At the same time, the golden finger came too late

Chapter 26 26 The collision of black and red (I)

Chapter 26 26. The collision of black and red (I)

After returning home, Luo Er immediately turned on the villa's security system. Whenever a living person approaches the villa, the alarm will be triggered.

After getting ready, the three began to prepare dinner. They did not take what happened just now to heart. You know, Gin's appearance is also known by the FBI and the police, and there is no danger.

At the same time.

"Lost in this mall? Is there a surveillance camera in this mall?" Akai Shuichi looked a little ugly.

Furugaya Rei's face was also ugly. His people couldn't even track the target well.

"There is no surveillance. Today is the weekend, and it is the peak time of the mall. They blended in and disappeared." The Japanese police were also a little embarrassed. He, a policeman, could not even track the target.

"The other party has a certain anti-reconnaissance awareness. How many doors are there in this mall?" Akai Shuichi asked.

"There are three doors to enter the mall."

"Did they drive?"

"No, the man was carrying the things they bought while shopping, and I asked the security guards in the nearby parking lot, and there were no vehicles in and out during that time." The man shook his head.

"The other party should have taken a taxi back." Akai Shuichi said.

The two did not speak, waiting for Akai Shuichi to continue explaining.

"According to your previous description, they were using their mobile phones before entering the mall. At that time, they should have discovered you and were guessing your identity. They probably guessed that you were a policeman or something." Akai Shuichi confirmed.

"How is it possible? Can't a detective do that?"

"You didn't say what you did when you were tracking, but I guess it should be very regular, right?" Akai Shuichi asked back.

"Isn't it a bit hasty to guess that I am a public security officer based on these alone?" The man was puzzled.

"The other party is the main developer of the organization's lie detector. He has ruled out a large number of undercover agents in the organization, including the FBI, CIA, Japanese Public Security, and undercover agents from other countries. Do you think the FBI and CIA will abide by the rules in Japan? Or will the detectives abide by them? Only you will abide by them. It's not surprising that he guessed you." Akai Shuichi answered patiently.

Now, the man understood why he was exposed, and at the same time he had a deeper understanding of the organization. Why did Furuya Rei no longer go undercover in the organization and still choose to track down the organization? This organization is too dangerous.

Furuya Rei's eyes became dangerous. What did the FBI and CIA think of Japan?

"There should be surveillance cameras at the traffic lights." Akai Shuichi asked. There were too few surveillance cameras and it was difficult to track them down.


"Please retrieve the surveillance cameras of the traffic lights in the vicinity. The half-hour footage ten minutes after you entered the mall will confirm whether the same taxi passed through several unrelated intersections." Furuya Rei immediately arranged the task.

"Okay, this will take some time."


Furuya Rei and Akai Shuichi found a place to sit down. This screening would not take too long, mainly because the taxi fares in Neon were too expensive.

With the help of the traffic police, in less than an hour, 20 cars with similar routes were found, and the taxis were called one by one, and a total of 15 locations were confirmed.

"Why can you be so sure of this result?" The man from the public security looked at Akai Shuichi.

"The other party will counter-reconnaissance. In this case, judging according to the psychology of the counter-reconnaissance person, if I guess correctly, maybe the other party just passed you by." Akai Shuichi analyzed.

"How is this possible." The man couldn't believe it.

"Fifteen residential buildings, mainly investigating high-end residential areas and villas, which side do you public security choose." Akai Shuichi asked the public security, no, it should be asked to Furuya Rei.

"We choose high-end residential areas, and we will communicate any intelligence immediately." Furuya Rei said.

"Then I will go to the villa area." Akai Shuichi said, and drove away at high speed.

Seeing the FBI's behavior, the public security people understood why they were guessed.


[This drone is very good, and the requirements within the principle can be met. ]

Looking at the email, only BOSS did not have a suffix, and replied after thinking for a while.

[BOSS, I need all the information about Sindorah Company and information about Hiroki Sawada. I need to go there if necessary. ——hennessy]

The email was replied not long after it was sent.


At this time, the security system warned, and Luo Er looked at the screen of his mobile phone. There were four people standing in front of his door. The two in front were familiar Gin and Vodka, and the two behind seemed to be snipers of the organization.

Luo Er used his mobile phone to control the door to open.

"It's amazing, there is no one, how did it open." The woman in black was very surprised.

"Shirley, where is Hennessy."

"He is on the second floor." Shirley was a little wary of Gin.

"The technology here is so advanced." The woman in black touched left and right.

"Chianti, let's go." Gin took the lead and headed to the second floor.

The four met Luo Er sitting on the sofa in the living room on the second floor.

"Hey, are you Hennessy? You look ordinary." Chianti yelled.

"Gin, who is this idiot?"

"Who are you calling an idiot." Chianti wanted to rush up and beat Roll.

"Chianti." Gin's eyes turned cold.

Cohen pulled Chianti, and then he calmed down.

"Today, I went to the laboratory to see when the drone can be put into use." Gin got straight to the point.

"It can assist sniping." Cohen was very frugal with words.

"The drone can sense wind direction and wind speed, and infrared and thermal imaging can confirm the target distance. In addition, it can be controlled from a long distance and self-destruct. How about it? It's very powerful." Luo Er was very proud.

Knowing Luo Er's temperament, Gin did not interrupt him, but waited for him to finish.

"So powerful, Hennessy, what's wrong with your head?" Vodka said immediately.

"Where is the answer I want?"

"After the test, a batch of products will come out. It will take two months. Do you need the test products?" Luo Er smiled.

"Give me the program of the test products after it runs." Gin couldn't wait that long.

"Okay." Luo Er operated his mobile phone and said, "Go get it directly later."

"Well, this is the information about Sindor Company and Hiroki Sawada that you need." Gin left a document and prepared to leave.

"So fast, the BOSS's execution is strong." Luo Er said secretly.

Just as Gin was about to leave, the alarm sounded.

"What's going on?" Gin turned his head and looked at Luo Er.

"I was followed by a police officer when I went out today. Although I got rid of him, I was a little worried and turned on the security system." Luo Er was a little helpless.

"Public security? Why were you targeted by the police? Are you exposed?" Gin said in a cold tone.

"I don't know. Maybe I was seen replying to emails while walking. It's really annoying. Since you are here, help me solve it." Luo Er sighed.

"Hehe, who is coming?" Gin didn't say anything nonsense.

Luo Er directly called up the picture. Although it was only three seconds, it was enough to take a clear picture.

"Akai Shuichi." Gin showed a dangerous expression.

"Why did he target me? It doesn't make sense." Luo Er didn't understand. He had never contacted the other party and the information was not equal.

"Next, you, Shirley, and that waste will be transferred. Leave this to me." Gin threw out a key.

"Okay." Luo Er took the key to the top floor of the laboratory. He was not interested in the battle between Gin and Akai Shuichi.

"Finally, we will kill that traitor." Chianti also showed a dangerous expression.

Cohen didn't say anything, but his hand touching the sniper rifle revealed his thoughts.

"Silver Bullet, this time, let's see who is the prey." Gin took a puff of cigarette and made a phone call directly.

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