After walking out of the junkyard and cleaning up his dirty clothes, he took a taxi back to school!

Old Ma in the dormitory has already been killing people crazily in the game. After all, he has received two more orders. For him, if he doesn't make money, he is really a fool!

That's right, when Chen Fan just went out, he was still worried. The next second, the surprise came too suddenly. He decisively abandoned Chen Fan and started doing business happily!

It's true that the sadness of the last second does not affect the joy of the next second!

After five hours of uninterrupted efforts, he finally came to the last critical link of this substitute. He must face the upcoming challenge with full concentration!

Only through this last game of training can he get his sense of accomplishment and confidence!

At the beginning of the game, in order to ensure the winning rate of this round, he abandoned the habitual fighting style and used a more stable way of hiding. So his unique fighting style of hiding was born!

Everyone is hiding well, but you have to go out and fight, and then hide again for no reason, which makes the enemy confused and helpless!

In the end, with his unremitting efforts, he won the last victory!

The sun sets in the west, and the sky finally changes from white to black and gray. A few shining stars secretly pop up, blinking, which is very beautiful!

Chen Fan finally arrived at the school and got off the car. He suddenly realized a problem. Where to find Wang Ziwen? He only knew that Wang Ziwen was doing all kinds of evil in the school, but he didn’t know which dormitory Wang Ziwen lived in, or even which department or class he was in! After thinking for a while, he thought of a person. They were all famous people in the school, so he should have the answer he wanted!

Thinking about it, he walked towards the direction of the dormitory. After a while, the people on the road gradually disappeared in Chen Fan’s eyes one by one. When passing by Chen Fan, they didn’t forget to give him a look, but Chen Fan suddenly felt a little puzzled, but didn’t think much about it and continued to move forward!

It was not until three familiar figures appeared in front of Chen Fan that he realized that they were the three troublemakers. However, Chen Fan happened to be looking for them and they appeared. It was really easy to get them!

Then he walked forward quickly. The others saw this figure and couldn't hide from him. Unexpectedly, Chen Fan was quite excited. This must be a mental illness caused by abuse. The people around him kept walking forward with their heads down. They were hiding and exclaimed in their hearts, another pitiful person!

When they got close, Chen Fan shouted!

"Wang Jie!"

Wang Jie and the other two were stunned when they heard the voice. They scratched their ears, thinking they had heard it wrong. Then another powerful voice sounded!

"Boss, I am calling you. Who has the guts to shout so loudly? I will teach him a lesson and let him know how to respect you!"

After Li Fei finished speaking, he was ready to roll up his sleeves and walk forward!

"Wait a minute, don’t you think this voice is familiar, as if you have heard it somewhere before!"

Wang Jie quickly recalled this voice in his head!

Li Fei and Yang Wei on the side frowned and looked at Wang Jie with some confusion. Their boss was not right today. He was never so cautious when bullying people. What happened today? He was hit by Chen Fan!

Another voice of Wang Jie came from his ear, and Yang Wei finally reacted!

‘Wait a minute, Chen Fan, something suddenly occurred to him, and he understood why the boss said it was so familiar, Damn, isn't this Chen Fan's voice! '

Li Fei didn't react for a while, and was about to continue to ask the boss, but was stopped by Yang Wei, who slowly spoke!

""Chen Fan!"

Li Fei immediately covered his mouth. That's right, it was this guy who made him look bad this morning. Whenever he thought of that moment, he was angry and shameless, and he had no way to deal with Chen Fan!

Hearing the voice coming from the other side, Chen Fan's pace could not help but speed up again. A gust of wind blew, and Chen Fan's figure completely appeared in front of Wang Jie and the other two!

"Why, Chen Fan, do you want to be abused by us again today?"

Wang Jie looked at Chen Fan jokingly, as if to say, I want to abuse you, come to the bowl quickly!

Chen Fan was really angry and amused after hearing this. You weak chickens are not enough for him to play with with one hand now, and you still want to abuse him. If you don't want to suffer, I suggest you calm down!

"Wang Jie, you forgot what you promised me this morning so quickly!"

Chen Fan said calmly!

‘You still want to threaten him? It's impossible!'

Wang Jie scratched his ears and said with a half-smile!

"What did I promise you this morning? How come I don’t know it!"

After hearing this, Chen Fan sneered in his heart!

‘Are you pretending not to know? OK, since you want to play, I will play with you!’

"Oh, I didn’t expect that our Wang Jie is such an untrustworthy person. This really makes me a little disappointed. But it doesn’t matter. I just happened to record a copy this morning. Do you want me to play it for you to reminisce about?"

"No, no, I was just joking, Chen Fan, Brother Chen, what do you want to talk to me about?"

Seeing that Chen Fan was ready to get serious, Wang Jie immediately backed off. It was his fault in the first place, and he didn't want to make a big deal out of it!

"It's okay, it's okay, just think of it as me wanting to check if the recording is intact!" Seeing this, Chen Fan was ready to take out his mobile phone and play the recording!

Seeing this, Wang Jie immediately became anxious and waved his hands. He was really scared. If it happened again, how could he raise his head in front of his brothers and other people!

"Really, no need, Brother Chen, I was wrong, is that not okay?"

Seeing Wang Jie's sincere look, Chen Fan stopped, and the hand holding the phone smiled in his heart!

‘You still want to play with me, but don’t you think about what you can do to beat me?’



"Absolutely true?"

"Absolutely true!"

Chen Fan then put his phone back into his pocket and looked at Wang Jie!

"Wang Jie, I just happened to come to you for something, I need your help, and only you can help me!"

Wang Jie's brain tissue turned, and only he could do it. Could it be that someone had offended Chen Fan and he needed to take action? That's fine. This kind of problem is indeed a problem for ordinary people, but for them, it is not a problem at all!

"Brother Chen, who do you want to beat? I will definitely help you train him to be obedient!"

Chen Fan was speechless after hearing this. He was not a violent person, so why did he start beating people? Even if I asked you to beat them, you might not be able to win!

"No need, Wang Jie, just help me find someone's address!"

After hearing this, Wang Jie's doubts deepened. Who could possibly attract his attention? Could it be that they were in love?

"Brother Chen, you are the one who said it, I promise to find out everything for you!"

Chen Fan cleared his throat, and then three words came out of his mouth. The three people who heard these three words had their heads buzzing. If he dared to claim to be second in the whole school, no one would dare to claim to be first!


"OK, it's him, help me find his accommodation address!"

Then Wang Jie sighed and said leisurely!

"Wang Ziwen does not live in school, he always lives off campus!"

"However, Brother Chen, you can go to the Taekwondo Club and ask. The president of their club is a follower of Wang Ziwen, so maybe he knows where it is!"

Chen Fan nodded after listening, thinking that what he said made sense, and was about to walk towards the Taekwondo Club!

Wang Jie immediately stopped Chen Fan!

"My brother Chen, at this time, the Taekwondo Club has already closed. Although I don’t know why you want to find Wang Ziwen quickly, I still suggest you go tomorrow!"

After listening to this, Chen Fan seemed to be thinking about it. After a long while, he spoke!

"Well, thank you for your advice, Wang Jie, you are very good, I will go there tomorrow!"

After saying that, he did not forget to pat Wang Jie on the shoulder!

Then, he walked towards the dormitory!

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