The second sister originally wanted to lure Zhu Bajie into the Pansi Cave. Once the magic weapon gradually exerted its effects and confused Zhu Bajie's mind, she could capture him and hand him over to his mother. But now she didn't dare and just ran away.

However, the clue to the Great Holy Root Artifact lies in the old spider spirit. Even without her guidance, the group will naturally not let it go and still have to go into the cave to investigate.

But, before that...

"So, what is the origin of that old spider spirit? Tell us what you can tell us."

"This... Hi." Zhu Bajie originally wanted to fool him, but Gu Meng, a great magical person who appeared out of nowhere, was no easier to deal with than the little monkey, so he still said it more or less.

"The current owner of Pansi Cave is named Zizhu'er. She used to be a fairy in the sky, and I am an old acquaintance. However, she later became a goblin and went on an evil path. When I traveled to the west, my senior brother asked me to bring those seven The spider spirit was silenced, and I killed her six sisters, but I was soft-hearted and spared her life..."

"Wait a minute, wait a minute, you killed six of her sisters and she still treats you well. The little spider spirit said before that you and her mother were more than that. How about ruining her reputation?"

"It's just a one-night fling... Let's not talk about it..." Bajie scratched his head, "I originally planned to sneak into her banquet, tell her some nice things in private, and coax the news about the penis into her, but I didn't expect to be caught by this woman. The baby has ruined a good thing..."

Zhu Bajie didn't actually say much, but he basically hit the point, which also confirmed Gu Meng's previous guess.

Gu Meng also felt that the two of them definitely didn't just have a one-night fling, they should have some real feelings. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. It's Zhu Bajie.

Moreover, Zhu Bajie was very confident that Zizhu'er would not really do anything to him. This was no longer a little bit of emotion, but a very deep emotion, but there was no need to ask more about more specific things.

"OK, now it seems that the situation is still under your control, so go directly to their lair."

So the three of them jumped into the Pansi Cave from the entrance of Zhujiayuan. The entrance of the cave was quite deep, and there was a net underneath. It was considered a trap. Most people would easily get entangled in the cobwebs before they could react for the first time, and they would not be able to break free. However, Gu Meng had already seen it. , carried the little monkey and flew over. Bajie could turn into wind by himself, and he was rough-skinned and thick-bodied, so don’t worry about him.

Gu Meng noticed that another spider spirit quietly left the vicinity at this time, emm... She originally wanted to wait for the trap to be triggered to find a chance to catch someone? It doesn't look like it, Gu Meng doesn't think she has any ill intentions.

"These bugs are really more sinister than my old pig."

When Zhu Bajie complained, Gu Meng looked around and nodded slowly: "Tsk, that's it."

"Huh? What did you find?"

"It's nothing. I felt something was wrong when I arrived at Lanxi Village. I entered the cave and saw it more clearly. There is a large-scale formation in the mountains. I thought there was something wrong with the atmosphere here. It turned out to be like this."

Gu Meng originally thought that the fairy energy hidden nearby for setting up the formation was some kind of trap for the people of destiny, or that the business of the Zhu family's spider spirit had already reached heaven, and it was the master in heaven who was protecting the industrial park.

Now it seems that it is right to protect the industry, but on the one hand, the weaving factory is also a monster breeding farm.

In addition to the valuable spider spirits among these insect demons, I am afraid that many of them are... hybrid experimental products and prepared elixir materials?

No wonder the little monsters said that the spider spirits could not leave Pansiling to discuss business and had to let outsiders come here to trade. It seemed that the formation here controlled all the insect monsters indiscriminately, and they were probably worried about what kind of trouble would be caused by the leakage of the experimental products.

Perhaps Baimu Demon Lord, the mastermind behind Gu Meng's guess, is just a chess piece who is controlled by others and whose freedom is often restricted. If he is really the mastermind, how could he create such a formation against insect monsters? Not as good as yellow eyebrows.

Huang Mei pretended to be the World Honored One and made light of the Buddha's Dharma. He said that Tathagata was full of farts and that he wanted to do it by himself. At least he really meant what he said. Even if there was some black hand behind him, he would not dare to encourage him to be so bold. Moreover, everything Huang Mei did was to do it. It feels like being the boss and establishing a new world in the West.

Tsk, a boy with such a high spirit, Gu Meng began to reflect on why he was so timid before. There were obviously many clues to judge and compare Huang Mei's strength, but he was still frightened.

Not to mention Huang Mei, Gu Meng is familiar with biological experiments such as Pansi Cave. He has done it many times from all walks of life. Black Myth Gu Meng also did it a little bit after accepting Huang Mei's industry. Xiao Xitian's Pagoda Prison Several floors inside were rearranged by him to house ferocious beasts and house ghosts.

However, the things he breeds to make elixirs are generally not rational, so they feel at ease when eaten. Many monsters here, such as spider spirits, are obviously highly intelligent creatures, with both good and evil. Looking at it this way, this god is not very particular.

