Chapter 50 50. Pretense

Luo Er looked at the fearful group of women, there were more than two hundred of them, and then said: "Those who are from Watergate City, and those who want to stay in Watergate City, stand up."

No one dared to move. Although they had heard the screams outside the door just now, they would not act rashly without seeing a dead person. That man was too terrifying.

Ram used wind magic to blow the corpse here, showing a very disgusted expression.

It's a pity that Rohr slapped the opponent's face, which was beyond recognition, but the people at the scene knew that the unknown thing was the devil when they saw it.

As one girl stood up tremblingly, more and more girls stood up. In order to kill Regulus, they would even give up their own lives, and Roll was their savior.

"Do you still have home?" Luo Er said softly.

"Wow, no more. He killed both my parents."

The scene descended into sadness as one person began to vent, accusing Regulus of his sins over the years while hating themselves to the point of forgetting their names.

Unable to understand their hatred, they began to insult Regulus's body. They knew magic and even used magic to bomb it. They didn't even want to leave the whole body to Regulus.

"Everyone should settle in Watergate City from now on. There are suitable jobs for you here. Food and accommodation are provided, and you don't have to worry about being homeless." Luo Er smiled, but it was more like a profit-seeking smile of a businessman.

At a young age, Ram has begun to understand the evils of the adult world, and he exchanges lifesavers for cheap labor. She seems to be the same way, and there is simply no one left.

Since it was not far from Watergate City, Rohr asked Ram to take more than two hundred people back, and he contacted the current surface city lord in advance to let him make arrangements.

At this time, Rem had goosebumps. Not far away stood a silver-haired girl wearing white cloth. Compared with this girl, Rem felt that Rohr was more emotional.

"Prince Rohr, Bishop Regulus is the perfect Archbishop of Sins. Why do you want to kill him? Don't you feel it's a pity for someone as perfect as him?" Although Pandora's words were filled with regret, her expression remained unchanged.

Rem swallowed and began to hide behind Rohr, as if this could bring her a sense of security.

"Lord Pandora, his actions make it difficult for me to achieve my goal. To do this, I need to clear the obstacles." Rolle responded calmly.

"It can be solved with words. Among the Archbishops of Sin, he poses no threat to you, right, Archbishop Luo Er." Pandora was still puzzled. It is difficult for a perfect Archbishop to appear like this.

"Words can't solve the problem and need to be taught a lesson, but he didn't seem to be taught a lesson, so I decided to kill him." Luo Er said calmly.

"Really, Bishop Rohr, next, you need to fulfill his responsibilities." Pandora finished recycling the witch factor, and then looked at Rem: "Next, you will fall asleep and forget all my memories."

The next moment, Rem fell forward, while Roll held her in his arms. Looking at the sleeping girl, he shuddered. This kind of verbal power was a bit too powerful before its limits were confirmed.

"Priest Luo Er, I wish you all the best." After Pandora finished saying this, she disappeared, as if she had never been here at all.

After the woman left for a while, Luo Er slowly breathed a sigh of relief. He was not afraid of even the Sword Master in this world, but he was very afraid of this woman, a woman whose words attacked the heart.

But on the other hand, he was grateful to her because she gave him the camouflage factor and the ability to be immortal, which allowed him to live for more than a hundred years.

It is precisely because of the effect of his power and the face that has not changed for a hundred years that Rohr is more afraid of this kind of rule ability. This cannot be changed by being strong.

The Sword Master is powerful enough, even the witch can only be 50-50 against him, but Rohr relies on his power to make the Sword Master unable to kill him. You must know that even the Sword Master's level will be affected by this kind of rule power.

"Sir Roll, what's wrong with Rem?" Ram, who returned here, saw Rem lying in Roll's arms and ran over quickly.


Seeing that Rem was sleeping soundly, Ram looked around again: "Sir Roll, is the Archbishop of Sin here again?"

"Well, one came, took Regulus' witch factor and left."

"Who asked Rem to sleep?" Ram was very perceptive.

"Don't worry, Rem is fine. Is anyone here?" Rohr had to sigh. Ram, who had not lost his strength, was simply invincible, both in terms of strength and mental acuity.

"Here, they are outside." Ram lowered her head and said. She sent these people back and handed them over to the people in Watergate City, and then brought some people over. These people were here to receive Regulus' treasure.

Rohr handed Rem to Ram, then walked out the door and looked at several people, all of whom were his witch cultists, and their bodies were stained with witch aura. Rohr nodded with satisfaction.

Today's Minato City is so pervasive that it is completely his territory.

"If you collect all the treasures here, you can each draw a point." Rolle is very generous. Although Regulus is mentally retarded, he has lived for a long time and has countless treasures in his hands. One point can be directly realized. Financial freedom.

So the people on site worked very hard, not only for themselves, but also for the development of the Witch Cult.

"Sir Rohr, where will those people be arranged?" Ram recalled the hopeful eyes of more than two hundred women and couldn't help but ask.

"You will know tomorrow when you go to the street. They will work and support themselves in their own way." Luo Er was talking about the maid shop, which was of course a proper shop, which allowed merchants and ordinary people who could consume to experience the life of the nobility.

Many people spent a lot of money on this. Originally, the nobles of Watergate City were reluctant, but seeing Luo Er making money like this, they joined one after another and even pulled out their own maids.

The death of Regulus did not bring any impact. Although he was a tyrant, his actual destructive power to the world was not as good as that of the Archbishop of Sloth. The main reason was that he was not very active. Going out to rob women was something that street hooligans would do.

The next day, Watergate City was even more lively. You should know that although Regulus was low-energy, he had a good eye for beauty. All of them were beautiful girls.

At this time, beautiful maids suddenly appeared in the maid cafes, restaurants, and hotels on the street. These maids were either shy or introverted, but the smiles on their faces were from the heart, which also attracted the attention of most tourists.

"Ram, how is it?" Luo Er naturally brought the twins to see where the girl went yesterday.

"Lord Luo Er has a black heart." Ram complained in a low voice.

"I provide them with a place to stay, a decent job, and provide them with food and money. You say such a conscientious thing is black-hearted?" It seems that Luo Er has been living for a long time, and he started to joke.

Ram thought for a long time and felt that there was nothing wrong with this statement, but he always felt that something was wrong.

Some maids got started quickly and directly recommended customers to buy other dishes. Not only can they get commissions, but they also have tips from customers. Therefore, some girls not only get started quickly, but are also hardworking.

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