It was too late to say it, and just as Brother Dao finished speaking, two subordinates had already picked up their weapons and rushed to Chen Fan!

One on the left and one on the right, they launched an attack!

If it were an ordinary person, in this situation, he would have been scared and at a loss, but in Chen Fan's eyes, these two attacks were as slow as a snail, and he only needed to move a little to easily dodge them!

Chen Fan showed a trace of contempt, and moved back two steps gently, and then dodged the attack of the two. Then the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, and he clenched his right fist and punched out!

With a click, the person on the left hand side, like a broken kite, flew straight into the crowd that was rushing towards Chen Fan. In an instant, the whole crowd was smashed and scattered, and the nearest few people were directly knocked unconscious!

The person on the right side reacted slowly, picked up the weapon in his hand, and launched an attack again, but Chen Fan would not give him any chance. He leaned down, raised his left foot, and swept his leg. The whole person fell straight to the ground, blood was flowing from his head, and the whole person had already lost consciousness!

The brothers who were about to rush forward dared not to move forward after seeing this. They gathered together and formed a circle, but no one dared to move forward!

Chen Fan, who saw this, could not help but chuckle!

"Why, you are scared by me!"

Wang Ziwen saw that the people around him were hesitant to come forward, and a trace of anger rose in his heart, and he shouted anxiously!

"Come on, all of you, come on! There are so many of you, are you afraid of him alone? If everyone hits me with a stick, I don't believe he can dodge all of them!"

Hearing this, Chen Fan sneered in his heart!

‘As for this kind of weakling, let alone a dozen, even if there are a hundred or a thousand of them, they can't possibly touch the edge of his clothes. After all, they are not on the same level!’

"What? You guys don’t dare to come together? You are such a bunch of cowards. I don’t know how you joined the underworld. You don’t have any courage at all!"

Chen Fan stood aside and pursed his lips, crossed his hands, put them in front of his chest, and said relentlessly!

Among the people around, there were two very irritable ones who couldn’t bear it anymore. They picked up the baseball bats in their hands and rushed towards Chen Fan angrily!

"Fuck you, you are a coward, your whole family is a coward!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he flew away, and was also crippled!

You can do it, but don't bring your family!

That's right, Chen Fan hates people who bring their families with them, especially when he says it to him, just cripple them, even if they are his subordinates!

The two people who smashed into the scrap car had already had sunken ribs and crippled limbs. They exhaled more and inhaled less, and they were about to die!

Seeing this scene, the dozen people around dared not continue to provoke this evil star, and they all retreated. After all, they were all trying to make a living, and they didn't want to risk their lives. Some people had weak legs and could only use weapons to support themselves, and some people just threw away their weapons and ran away!

Brother Dao's face was gloomy and terrible. Before coming, he had heard that this kid might have learned ancient martial arts. Now it seems that this kid not only learned ancient martial arts, but also spent a long time learning. He didn't look like a beginner at all. Even if he took out all his strength, he was only 70% sure!

He took a deep look and clasped his hands together!

""I am being rude. May I ask where did you learn your ancient martial arts from?" He stared at Chen Fan intently, ignoring the brother who ran away!

Chen Fan was a little surprised when he heard this, and then recalled his memories of his previous life. Indeed, after the end of the world, there was a memory about ancient martial arts, but the ancient martial arts in it were not too powerful. Even the master was only between the zero-level and the first-level psychics!

At a glance, he could see what Brother Dao was thinking. He was afraid that his master was too powerful and would retaliate against him. Chen Fan sneered in his heart. He was not practicing ancient martial arts, but the more powerful Saitama body training method. Even if you go all out, you are not his opponent at all!

"You are quite alert, but I have no master, I figured it all out by myself!"

Brother Dao was a little angry when he heard this, and he didn't believe Chen Fan's nonsense at all.

He was just in his twenties, and he had just started practicing since he was a child, not to mention creating an ancient martial art.

The predecessors who really created ancient martial arts were all in their seventies or eighties!

