into a cat girl or a dog girl with a human form, but the audience path cannot.

After that, the animal can also use the acting method to become a real "audience". With the advantage of the animal, Sequence 9 will be easily digested and completed.

After that, it can continue to improve the sequence like a human being. The biggest difficulty is actually the entry level. Since it is not out of control now, it should be fine.

In addition, this news will not actually change anything, and there is no charge.

Miss Justice was relieved to hear that Susie was most likely fine, but when she heard Mr. Power say "Become an audience" and "It's not out of control now", she knew it had been seen.

A little shy, she quickly changed the subject and asked others if they needed anything. She could provide help to the best of her ability.

Gu Meng doesn't need help from others yet. It's still too far away to open a pharmaceutical company in Backlund, and he still has to wait for another week or so for Xiao Yi and the others to grow up.

Speaking of which, after An Qier came to the family, Gu Meng also felt that the names of Primary 1 to Primary 5 were too casual, so Gu Meng gave them formal names respectively.

The first boy's name is Ron, the second boy's name is Malfoy, the third boy's name is Neville, the fourth boy's name is Flitwick, and the fifth boy's name is Hagrid.

Gu Meng knew that a few of them had surnames instead of first names, but that was not important. The main reason was that the names were so smooth, and vegetative people had no human rights.

Alger the Hanged Man didn't mention anything else during this session.

"I have two things to do." Klein's posture remained unchanged, still looking like a boss. "The first thing requires your cooperation."

Before turning off his spiritual vision, he immediately noticed that the Hanged Man was obviously nervous. The previously heartless Miss Justice was also a little more scared and cautious. After all, he now looked like an evil god, which was understandable. .

Mr. "Strength"'s emotional color is still golden, and nothing can be seen.

Klein calmed the nervous two people:

"Don't worry, it's a small thing, if it can be successful, it will be very helpful to you..."

"You tell me." Audrey instinctively entered the audience state, but she couldn't see through the thick gray fog surrounding Mr. Fool.

"Follow your will." Alger stabilized and said in a deep voice.

"Go through fire and water, no matter what." Gu Meng's words translated into Luen language are still very exaggerated rhetoric, "rush into scalding water, step on fire" and so on, but the tone is very firm, Miss Justice again Started to hold back laughter.

Klein knew what Gu Meng was talking about, but he didn't find it funny. He moved his fingers lightly and said with a smile:

"I said before that we need to make some attempts..."

"What do we need to do?" Gu Meng asked quickly, eager to try.

"You can try a ritual magic in your free time. It doesn't have to be too formal, just have an environment where no one will disturb you...

Light the four corners of the altar... place a challah at the top left candle, a fenepot pasta at the top right candle, paella at the bottom left and dice pie at the bottom right... Use The silver knife creates a sealed spiritual environment..."

It can be seen that Xiao Ke has worked very hard to make the process look like that, but Gu Meng still wants to laugh.

Did Xiaoke really not feel anything was wrong with this sacrifice? Those who didn’t know better thought it was the Feitian Spaghetti Cult.

He couldn't help but think that if he also redesigned a ritual directed towards himself in the future, what should he use as a sacrifice to please himself?

gourmet food? Treasure? antique? gold? Bathwater for beautiful girls? The lollipop licked by the long-legged lady? Cute Fatty? …

No, no, those last few must have been misled by that old devil, Zhu Xian Gu Meng. He himself is still very pure!

Not long after, Klein had finished describing the ritual magic he modified from the "Transportation Ceremony", and taught Miss Justice how to create a spiritual environment for free.

Xiao Ke and Gu Meng's acting ideas are the same, and they cannot reflect that they are actually people who care about money.

If it wasn't so shameless, Xiaoke wouldn't have been so poor all the time.

After Audrey listened to the entire ceremony, she recorded it with some interest, and finally asked:

"What about the incantation? Mr. Fool, where is the corresponding incantation?"

Klein, shrouded in gray-white mist, tapped the edge of the long table with his fingers and said calmly in Hermes:

"You are a fool who does not belong to this era. You are the mysterious master above the gray fog. You are the yellow and black king who controls good luck..."

A famous scene appeared. Gu Meng quickly remembered this scene in his mind. In the future, this will be compiled into a Christian Bible and spread out for people to observe!

Miss Justice silently recited these three paragraphs of honorary names, unable to maintain the audience status, and her shock could no longer be concealed.

As a lover of mysticism, although she is seriously partial to science and has not mastered the true paths to being extraordinary before, she still has some common sense by attending gatherings of young nobles who love mysticism.

The Hermes text used for sacrifices, using this format of honorific names at the end of the ceremony, represents in general ceremonies the seven gods who look down on the entire world!

It is almost equivalent to "The Crimson Lord, the Mother of Secrets, the Queen of Disaster and Fear"!

Is Mr. Fool really that kind of unknown, secret, powerful god-like existence? Also the evil god?

Audrey was a little scared, but Alger was really scared from the bottom of his heart.

This mind-boggling monster guessed that the Fool might also be the trumpet of a well-known evil god such as the Original Witch, the Hidden Sage, or the True Creator.

