An unwilling roar came out of Chen Fan's mouth!

"Leng Yue'er, Feng Tianxiao, you two adulterers, clean your necks and wait for me!"

Then he turned his head and looked at Huang Ying. This look frightened Huang Ying so much that she fell to her knees. She could not even muster the strength to resist. She was completely different from her previous arrogant appearance. Her body began to tremble unconsciously at this moment!

Chen Fan quickly came to the sack containing Ling Shuang'er and quickly opened it. He saw that Ling Shuang'er's abdomen was bleeding profusely, her face was pale, and she showed a painful look!

Chen Fan felt deeply guilty. If he hadn't been careless, Ling Shuang'er would not have been shot! He immediately helped Ling Shuang'er flat, disinfected the wound, stopped the bleeding, and bandaged it. At this moment, Ye Jingjing hurriedly ran up from the fifth floor. Several zombies appeared behind her and were chasing her. When she saw Chen Fan, she shouted!

"Help, Chen Fan, there are zombies chasing me!"

Just this shout scared Chen Fan, who was concentrating on treating Ling Shuang'er, so much that his hands trembled and the blood that had just stopped flowing out almost flowed out again!

Looking up, he saw Ye Jingjing, who was running towards him with all her strength with a panicked face, followed by four or five zombies with rotten bodies and a smell of blood!

"Zombies, good, very good!"

Chen Fan was already angry, and seeing the zombies almost made him make another mistake, his anger reached its peak. As soon as he stopped the wound on Ling Shuang'er's body, he rushed towards the zombies with a knife and a murderous look on his face!

Ye Jingjing, who was passing by, was shocked instantly, and almost fell to the ground with her legs weak. She gritted her teeth and came to Ling Shuang'er's side.

Only then did she breathe a sigh of relief and sit on the ground! Chen Fan here has begun to vent, cutting off his hands with a knife, cutting off his feet with a knife, and splitting them in half with a knife. He was still not satisfied, and instantly cut out ten or twenty knives. The whole zombie was divided into countless small pieces and fell straight to the ground. Red and white flowed all over the ground. Chen Fan vented part of his anger!

Then he cleaned up the zombie corpse, leaving a transparent crystal core and absorbed it himself!

Huang Ying on the side saw Chen Fan so cruel, swallowed hard, pinched his thigh hard, reminding himself to stay calm, but he really couldn't calm down in his heart!

‘How could he be so calm? He had never seen such a perverted person. Not only was his strength perverted, but his psychology was also perverted. He also liked to abuse corpses!

He had already begun to imagine how Chen Fan would abuse his corpse after he was killed. Before he could think about it, a pair of bloodshot eyes looked over, and the owner of these eyes was naturally Chen Fan!

Seeing Chen Fan's eyes looking at him, his heart was pounding, and the blood flow also accelerated at this moment, and even his breathing began to become rapid!

""Chen Fan, I admit that I was the one who kidnapped Ling Shuang'er. You can kill her or chop her up, it's all up to you!"

Huang Ying tried to stay calm, but the calmer he was, the more irritated and scared he became. He lowered his head and didn't dare to look into Chen Fan's eyes. Those eyes were too scary, and his scalp went numb!

Chen Fan didn't say anything, but slowly walked towards Huang Ying. Every step he took seemed to tremble in Huang Ying's heart. Huang Ying suffered greatly from Chen Fan's death-like steps. When Chen Fan really approached, even his breathing began to become a little difficult. Sweat had already soaked his clothes, and even the sweat on his forehead fell to the ground like raindrops!

"Chen Fan, if you want to kill me, just kill me quickly. If I frown, I am not a real man!"

After hearing this, Chen Fan really admired these so-called soldiers!

"Don't mind life or death, just fight if you don't accept it!"

He actually likes this kind of manly man, but they are enemies!

"Not bad, you are quite brave, but I just don't know if you will be as fearless as you said when facing real death!"

Then a murderous intent like death enveloped Huang Ying. When Huang Ying raised his head again, he seemed to have entered a Shura field. The surroundings were filled with a bloody and strange atmosphere. On the ground were broken walls, bodies with broken hands and feet were thrown aside, and some bodies had half of their heads cut off! The whole environment was full of depression and despair!

No matter how brave Huang Ying was at this moment, his body began to tremble unconsciously, and his heart was filled with deep despair!

‘What kind of monster is this Chen Fan? Just one look from him gave him a feeling of facing death. Although he had killed many people, he could not do it to the extent of Chen Fan!

Before he could think too much, a huge axe came from behind him and hit his neck. When he reacted again, his head and body had been separated. Huang Ying's eyes were wide open. He could clearly see a headless corpse slowly falling to the ground! Huang

Ying came back to his senses again, gasping for breath. Even though he had experienced life and death many times, at this moment, a trace of fear and terror was faintly born in his heart!

This was a death he had never felt before, and it was also the first time he felt death was so close to him!

‘That kind of deep feeling of despair was something he never wanted to experience again!’

"How come the person who was so fearless just now is now lying on the ground like a dead dog!"

"It's just the beginning, and I'm already feeling scared. It seems I overestimated your ability!"

Chen Fan's voice sounded like the god of death!

Huang Ying was feeling fear and frustration at the moment, and her body was powerless. She didn't get out of the fear of death at all!

She gritted her teeth and said in a deep voice��!

""Chen Fan, are you trying to torture me to death in this way? I advise you to save your energy, because even if I die, I will not surrender!"

Chen Fan was a little surprised after hearing this!

He didn't expect that Huang Ying could still speak so tough even at this point. He admired Huang Ying in his heart!


"I didn't expect that you still have the strength to speak. It seems that your mental quality is indeed stronger than others. I just don't know if you can withstand my anger next!"

Chen Fan showed a cruel expression and said to Huang Ying coldly!

Feeling Chen Fan's cold tone, Huang Ying felt like she was falling into an ice cave, and her heart sank to the bottom of the valley. The trace of fear and terror in her heart was constantly magnified. She clenched her teeth tightly, showing an expression of fearlessness. The sweat had already wet a large area of the ground!

Seeing this, Chen Fan said no more. He released all the murderous intent in his body and attacked Huang Ying desperately. The temperature around him also dropped from more than 30 degrees in summer to below zero in an instant. The wind was like a sharp knife, cutting every inch of Huang Ying's skin piece by piece. Blood flowed out from all parts of his body, dyeing a large area red, and his face became pale and iron blue!

Huang Ying's whole body began to become very weak!

He felt that the blood in his body was rapidly draining away, and his body temperature was constantly dropping. He couldn't help but shivered. The gas he exhaled turned into ice at this moment and fell to the ground. A strong sense of sleepiness appeared in his mind, and his eyes began to blur!

"Am I going to die?"

Countless scenes like in a movie appeared in front of him. He saw himself as a child, growing up in the care of his family, joining the army, winning the title of Gun God, and then being selected by the special forces to join the special forces. During a mission, because of his own mistakes, a teammate died in front of him. Finally, he was forced to leave the special forces and wandered around. Finally, with his unremitting efforts, he was spotted by the Dragon Team and joined the Dragon Team!

Then he slowly closed his eyes and fainted completely!

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