Is n't this obviously playing tricks on him? He was even more angry in his heart.

No matter how strong your background is, he must make Chen Fan pay the price today.

As long as he can keep his breath, everything can be settled!

"Boy, I've already given you a chance. If you don't say anything, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Chen Fan was delighted. He had long wanted to finish the fight quickly, call it a day, and go home to study the weapon he had just obtained!

"Come on then!"

Brother Dao put his hands on his waist, exerted force on one foot, and launched his body towards Chen Fan. As the distance got closer, his fists gradually spun out from his waist!

""Brutal charge!"

Brother Dao shouted, and rushed towards Chen Fan with his whole body!

Chen Fan stretched out his hands calmly and greeted the fists with his palms!

Seeing this scene, Brother Dao smiled in his heart. He was indeed too young and thought he was the same as others. Little did he know that he had been practicing ancient martial arts since he was a child, and had reached the entry level at the age of 20. Now he has even touched the threshold of mastery, which is simply incomparable to others!

He used 80% of his strength in this punch. Even a big tree would leave a fist mark under this punch, not to mention hitting a person. He has begun to imagine that Chen Fan was hit by this punch. After being hit, he lay on the ground and knelt down to beg for mercy!

But when the fists collided, the imagined scene did not appear. The fist hit the palm, as if hitting a steel plate. I only felt that the fist was shocked and hurt, but Chen Fan on the side was fine, and his body did not even move a bit!

Seeing this scene, Brother Dao was shocked, his eyes widened, how could this be possible!

He quickly pulled away and stared at Chen Fan. There was a faint pain in his hand joints. This was because his strength was too strong and rebounded! He even had a bad premonition in his heart, so he quickly calmed down and comforted him!

‘I haven't used my full strength yet. He is so young that he can't have reached the level of proficiency. Although the boy looks calm, he may have suffered internal injuries and is just pretending to be calm. As long as I use my full strength, the boy will definitely reveal his flaws! '

After saying this, he regained his confidence and rushed forward again!

""Two dragons out to sea!"

Both fists quickly attacked Chen Fan. Chen Fan only felt irritation in his ears. He took a half step back and tried to resist again. But in Brother Dao's eyes, it was another idea!

‘He was scared and took a half step back, revealing a flaw. He was indeed too young!

Then his confidence doubled and his speed increased a bit, wanting to knock Chen Fan down quickly!

But this was doomed to be impossible. The fists and palms intersected again, and Brother Dao felt the friction between the bones again. He estimated that if it happened again, his arm would be useless for the whole day, and Chen Fan just stayed there as usual, seemingly without feeling anything!

"This, how is this possible, are you a devil!"

Brother Dao exclaimed!

He wanted to pull his arm away again, but this time, Chen Fan couldn't let him do what he wanted, because he didn't want to play anymore!

With his hands tightly clenched, Brother Dao felt as if his hands were clamped tightly by steel clamps, and there was no way to break free, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead!

"Don't move, it will be quick!"

Chen Fan smiled!

But this smile was like a demon in Dao Ge's eyes, scary and evil!

He kicked Dao Ge's abdomen hard, and a mouthful of blood spurted out of Dao Ge's mouth. His body flew backwards involuntarily and smashed into the scrap car. The whole car slid on the ground for two and a half circles before it stopped!

Before Dao Ge could catch his breath, Chen Fan's figure appeared in front of him again like a devil!

Another kick, another mouthful of blood spurted out. Dao Ge felt that there was no good bone in his body. He couldn't stop shaking all over. His body was like a puddle of mud and he couldn't move at all!

"Well, I've left you a breath. Whether you live or die depends on your luck!"

After saying this, Chen Fan turned around and was about to leave. Suddenly, a small sound of breaking through the air sounded from behind. He tilted his body slightly, but it was too late to dodge. He could only avoid the vital parts!


The bullet passed through the shoulder, leaving a small hole, and blood gushed out instantly!

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