I still hope they just kill some monsters that don't have much intelligence to eat, that would be better... Gu Meng can't say whether his mentality is human or monster now, it's probably still a human being, but it's more or less different than normal Gu Meng. Favoring the monster.

There were some murderous and even cannibalistic monsters in Xiaoxitian, but Gu Meng didn't kill them all, so he still had to figure out what the situation was. Those who ate people to satisfy their hunger before becoming wise would be counted separately, and those who only ate evil people and were not allowed to eat them in the future would be dismissed.

Fortunately, except for the newcomers, there are very few sober little demons. Most of them are unconscious little demons under the influence of Huang Mei. In that case, all the bad karma can be placed on Huang Mei alone. He is the little demon. The Western Heaven is the pot of all things, and no merit will be deducted from other monsters.

In the future, we will set rules and prohibitions. Xiao Xitian will follow the school of cultivation that does not eat humans. If they are punished again, it will not be considered as killing without teaching. There are many demon cultivators like this. Those who eat will keep eating, and those who do not eat will never eat. Xiao Xitian also has such demons.

While Zhu Bajie asked Gu Meng what he saw here, the group continued to move forward.

Gu Meng noticed that the man of destiny was absorbing spiritual essence at a fast speed to improve his cultivation while beating the little demon... This is the protagonist. It may be that the root is perfectly integrated with the body of the man of destiny, and it has played its own role, allowing the man of destiny to regain the power that the Great Sage should have.

Gu Meng also intends to let the man of destiny practice martial arts more and become stronger quickly.

Zhu Bajie only feels that Gu Meng is lazy, but in fact he is also lazy... No, he may also want the man of destiny to practice more because he does not work hard.

Fortunately, the little monkey is leveling up by beating monsters, and my big Gu Meng is directly practicing immortality. I am not envious. Everyone has a bright future.

There are really many insect monsters here. Some of them are normal. Centipedes are just bigger and look a bit like interstellar insects. As monsters, they are actually quite normal.

There are human bones around the centipedes. The little monster said that the insect monsters threw the greedy people who came to steal the Zhu family's weaving secret recipe into here to feed them. In all aspects, they are quite consistent with the feeling of normal monsters.

After killing the centipede, Gu Meng also rescued a horse monster from an insect egg. It was considered a familiar monster. Gu Meng saw that his cultivation was quite good before. He chatted with him for a few words in Xiaoxitian. At first, he was also brainwashed.

After Huang Mei was defeated by Tianmingren, Gu Meng accepted the power and asked him if he wanted to stay in Xiaoxitian as a leader after he woke up. He said that he had something important to do. I didn't expect to see him again in Pansi Cave.

Tianmingren also knew him. The horse monster thanked Tianmingren again. It seems that he had met Tianmingren not only in Xiaoxitian and Pansi Cave, but also in other monster kings' territories before.

The horse demon called himself Ma Tianba, a subordinate of the powerful king. He said that the powerful king was in trouble, so he came to the territories of various demon kings to ask for help.

Wait a minute, the powerful king - What is Love?

Okay, Gu Meng misheard, it's not that powerful king, it's the powerful Bull Demon King.

"I finally understand, it's better to rely on yourself than on others. The Black Wind King is not reliable at all, the Yellow Wind Great Sage can't protect himself, the Yellow Eyebrow Old Buddha is just a name, and Pansiling is like this. I'd better go back to Huoyan Mountain to save the king."

The horse demon said he had given up, but his tone was not depressed. Instead, he had a sense of pride. He was a man.

With his own ability, it might be difficult to solve the crisis that trapped the Bull Demon King. He knew it was impossible to do it but still did it.

"I don't know what kind of person Bull Demon King is. I've only heard rumors about him in Journey to the West, but I can see that you are a loyal and righteous man. Let's do this. You stay nearby for a few days. When this matter is settled, I will go with you to have a look when I have time."

"Thank you, my king, thank you, my king."

Ma Tianba was overjoyed. When Xiao Xitian recruited him, he saw Gu Meng's demonic power. He was a great demon king with monstrous demonic power. His cultivation was even higher than Huang Mei, and he could make people breathless. With his help, the danger of Huoyan Mountain can be solved.

"Is there anything I can help with?" Ma Tianba wanted to help Gu Meng and Tianmingren.

"No... uh, you can help us go to the upper level to ask those insect monsters again. You can write down any information."



In addition to centipedes and other ordinary insect monsters, some monsters are obviously abnormal in development. They are not the style of local insect monsters. They are probably foreign insect monsters. Moreover, many insects are surprisingly disgusting, just like aliens.

There was a bug demon that looked like the right hand of a powerful Buddhist cultivator. After being killed, it left a bone mirror, which was the mirror that the little demons in Wushan had mentioned before.

Gu Meng had never heard of its origin, but Zhu Bajie said that it was a treasure mirror with allusions and legends. It originally had a set of twelve mirrors, but many of them have been lost now.

