"Sir, where is this?"

"What do you want to do?"

"Great being, I salute you. It turns out that the legends are true... I will definitely abide by my family's promise."

The first two sentences come from Audrey and Alger, and the latter ones are naturally from Gu Meng himself.

Xiao Ke can improvise and pretend to be a big shot in the mysterious world, which is obviously a talented actor.

Although Gu Meng is just an amateur actor, he has already prepared.

Now above the gray fog, Xiao Ke, who is still an ordinary person, can't see through other people's faces. It shouldn't be a big problem if his acting skills are average, and being an actor who fools the people is what he pursues.

At the same time, Klein, who had dragged people into the gray fog, did not understand the current situation.

After he calmed down, he realized that the gray fog on his body was different from that of the other three. The gray fog on his body was obviously thicker.

Although the other three reacted differently, flustered, wary, and respectful, they all obviously thought that he was the leader, and that he had indeed brought people in accidentally.

The man who spoke last seemed to think that he was some kind of "great being", which was completely a mistake.

After a short analysis, Xiao Ke followed his inner guidance and made a judgment.

He chose to maintain an enigmatic image in order to actively guide the development of events and obtain valuable information.

He had just traveled through time recently, and these people he pulled up might be special and might be able to provide him with information.

Xiao Ke chuckled, his tone was calm and his voice was low but not deep, as if he was responding to a polite greeting from a visitor:

"An attempt."

A try?

Audrey and Alger looked at the enigmatic Klein in shock, feeling that things were absurd, funny, scary, and strange.

One of them was in the bedroom, the other was on the sea, and they were suddenly transferred to this mysterious place. How incredible it was that it was just someone else's attempt to make light of it!

But Gu Meng's inner thought is that Xiao Meng is indeed not as good as Xiao Ke. He is also the protagonist of the squid. Look at him, on the first day of time travel, he has already started to show himself as a saint in front of others.

When Xiao Meng first traveled through time, he was criticized for being too scheming when he wanted to show off in Shaolin, and he was sent to the Servant House. This is the difference.

Audrey took a breath, showed an impeccable polite smile in the gray fog, and asked rather uneasily:

"Sir, is the attempt over? Can we go back?"

Although she was curious about the occult, but when she suddenly encountered such a thing, her instinctive reaction was to go home early.

Gu Meng pretended to be dissatisfied and glanced at Audrey, his movements showing that he was hesitant to speak.

Alger couldn't tell the situation. He only felt that of the two people who came at the same time, the girl was probably a passerby, and the man might have some connection with the mysterious man shrouded in gray mist.

But he was relatively calm, suppressed the urge to ask questions, said nothing, and observed secretly.

Alger chose the path of a grumpy old bird, but the bloodline was impure.

Except for the very powerful move of being dissatisfied with the Fool in the early stage, it is basically relatively smooth.

In the later period, he was completely transformed into a leader in the spiritual civilization construction of think tanks and members, earning the nickname "Inverted Political Commissar".

On the contrary, it is Master Luo of the Gou San family who is truly brave, has a brilliant record, and is honored even if he loses.

Klein looked at the blond girl, but did not reply immediately, and then glanced at Gu Meng.

He and Alger had similar views, but Xiao Ke didn't know what Gu Meng was thinking.

Is this Dihua? The Bone King is actually me?

The key point is that I don’t even know the background of the story, and Gu Aotian is really good at fighting.

But he has already pretended to be out, and before the society goes out of business, our owner of the bathroom still needs to be brave and pretend to be brave.

Besides, in this incident, the three of them are guests, and I am the host!

After his mentality changed, Klein maintained his boss attitude, looked at the blond girl, and chuckled:

"Of course, if you formally propose, I can let you go back now."

Audrey wanted to leave just now, but after hearing what the mysterious man said, she didn't want to leave anymore and said eagerly:

“It was such an amazing experience…well, I always look forward to something like this.

I mean, I love mystery, I love transcendent miracles, no, my point, I mean, sir, what do I do to become extraordinary? "

The more Audrey talked, the more excited she became, and she was even a little incoherent with excitement.

With her identity, not being in the circle is a kind of protection from the elders. After all, the mystery of this world is not so beautiful, but is always accompanied by loss of control and madness.

But this is how their nobles are. It is normal for them to have money and leisure, to be curious and mysterious, and to want to become extraordinary.

Otherwise, what else can we pursue, such as opening a bank party?

In a world without demons, nobles would come up with some very strange things, but the extraordinaryness of this world is real.

Regarding Audrey's question, Klein, who had just traveled through time, didn't know the answer.

Although it is a typical mysterious incident for him to drag people into the gray fog, he is not an extraordinary person yet.

At the same time, Xiaoke felt that standing and talking like this seemed a bit low. It would be nice if there was a main hall, a long table, and some seats.

As soon as the thought came to an end, gray fog rolled suddenly, and the magnificent hall, long bronze table, and high-backed chairs were all there.

Audrey felt even more that Xiao Ke was a big boss, and Alger realized from his accent and speech what kind of person the blond girl was like——

Perhaps a wealthy person or noble in Loen, who vaguely felt that there was something to gain, answered Audrey's question on behalf of Xiao Ke.

Alger first explained the official extraordinary people in Loen, including the three major orthodox sects of the Church of the Goddess of Night, the Church of the Lord of Storms, and the Church of the God of Steam and Machinery. He also said that the royal family and the nobles with a long history also had extraordinary people.

Audrey didn't want to be constrained, so she asked if there was any other way.

Alger first turned his head to look at the mysterious man Xiao Ke, and found that he had been watching, so he said that he had two sequence nine potion formulas.

In the process, he also popularized the most basic knowledge of the potion promotion system to Audrey and Klein, including that the name of the potion came from the blasphemous slate, which was an ancient name in the past and sometimes changed with the development of the times.

And the two formulas in his hand, one for sailors and the other for spectators.

Audrey felt that the spectators who could gain outstanding spirit and keen observation, and could see the true thoughts of others through observation, were more suitable for her than the sailors who were good at diving, so she chose the spectators.

The two made a deal, exchanging the formula for the ghost shark blood, with a huge premium, and Alger made a lot of money.

But for Audrey, it was just a few hundred pounds, a small amount of money.

She made a lot of money by exchanging it for a supernatural ticket. Both sides felt that they had made a profit, and this was a win-win situation.

In the early days of the Tarot Club, Miss Justice was the sponsor and questioner of the organization, and she supported the normal operation of the Tarot Club.

As a low-level supernatural person, the inverted political commissar played a role like popular science explanation, and was actually not very useful later.

He chose the Hanged Man, which symbolizes sacrifice, and it was amazing that nothing happened in the finale.

When Alger started to answer, Gu Meng pretended to be more angry but barely restrained, and kept looking at Xiao Ke until the two agreed to the deal, and then he said with fake dissatisfaction:

"Storm believers, and this Loen noble, don't go too far!"

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