Among them, the true creator is the most suspected, because Mr. Power gave Mr. Fool the title of "Savior".

Alger knew that some hidden existences had different names and unconsciously thought the worst, but he also knew that it was too late to escape now.

Only Gu Meng still looked as expected and said slightly excitedly:

"Yellow Black, Yellow Black...Xuan Huang! Is this your honorable name? Sure enough, the savior has appeared. The savior has appeared. I will definitely assist you to defeat all enemies and ascend to that position..."

The rest of the words were vague again. In fact, Gu Meng dared to say anything. His anti-pollution ability was at full level before he fell away from the protection of Deep Blue and fell on his own.

The key is that if other people know about the sequence, that is, the knowledge of the outer gods, they will be contaminated, and they may even find him through this relationship, so he cannot mention it.

Seeing the reactions of several people, Ke Miao nodded secretly, feeling that his appearance as a saint in front of others was a success!

The great Lord had already anticipated what other people would think before he pretended to be so cool, but pretending to be a great being was exactly his purpose. He pretended that nothing happened and continued to talk to himself:

"I pray for your help."

"I pray for your favor."

"I pray that you will give me a good dream..."

"The deep sleep flower belongs to the red moon..."

These are another format of mantras. If an emergency happens to a member of the Tarot Club in reality, you can contact him through these mantras.

After receiving the notification, Xiao Ke will have a sense and can enter his bathroom in the Kingdom of God to observe the conditions of the members and pass information to each other.

This trick has not been used much yet. Members can understand that Mr. Fool has just recovered and is not able to put too much power into reality.

As time goes by, the methods of defeating cats become more numerous, and the connections become stronger. Mr. Fool’s paper angel blessings and angels such as the old, young, sick and disabled will gradually return to their places.

Ke Miao finished describing the spell he had compiled in advance and made sure everyone had memorized it. He smiled slightly and said:

"If this attempt is successful, we can slightly modify the spell next time to achieve the purpose we want."

"No later than Wednesday, I hope you can find time to complete this ceremony."

"Do your will."

The three people responded with different moods. To be honest, Miss Justice and Mr. Hanged Man were still very scared. If it were another evil god, their behavior would be tantamount to seeking death.

But Mr. Fool's attempt this time was actually a euphemistic "order" and did not give them a chance to refuse.

Gu Meng knows the details of Ke Miao, so of course he does not think it is dangerous. Instead, he is thinking that this week, Mr. Fool will be familiar with the process of his self-made ritual, so that he can be reminded to sacrifice at the next gathering.

Kemiao Express, start!

"The second thing doesn't matter."

Not long after, Xiao Ke knocked on the table and spoke again, using the same tone as the last time he mentioned that the Secret Order had lost Antigonus's notes. It was the kind of tone where he pretended not to care and just asked casually. :

"Destiny sent me a message... Recently, many unusual things have happened in Tingen City. There is a vicious and strong man who is suspected of being a cultivator——"

"Sorry to interrupt you, Mr. Fool!"

Gu Meng really didn't mean to interrupt Xiaoke's speech, but he was afraid that if Klein didn't understand the situation, he would make too many mistakes and make mistakes.

Alas, for Mr. Fool to keep his vest, he has really good intentions. He is simply the first priest under Fool. If you don't mind, Ke Miao can call him foster father.

“If we talk about a strong cultivator, there is no such person in Tingen recently, and that’s probably me.”

"?" Xiao Ke thought to himself that luckily he was interrupted in time. It's better not to speak carelessly about such things that you don't understand, and he didn't expect that he would be a member of the Tarot Club by such a coincidence.

Gu Meng continued: "In order to uphold justice, I gave a fair trial to the two copper-smelting sinners at the Evil Dragon Bar. I used some methods similar to those of the cultivators on the way, but if I insist on my way, my The path may be more towards the demon... warrior."

Gu Menghao did not tell anyone about the Joy Witch who was higher than the Harvest Priest. Fortunately, he finally changed his story and said that the warrior had fooled her. He almost died in disgrace. His secret of the sixth sequence must not be exposed...

Want face!

"So it's you." There was no unnecessary reaction on Xiao Ke's face. What he was thinking in his mind was that Mr. Strength is the "Dawn Knight" of Sequence Six?

Mr. Power's words were plausible, but it seemed that he was not what the internal wanted order said.

There may be a hidden secret in this matter. Thinking of the girl on another wanted poster, Xiao Ke inexplicably believed Gu Meng's words, but he still had to visit him later, and he could also ask the witness Old Neil.

It has to be said that as a fortune teller, and one who can use gray mist to improve his fortune telling ability, Xiao Ke is actually famous for his steamed eggs, oh no, he looks like a famous detective!

He thought again, fortunately he had already explained that he was not an omniscient god and needed the help of mortals in reality, so it was not a big problem.

After thinking about it, Xiao Ke asked casually: "In this case, have you found anything unusual in Tingen recently?"