Zhu Bajie took a picture and saw the appearance of Marshal Tianpeng, a handsome guy. Gu Meng took a picture of himself and there was no change... This shows that his true foundation cannot be seen by ordinary magic weapons, which makes sense.

A little demon who lived a long time said that the Buddha's hand was moved into a cave by a Taoist one day, and then bugs grew on his hand.

Maybe the Taoist dismembered the owner of the Buddha's hand, or maybe he just broke his arm and the person was not dead. Gu Meng couldn't tell.

Gu Meng could only see that the Buddha's hand owner's Buddhist cultivation was higher than Zhu Bajie, the altar purifier who had already achieved the right fruit and was equal to the Bodhisattva. Even if Zhu Bajie had the foundation of immortality, he had experienced the journey to the West and was personally conferred by the Buddha. The Buddha's power was not fake. The owner of this hand was either a real Buddha or a Bodhisattva with more experience.

Among the Bodhisattvas in Journey to the West, Guanyin, Ksitigarbha, Manjusri, and Samantabhadra, the four great Bodhisattvas representing great compassion, great vows, great wisdom, and great deeds, belong to the big religions. Although they are not Buddhas, everyone with a discerning eye knows that their status is still higher than that of ordinary Buddhas.

Especially Guanyin, whose presence in Journey to the West is too high, second only to the five masters and apprentices. Personally, I feel that her presence is higher than Sha Seng and Xiao Bailong. If something really happens, it should make a big fuss.

The other powerful Bodhisattva, the Peacock King Bodhisattva, has a less positive image. In Journey to the West, it is said that after Tathagata was swallowed, he escaped from the back of a peacock and wanted to kill the man-eating beast, but was stopped by a group of ancient Buddhas who said it was unethical. They asked Tathagata to recognize the peacock as his stepmother. This Bodhisattva is not discussed here.

Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva has great magical powers and is the right attendant of the Supreme Buddha Amitabha. Even if he is not as good as the left attendant Guanyin, he should not be much worse than Amitabha, who is also known as the Three Holy Ones of the West... It is hard to say. Who knows what his setting is in this world? In Journey to the West, Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva is just a cameo, and his role is far less than that of Manjusri, Samantabhadra and Ksitigarbha, who appear on the stage with a mount.

Maitreya, the future Buddha, is the future Buddha, Schrödinger's Buddha. In fact, he can also be considered a Bodhisattva. Xiao Xitian has seen him.

Among the other powerful Bodhisattvas, the National Master Wang Bodhisattva is relatively famous in the demon world because he is good at subduing demons and monsters, but Gu Meng can't remember what he did specifically in Journey to the West. He probably didn't play much of a role.

Lingji Bodhisattva Gu Meng remembered that he helped Wukong twice. Once in Huangfengling, he subdued the Yellow Wind Monster with the Flying Dragon Staff, and once he used the Dingfeng Pill to restrain the Banana Fan. He is very powerful and a wind nemesis. Tianmingren has met him in Huangfengling before.

Bodhisattva Vilanpo is a possibility. Her family is the nemesis of insects. She helped Wukong and subdued the Hundred-Eyed Demon King with the golden needle refined from her son's sun eye.

The last three Bodhisattvas are original characters in Journey to the West (note). Wukong's Fighting Buddha has a source. They are not so famous, so it makes sense that they were killed.

Could it be that this multi-eyed monster was so bold that he escaped from the control and killed Bodhisattva Vilanpo?

The formation of Pansiling looks like a fairy formation. The Hundred-Eyed Demon King was recruited by the Heavenly Court. With such a background, it is really hard to say. After all, the black myth here may have added a lot of dark and cruel settings.

These alien insects were studied by Gu Meng and found that these were all experimental products. I am afraid that some insect eggs with extraordinary potential were planted in various flesh and blood. Most of them were left to develop on their own and cultivate various alien insects. Only a few insect eggs had traces of interference... These insect eggs probably have a higher quality mother source.

The technique is really rough. Was it done by the spider spirit or the Hundred-Eyed Demon King? In this regard, meeting Gu Meng, the mating master, is like a primary school student meeting a professor-level figure. This is Gu Meng's amazing wisdom.

If it were Gu Meng, how could he make so many weird failures, and there is no potential. If he were to pollute and demonize for a few hundred years, the Zerg would probably be able to capture the Heavenly Palace. How could it be so weak?

During this period, the spider spirit that Gu Meng had been keeping an eye on approached several times. Sometimes it wanted to pull out the seal array talisman, perhaps to take advantage of the chaos when the man of destiny entered the cave to see if there was a chance to regain freedom. Sometimes it secretly left some instructions, as if it was afraid that the man of destiny would get lost.

Other little demons called her the fourth grandmother... I understand, the fourth one wanted to seize power and usurp the position of chairman of Pansiling Co., Ltd.! (Not)


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