Chapter 97 96. The sea, chaos

In the four seas, the Grand Line, and the New World, everyone's eyes are turned to this news, and they are all paying attention to the movements of the world government. What will they do? Publish news to refute rumors?

In fact, the World Government did exactly this, telling the whole world through live broadcast that because Rohr spread rumors and had a profound impact on the World Government, the World Government decided to kill him with all its strength.

It can be said that the response was timely. Now that the world government is the focus, there is no reason why the news agency should not broadcast it. Soon, the news spread to the whole world. The whole world began to pay attention to Rohr and began to guess how he would respond.

Not long after, another piece of news came out, this time it was not Joyboy, but a route, and it was clearly stated which island and what would appear at which location.

This is Rohr's response. If you tell the world in such detail that you think it is a rumor, feel free to check the authenticity of what I said. In addition, the end also revealed information about the existence of a huge kingdom.

There are many pirates on the sea, and some of them sail directly according to the route pointed out by Rolle. Many historical secrets are exposed, which further confirms the authenticity of Rolle's words.

Holy Land, Marie Gioia.

Wulaoxing knelt on one knee, facing a throne, with his head lowered.

"The tide of the sea cannot be stopped. What is your order?"

The people on the Supreme Throne looked at the five people below with no expression, and just issued an order for Rohr to be executed immediately.

"Yes." The five people slowly retreated.

Since they could not stop the wave, Wulaoxing decided to use all their strength to kill Rohr, the Navy, CP0, and the Knights of God. They would use all execution units to encircle and suppress him, and they must eradicate this existence who knows the secret as soon as possible.

The sea did not wait for the second response from the World Government, but only began to gather troops. The navy participating in the encirclement and suppression was at least a lieutenant general. The three generals, the marshal, the navy commander, the leader of the Knights of God, and the top-notch CP0, This lineup can easily defeat the so-called Emperor of the Sea.

The actions of the World Government spread to the world as news spread all over the world. The pirates in the New World went crazy and began to act recklessly. However, the pirates in this half of the Grand Line were extremely honest and would not miss their mark until the war was over.

The entire sea was completely in chaos, and a force also began to surge. The revolutionary army, leading all the countries in the world, resisted the impact of pirate forces. In the East China Sea, Garp, a naval hero who did not participate in the war, encircled and suppressed the pirates.

The powerful strength of Garp and the Revolutionary Army soon shocked the pirates from all over the world. The pirates here were still too weak and were wiped out as soon as they started.

"This group of pirates is really endless."

"There is no way. Now we have completely entered the era of riots." After Garp solved a pirate, he recalled the first meeting between the two. He was a Celestial Dragon with a unique personality. The most important thing was that he grew up very quickly.

When I heard about it again, the other party had already gone to the new world, defeated Big Mom, and conquered the underground world, Whitebeard. The successive victories undoubtedly pushed his reputation to the peak.

In the end, he betrayed him. Before, Garp felt that it was the trap dug by those old guys, but now that Rolle has done these things, he feels that the Five Old Stars may have some truth. Rolle is too dangerous, not only because of his strength.

In such an era, some powerful pirates and navies soon appeared. Rolle was undoubtedly remembered by the whole world, and some pirates even sought after him.

New world, fur pirates.

"Pedro, what's next?"

"Go and help Mr. Roll." Pedro said without hesitation. Zou, who lives in the fur tribe, need not worry. There is no life paper and it is almost impossible to find it.

"Will we face the world government and navy next? It's really exciting."

The fur tribe's boat quickly sailed in the direction of Roll's paper of life.


"You deserve it. Rolle deserves it all because of his own fault."

"Haha, we just need to pay attention to this war. The man who is known as the strongest in the world, the world government, and the navy, who can win is really exciting."

"In the next period of time, Fishman Island and Shampoo Islands will be designated as restricted areas."

Morgans did not participate in this meeting. He is very busy now. He not only has to evade the pursuit of the CP organization, but also makes big news. He has no time to participate in such underground meetings where the top management has changed again.

Ghost Island.

"Giggle, such an interesting war cannot be without me." Kaido watched the news and directly decided to join the war. He was the first maritime overlord to plan to intervene in this war.

The top brass of the Beast Pirates didn't say anything, and their captain didn't do this for a day or two, so the younger brother naturally wouldn't refute.

"The Beast Pirates, let's go this time, hahaha." Kaido didn't plan to go alone this time.

"Oh!?" Others were shocked. They also went. Can little Karami like them participate in that war?

Naval Headquarters, Marin Fendo.

This time, all navies above the rank of rear admiral were assembled, and those below the rank of rear admiral were not eligible to participate in this war. This was the conclusion drawn by CP intelligence. A strong man like Rohr could not win by relying on numbers.

Gion is naturally included in this list. After she lost to Roar in one move, she worked harder and harder to become stronger, but she couldn't see the opponent's taillights at all. When she originally thought she was a good Tianlong, she didn't expect these things to happen. .

The Navy, which had once had a relationship with Rohr, was full of a sense of crisis about this war. Rohr's strength was far beyond them at that time, let alone now.

"Aokiji, you also lost?" The newly promoted Marshal Sengoku looked at Aokiji, one of the three admirals.

"Well, I feel that he still held back. He didn't use the knife that made me shudder." Aokiji told the truth about the battle. He also read all the news. If the news is true, is this war really not a farce? He doubted it in his heart.

"It's really terrible." Kizaru said this from the heart. He had met him once before.

"I will arrest all the criminals." Akainu snorted coldly.

"The navy has been assembled, Sengoku, don't let them wait too long." Crane reminded.

"Well, let's go." Sengoku led a few people to the square of Marin Fendo.

Fishman Island.

"Alas, the war may make humans and fishmen reach an uncontrollable point." Otohime was a little worried. It felt that all the previous actions were in vain.

"The fishmen's warriors volunteered to participate in the battle." Neptune sighed.

"Dad, Mom, is Brother Raw going to fight?" Shirahoshi is much older than Otohime now.


"Brother Raw will definitely win."

Hearing Shirahoshi's words, the two fell silent. They naturally hoped that Raw would win. If he lost, Fishman Island would no longer exist. If he won, it would only leave a mess. Both sides would gain nothing from this war.

The forces on Raw's side include his pirate group, fishmen, fur tribe, long-legged tribe, long-armed tribe, and some countries in the New World that have not joined the World Government.

There are also many masters on Raw's side. In addition to his super-large strength, he is not without a chance of winning the battle with the World Government and the Navy. However, in this war, he is enough alone.

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