Gu Meng pondered for a few seconds. Some things were difficult for him to explain clearly, and he had to endure and keep a low profile for another week. He originally planned to talk about it at the next Tarot Club. Now that he has been asked, he will pick out some things to say:

"Tingen City has indeed been unusual recently. I suspect it is also related to the approaching doomsday. This is the beginning of the new era as predicted by the prophecy. In order to ensure that I don't miss the tide of the times, I have actually been living here in hiding.

In the past, this place was generally peaceful, on the surface The highest level of extraordinary people is Sequence 7. Only a few high-level seals of the Orthodox Church are worth looking at, but the situation has changed suddenly recently.

I have smelled the smell of some mid- and high-level witches, and sensed that the Aurora Society is setting up a crude but dangerous conspiracy. Because the clues collected are too childish, I can't be sure...

The people of the Secret Society are just pawns, not worth worrying about, but behind all this, I also feel unusual coincidences, and I have some guesses...

Let me explore for a while, and report to you once I have new discoveries. "

"...I know." Xiao Ke is far less calm than he appears.

What the hell? He originally felt that the Antigonus Notes was the source of all dangers, but now why are there so many things, witches, the Aurora Society, and the mastermind behind the scenes, each one sounds more dangerous than the other.

And that prophecy, is it about my own time travel?!

Mr. Power's ancestor of the time traveler must be a great prophet. Could it be that I, an ordinary Sequence 9, a time traveler who doesn't have much of a protagonist style, is really the savior?!

If so, would this gray fog space, which can only hold meetings at present, be a little weak as the golden finger of the savior?

After talking about this serious matter, there was nothing important, and the few people continued to play keyboard politics for a while to consume the remaining time.

Under the proposal of Miss Justice, the civil service examination system really entered the eyes of the parliamentarians, and perhaps it will become a real system in another half a year.

Gu Mengti suggested it because keyboard politics itself is very happy, and he just wants to have fun. Xiao Ke actually pushed this matter a little selfishly, wanting to use the information gap to let his brother Benson Moretti prepare for some less competitive civil service positions in advance.

His brother also worked hard. As the eldest brother, in this era, he can support his younger brothers and sisters to receive a good education...

Cold knowledge, Benson is only three years older than Klein, a fresh graduate, but his hairline has already had a very obvious trend of moving back.

It may be because of overwork that he has become bald at a young age. It is sad and lamentable, and it is really sad to hear and see.

After chatting for a while, the topic turned to the extraordinary world. The Hanged Man mentioned intentionally or unintentionally: "In recent decades, the number of activities of various secret organizations has been increasing, and even several new, large-scale organizations with certain extraordinary power have emerged."

Ke Miao said ambiguously: "Some ancient powers are awakening."

Gu Meng nodded and said: "The end of the world is approaching, only Mr. Fool can protect all living beings."

Alger didn't dare to look at this dangerous combination of evil gods and evil god believers. Miss Justice was a little confused. She still didn't understand too many things.

"If there is nothing else to share, then let's end today's party here."

It has been a long time, and Ke Miao ended this conversation that also contained a lot of information.

"Follow your will."

After the three finished speaking, Xiao Ke crossed out the connection with the Crimson Star.

Everything passed quickly, various phantoms shattered, and the four people penetrated the gray mist and returned to the real world.


The next morning.

Gu Meng got up. He was still struggling with moving, and temporarily still lived in the single apartment in Tingen.

Unmarried, but with a daughter and five bastards, works at Hoy University and gets home from get off work at 8 o'clock at the latest every day.

No bad habits, no smoking, only a little drinking. Go to bed at 10 o'clock in the evening and make sure to sleep for 8 hours.

Drink a glass of warm milk before going to bed, never leave fatigue and stress until the next day, even the doctor said he is normal.

Today is a good day, and there is one more task in his schedule, praying to Mr. Fool and completing the task assigned by the Lord at the last meeting.

But at the same time, Mr. Fool's mood is not so wonderful, he was awakened by the voice that suddenly appeared in his mind.

The illusory shout echoed in his mind, making him a little mentally weak.

He got up with difficulty and found that it was only six o'clock. He walked into his kingdom of God-the bathroom in a daze, and quickly walked back four steps in front of the toilet and came to the gray fog.

In front of him was the shrinking and expanding crimson, and after touching the star representing Mr. Strength.

He saw a man in very boring clothes praying:

"Fool who does not belong to this era, you are the mysterious master above the gray fog, you are the yellow and black king who controls good luck..."

"I pray for your help."

"I pray for your favor."

"I pray for you to give me a good dream..."

"Give me a good dream..."

"Good dream..."


You are disturbing my good dream now!

Mr. Fool is very angry, the consequences are serious!

Ke Miao was angry for a while, but after thinking about it, Mr. Strength was just completing his task, and he didn't even change the spell. He completely respected his own wishes. He can only be said to be loyal.

Okay, Xiao Ke sighed and thought, "I'm not angry, I'm not angry. The world is so beautiful, but I'm so irritable. This is not good, not good."

Try to calm down and reply:

"I know...I know...I know..."

Today I actually wrote 10,000 words. I didn't expect that I was so good. Hahahaha, I definitely can't do it when I go to work tomorrow.

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