Chen Fan frowned and said lightly!

"Think about it carefully, when did I surpass you, and how did I do it!"

Even the other people watching the game started to discuss it!

"What's Wang Jie? He's the school's long-distance running champion for two consecutive years. Why does he feel so weak?"

"Well, I'm afraid it's just for show. Do you think it's possible that the school gave him some slack?"

"How is that possible? The sports meet is supervised by the principal himself, there is no way he can let anyone off the hook!"


"Now that Wang Jie has lost, I’m afraid he can’t accept the failure and will regret it!"

""Shh~, don't talk nonsense, Wang Jie has a bad reputation in school, be careful later, he will secretly cause trouble for you!"

Everyone discussed what was going to happen next!

Even Wang Jie, who was standing aside, couldn't help but frown when he heard it. There was a hint of anger in his heart that was suppressed by him. He had never been so aggrieved before. He heard a key word in the crowd and was overtaken by a circle. Then he slowly recalled it. The more he recalled, the more cold sweat appeared on his forehead. As the truth seemed to surface, the sweat on his forehead had gathered into a stream and flowed across his cheeks!

Yang Wei and Li Fei, who were standing aside, reacted immediately, their hearts skipped a beat, and their faces were as uncomfortable as if they had swallowed two cooked eggs!

Then, under extremely reluctant circumstances, he, Wang Jie, admitted defeat, and lost to someone they had always bullied, Chen Fan!

Gritting his teeth, Wang Jie slowly came in front of Chen Fan and boldly admitted the fact that he had lost!

"Chen Fan, I lost. I will fulfill my promise. During this university period, I will not touch you or your friends again. Are you satisfied with this?

Chen Fan nodded and agreed. It seems that this person is not that bad. At least in his opinion, more than half of the people are willing to admit defeat and admit it generously!

After they left, Lao Ma behind the crowd came late, sneaked behind Chen Fan, and slapped him!

"Lao Fan, when did you become so powerful? Why don't you take me with you?"

Chen Fan was speechless. He didn't come out when he was confronting Wang Jie and others just now, but he slipped away quickly now. Then his eyes rolled!

"Lao Ma, do you want to become as powerful as me?"

Lao Ma nodded quickly to confirm, fearing that Chen Fan would suddenly regret it!

"Okay, then you must complete the training I give you today, and you must complete this amount of training every day in the future!"

After hearing this, Lao Ma immediately backed off, shrank his neck, and said to Chen Fan with a flattering face!

"Lao Fan, is there any other easier way?"

Chen Fan glanced at Lao Ma, looking disappointed, and turned around to complete the next training, not wanting to pay attention to him at all!

Seeing Chen Fan was about to leave, Lao Ma immediately became anxious, quickly stopped Chen Fan, and said seriously!

"Lao Fan, if I complete this amount of training every day, do you think I can reach your level?"

Seeing his serious look, Chen Fan felt a little more comforted. This is the result he wanted, to guide him step by step!

"I don't know if you can reach my level, but you can definitely beat the three of them. You will definitely benefit a lot in the days to come!"

Chen Fan had to slowly induce Lao Ma to exercise, because it would not be long before the end of the world came. Now many people around him began to cough intentionally or unintentionally, which means that after three days, mutations would inevitably occur, which means that from now on, we must do everything we can to improve our strength!

Time passed quickly. When Chen Fan and Lao Ma finished their exercise, it was already noon. They could not wait to return to the dormitory, take a shower, and prepare to go to the cafeteria to eat. They wanted to satisfy their appetites before mutations occurred!

The two who came to the cafeteria saw long lines from a distance. Chen Fan suddenly felt a familiar feeling in his heart, and his fingers trembled slightly. He still missed it so much. It had been five years, five years. He thought every night that if there was no end of the world, maybe he could continue to study in the university and continue to eat in the cafeteria!

"Lao Fan, what shall we eat today?"

Lao Ma asked one of the most difficult questions in history!

After thinking about it, Chen Fan decided to eat noodles!

That's right, it was a simple bowl of beef noodles. This was the noodles he had been thinking about day and night since the end of the world. After the end of the world, all animals and plants have changed. They no longer have their original appearance. Even some animals have mutated and their bodies have toxins. Only a few can still be eaten!

There was a long line at the back of the line. After two and a half minutes, it was finally their turn!

"Hello, two servings of beef noodles, medium spicy, thank you!"

Soon they found a place to sit down, and just as they were about to eat the noodles, a familiar figure appeared in Lao Ma's sight!

"Lao Fan, isn’t that your girlfriend? Why is there a man sitting opposite her?"


Chen Fan was stunned for two and a half seconds before he reacted!

‘Leng Yue'er! '

Xian Xian smiled and ignored him, continuing to eat noodles. In this life, he was not going to care about Leng Yue'er anymore!

