Chapter 13 13. Night attack on the whole team

The next day, Chi Tong woke up.

"Sister, you finally woke up." Hei Tong sat on the bed, and her wet hair showed that she had just taken a bath.

"Hei Tong." Then Chi Tong seemed to remember something, and hurriedly sat up, trying to hold her knife.

Then, a burst of fragrance made the two girls sigh at the same time: "It smells so good."


"Sister, how about eating first? Everything will be discussed after eating?" Hei Tong suggested.

"Okay." Chi Tong replied after serious consideration.

A table of meat and snacks, all of which were the sisters' favorites.

Chi Tong hurriedly sat down, said "Let's start", and started to inhale violently, and the meat in front of her was quickly consumed.

After finishing the meal for ten people, Chi Tong burped with satisfaction. She didn't expect it to be so delicious. It seems that her sister has a very good destination.

Then she looked at Luo Er: "Burp, why did you knock me out?"

"Well, the prosecutor's office can't just ignore the crime when it encounters it?" Luo Er said with a little uncertainty.

"Oh, where's my knife?" Obviously, Akatsuki believed it.

"What the hell, is there really a saying that natural people can overcome evil? Akatsuki is not natural either." Luo Er was speechless. He wanted to tease her, but he was playing the lute to a cow.

"Sister, sit for a while? Luo Er made snacks." The black-eyed devil whispered.

After a long time, Akatsuki had a mental struggle: "Okay."

Otherwise, they were sisters. As expected, they were firmly controlled. Luo Er fell into deep thought. He strongly needed an avatar to go to the world of food, so that the two sisters could follow him wholeheartedly.


Night attack on the base.

"What's going on? Where's Akatsuki?" Najeshitan asked Leone who came back anxiously.

Leone panted and said quickly: "Akashitan was captured by Luo Er."

"Luol, how could it be him? Is there anyone around him that we have overlooked?" Najeshitan began to think.

"It's him. He has very strong strength." Leone continued to release information.

"Calm down and talk slowly." Najeshitan patted Leone's shoulder and said.

"We completed the mission last night, and then we met Luo Er and Akahime's sister Hei Tong. Luo Er used Hei Tong's relationship to make Akahime feel guilty and attacked and knocked her out."

"Is that so? You mean it was Luo Er who did it?"

"Yes." Leone nodded.

"How is that possible." Maine was a little bit unbelievable. You know, at that time, the emperor had their inner ghost, but she personally confirmed the other party's strength, and she also confirmed at the same time that the action was just an ordinary person.

It is difficult for a powerful person to disguise himself as an ordinary person, because subconscious actions will be exposed, which is easy to be noticed by peers, and the person himself is not aware of it.

"But it's true." Leone laughed bitterly: "Even I lost to him."

"You lost too?" Najeshitan was a little confused. You know, Leone's imperial weapon Lion King can strengthen himself. The other party does not have an imperial weapon, and even if he has force, he cannot defeat Leone.

"Yeah, and it was a direct defeat."

Leone's words instantly caused an uproar.

"Calm down." Najeshitan shouted loudly, seeing that the situation was under control: "Since the other party has the powerful strength to defeat you, it means that he thinks you are useful."

"Useful? What is useful?" Leone was puzzled.

"I see, you want to contact us through Sister Leone's hand?" Labock understood instantly.

"But this is an open conspiracy. He determined that we would go. If we ambush, the consequences will be disastrous." Brand said.

"But we must act. Akame is on the wanted list. If the other party has bad intentions, the revolutionary army will suffer a heavy blow." Najeshitan took a deep breath.

"Morale?" Brand also knew that those who attacked at night could die, but they must not be publicly executed.

"Boss, when will we act?"

"Tonight, Leone, take good care of yourself." Najeshitan said, looking at the gradually brightening sky.

"I'm still okay." Leone supported her body.

Najeshitan didn't waste any words, knocked him out directly, and put him on the sofa.

"Boss, Roll relied on the minister to rise. Is he the minister's man?" Brand was most worried about this.

Najeshitan shook her head: "I don't know, but the opponent is not as simple as we thought. He has the skills to rise from zero, plus the power to defeat the imperial weapon user."

"Or I will just assassinate him directly, long-range sniping." Main scratched his head.

"No, it is very likely that we can't rescue Akahiko." Najeshitan immediately rejected this plan.

"This is not okay, that is not okay, so annoying." Main was a little annoyed.

"In short, everyone should have a good rest and be prepared." Najeshitan said so.

During the day, it was calm.

As a person who traveled through the foodie empire, Roll's cooking skills directly conquered Akahiko's stomach.

In order to lock Akahiko, Roll used all his tricks, and Akahiko also accepted everyone who came. He basically ate during the day without stopping for a moment.

Luo Er felt that the spatula was about to smoke, but Chi Tong's stomach was like a bottomless pit. She would eat everything you provided.

"Luo Er, I want to eat braised pork again." Chi Tong said very seriously.

"Okay." Today, Luo Er did not go to the Procuratorate again, and directly turned on the feeding mode.

At night, Luo Er stayed in the kitchen for a day. If there was a system panel, his cooking skills would definitely have improved by several levels.

The living room was brightly lit. Hei Tong, Luo Er, and Chelsi were all here, while Chi Tong fell asleep in the room.


"That guy is waiting for us in the living room. I really want to shoot him in the head." Marin gritted her teeth in anger.

"Don't be impulsive. Since the other party has not chosen to take that step, we can negotiate next. You wait outside and I will make further contact." Najeshitan said calmly.

"Boss, the arrangement has been completed. Anyone who approaches can be informed immediately." Labock returned here.

"Okay, Marin waits in the distance and follows my instructions. The others will ambush around first." After giving the order, Najeshitan walked towards Luo Er's villa.

The door was opened, and Najeshitan saw a figure sitting on the sofa. Next to him sat a girl who looked very similar to Chi Tong, and behind him stood a girl.

"Is he Luo Er, and Chelsi who has been in contact with the Revolutionary Army." Najeshitan observed the expressions of the crowd.

"Sit down, sit down and talk if you have anything to say." Luo Er narrowed his eyes slightly.

Najeshitan sat opposite Roll and said, "Then I'll get straight to the point. Where is Chi Tong?"

"Well, I detained her, but considering that she is Hei Tong's sister, as long as she is willing to surrender to me, nothing will happen." Roll said with a smile.

"That won't do. She is my excellent companion." Najeshitan shook her head.

"Then there is no room for negotiation. Chelsi, show her away." Roll didn't care. The initiative was on his side.

"Huh, Your Excellency went from zero to one. The prosecutor supervised the nobles and safeguarded the interests of the people. I believe that Your Excellency is for the people. We are not enemies." Najeshitan took a deep breath and said.

"No, no, no, at least I won't collude with aliens. I have a special source of intelligence here." Roll's smile became dangerous.

Aliens, a taboo topic. Chelsi saw that Najeshitan did not refute, and her heart became gloomy. She didn't know what to do next.

"The imperial capital is too strong. If you want to carry out a revolution, you need to rely on multiple forces." Najeshitan was very calm.

"I understand you. The weak have their own wisdom and ways." Luo Er smiled.


Luo Er interrupted: "I understand, but I don't agree. I will save this country with my own way."

The scene fell into silence. Chelsi stared at Luo Er's back, silent, Hei Tong acted like a quiet beautiful girl, and Najeshitan stared at Luo Er's eyes, as if she wanted to see something.

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