At the same time, the golden finger came too late

Chapter 61 The Wangxuan Camp Being Eaten

Chapter 61 61. The King's Chosen Camp Being Eaten

"Scatter quickly." Seeing the White Whale's actions, Crusch shouted hurriedly.

Among them, only the Sword Ghost went upstream, took this opportunity to rush to the White Whale, picked up the sword, and began to injure the White Whale.

The Sword Ghost's actions also gave the crusade team confidence. They all picked up their weapons and rushed to the White Whale, and the magicians cast magic one after another.

This attack lasted for two minutes, and everyone realized that something was wrong. No matter how much they attacked, the position of the White Whale in the air did not change.

Seeing the Sword Ghost struggling to output, everyone else was full of confidence. Felix came to Crusch's side: "Old Man Sword Ghost is really amazing."

"Very strange." Crusch frowned.


"Assuming that the White Whale would fall to the ground due to our attack, this would be the best time to crusade, but it did not move in the air." Crusch has realized that something is wrong.

The sword ghost came to the white whale's eyes alone. He was like skiing on it, but there was no substantial damage. The eyes were undoubtedly a fatal weakness.

Without hesitation, the sword ghost's sharp sword pierced the white whale's eyes and blinded it.

This attack made the white whale completely angry. Its eyes began to turn red, and a large amount of fog burst out of its body, filling the originally dispersed fog, and its body flew into the air.

The sword ghost also fell off the white whale's body, and the people at the scene began to prepare to dispel magic and disperse the fog again.

"It's almost time to clean up the mess." Roll put on his hood, covered his eyes, and rushed towards the road that everyone had to take to retreat.

And the people at the scene of Kurush were desperate. They dispersed the fog, and what they saw were three white whales. They had no way to make one white whale land, let alone now there were three.

"It's over, how can we win." One person's weapon landed.

With the first one, more and more weapons landed, and morale undoubtedly reached the lowest point.

The white whales in the sky did not intend to let go of this group of demoralized troops, and began to release the fog of annihilation. Two white whales began to dive towards the ground, and the white whales at the highest point were wandering and outputting, determined not to come down.

The number of people was constantly decreasing, and the sword ghost Wilhelm was also swallowed by the white whale. Kurush took a deep breath and shouted loudly: "Pick up your weapons and retreat. If you resist, you can still have a chance to survive. If you don't resist, you will die."

As Kurush blocked the fog of the white whale with a slash, the people at the scene picked up their weapons and began to retreat. It was because of Kurush's decisive decision that the casualties this time could be reduced.

But she understood that this time the king's election had nothing to do with her, and no one would support her.

The sky gradually brightened, and on the carriage returning, many people were injured and dejected. They didn't know the names of the dead, but they knew how many people went before setting off, and when they came back, less than half were left. This was a heavy casualty.

And the old man Sword Ghost was still in the belly of the white whale, and the possibility of death was very high.

"Lord Crusch." Felix looked at Crusch, a little worried.

At this time, Crusch had a heavy expression, looked at everyone and said: "Thank you for your help and support, I'm sorry about who died, but those present, come to me directly to collect the gold coins."

She didn't say the specific amount, but Felix knew that the amount would not be small. Although the crusade against the white whale failed, Crusch did not give up the king election, even if the chance of winning was slim.

But soon, a roadblock appeared on their way forward, a tall man in a hood, exuding a strong witch's breath, and corpses were scattered around.

Everyone was forced to stop, and Crusch hurried out to look at the person in front of him: "Who are you?"

"Who am I? I see, don't you recognize my clothes and dress, but I know you, the candidate for the king election, in order to eliminate disasters or achievements, your courage is worthy of praise, but after all, it is just the courage of a common man, and only this pile of wreckage is left." Luo Er said to himself.

"You've been talking so much. Answer my question. Who are you? If you don't answer, I'll cut you off." Crusch didn't intend to continue talking nonsense.

"Oh? You're going to cut me off if I don't answer the question? You're really greedy. But, is there a possibility that your slash is ineffective against me?" Roll stretched out a finger and showed his teeth.

"I said I'll cut you off if you keep talking nonsense." Crusch swung a slash directly at Roll.

"You're not taking the bait, but it doesn't matter." The slash passed through Roll's body, as if it was a phantom standing here.

Crusch showed a shocked expression, and Felix was also shocked.

In fact, Roll dodged the attack at a speed beyond the limit of his body. It looked like it passed through Roll's body, and their eyes did not catch that moment.

"Didn't I say that your attack is ineffective against me? Why don't you listen to others' advice?" Roll sighed.

The people at the scene were completely in despair. They saw that Crusch had no way to deal with him.

Felix swallowed his saliva. At this moment, he hated himself so much for being a healer and unable to help Crusch.

At this time, a scream came from not far away, and a short, gloomy boy slowly walked towards them.

"Eat, chew, gnaw, swallow, bite, no matter how much you eat, you can't get full. Although you are just a stray dog, you can still eat." Lei spoke crazily.

"Who are you?" Crusch held the sword, took a deep breath, and tried to calm himself down.

"The Archbishop of the Witch Cult, Gluttony, Rei Badenkaitos."

"The Archbishop of the Witch Cult, Regulus Corneas." Roll was out, so he naturally reported a false identity.

"Archbishop of Sin? It's just right for me to use you as a redemption." Crusch raised his sword, pushed Felix away, and glanced at him.

The two had lived together for many years, and they had a tacit understanding. Felix knew that Crusch wanted him to go back and find support first. He knew that he would be useless if he stayed, so he quickly fled. At this moment, he could only think of the Sword Saint Reinhard.

"Huh? You can't even kill our pets, and you still want to kill us." Lei was very disdainful of this.

"One ran away, don't you chase him?" Roll looked at Lei.

"Eat her first. Her resolute resistance must be very delicious." Lei didn't care if anyone escaped. He cared if his target escaped.

"Your opponent is me." Crusch swung two swords, one at Roll and one at Lei, as if trying to stop them.

"Sometimes it's quite troublesome. The weak don't know the gap between themselves and the strong." Roll sighed, picked up a wooden stick, and swung it at Crusch.

A slash came directly at him, and Crusch dodged in a very embarrassed manner. She couldn't believe that Roll could feel the opponent's sword skills from a wooden stick. This slash lived up to expectations and split the carriage in the distance into two.

"Crouch Karsten, thank you for the hospitality." Lei took the opportunity to come to Crusch and devour her existence.

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