But Lao Ma on the side was anxious. He couldn't let Chen Fan have a green hat on his head for no reason!

"Lao Fan, why aren't you worried at all? Your girlfriend has cheated on you!"

Chen Fan was slightly touched when he saw that Lao Ma was still worried about him, but he still reminded Lao Ma to eat the noodles quickly and not to worry about these things. He had nothing to do with her anymore!

"Lao Ma, eat the noodles quickly and don't think too much about other things!"

Lao Ma knew that he couldn't persuade him, so he lowered his head and started eating noodles!

Leng Yue'er on the side saw that Chen Fan didn't look at her, but his roommate looked at her a few times. A trace of anger rose in her heart, but he suppressed it and didn't show it. He just glanced at Chen Fan intentionally or unintentionally, thinking!

"Chen Fan, the bootlicker, finally came out. He didn't even reply to my message. I must make this guy suffer later!"

Sitting opposite her was Wang Ziwen. This was the source of her confidence. As long as Wang Ziwen took action, the little Chen Fan would be easily controlled by her!

Wang Ziwen seemed to have noticed her abnormality. She turned her head and saw Chen Fan eating noodles. Her heart tightened and her heart was pounding. She turned her head quickly and thought of yesterday's scene. Suddenly, he thought of something and his heart slowly calmed down. His mind couldn't help but recall what Wang Zitao said, and a hint of ruthlessness appeared at the corner of his mouth!

"Yue'er, is this your boyfriend? It's Chen Fan who didn't reply to your message yesterday!"

"Yes, Brother Ziwen, it’s him. He didn’t reply to messages, didn’t answer calls, and even blocked me!"

As he spoke, two tears unconsciously rolled in his eyes, as if they were about to flow out!

"Yue'er, since I met him, I will make him unable to get out of bed for a week!"

Wang Ziwen hurriedly comforted him!

"Brother Ziwen, isn’t this too cruel? I’m afraid it will affect your studies!"

"Don't worry, Yue'er, it's just cleaning up the garbage, it won't have any impact!"

Wang Ziwen immediately patted her chest to show that there was no problem!

"Well, okay, thank you, Brother Ziwen!"

The red lips lightly touched the soul, and Wang Ziwen felt as if he was floating in the air. Then he stood up and quickly came to Chen Fan's table, slapping one hand on the table!

""Chen Fan, do you still remember me?"

Chen Fan ignored him and ate his noodles by himself!

Lao Ma on the side was immediately furious. He looked up and was ready to argue. Seeing that the person coming was Wang Ziwen, he immediately became timid. There was no other reason. The main reason was that Wang Ziwen really did all kinds of evil in the school. The people he was thinking about were either beaten black and blue or lying in the hospital, motionless!

With his current strength, others don't have to do anything. Just a few of his brothers can make him lie in the hospital for ten days or half a month! He was still thinking in his heart that it was no wonder that Chen Fan told him not to look at the past. Damn, when he encountered such a school cancer, how could he dare to think about it!

Little did he know that what Chen Fan wanted in his heart was to let Leng Yue'er jump for a few more days, and then harvest her when the end of the world came. After all, before that, he still had to abide by the law. He didn't want to stay in the police station for the next two days, which would make him very passive!

Seeing that Chen Fan ignored him, he was furious and slapped the beef noodle to the ground, then looked at Chen Fan with vicious eyes!

Chen Fan looked up, and a cold chill gushed out of his body and pressed straight towards the person in front of him. In an instant, Wang Ziwen felt as if his body fell into an ice cave, and a chill entered every part of his body. He couldn't help but shivered and took two steps back to stabilize his body!

The people around him didn't feel this power. They only saw Wang Ziwen take two steps back for some reason. Even Lao Ma on the side was a little puzzled and confused!

Seeing this scene, Wang Ziwen clenched his teeth tightly, and his heart was even more horrified. He was 100% sure that Chen Fan must have practiced ancient martial arts, but thinking of his brother Wang Zitao's words, he felt full of confidence again!

Do your best and say to Chen Fan!

"Four o'clock in the afternoon, East Street Scrapyard, whoever doesn't come is a grandson!"

Then he turned around and left. If he didn't leave, he was afraid that he couldn't hold on, his legs would go weak, and he would fall directly to the ground, which would be a huge embarrassment!

Only when he sat down did he feel relieved. After all, the pressure was too strong, and he was a little breathless!

"Brother Ziwen, are you okay? It's all Yue'er's fault. She has caused you trouble again!"

Wang Ziwen, who had calmed down, immediately comforted him!

"It’s okay, it’s not your fault. Tomorrow you won’t be upset because of Chen Fan anymore!"


Chen Fan here was not in the mood to continue eating noodles, so he took Lao Ma and left the cafeteria!

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