The young man's heart tightened. He seemed to feel a touch of loneliness and sadness from that 'tone' (well, the imaginary 'tone'.), and he couldn't help but let out another low cry!


The clerk on the side was startled by him again.

‘What kind of situation can you be surprised by reading a book? ’

At this time, the boy discovered that another illustration appeared at the bottom of the new page.

It was the figure of a young girl who was imprisoned on a 'high tower' in a sea of ​​flowers, staring quietly into the distance.

There was still the same faint smile on her lips.

‘Is this story—is it told from Miss Melly’s perspective? ' He couldn't help but think.

‘Miss Mellie will be imprisoned in the future? Is this the tower? Damn it, who is so cruel to lock such a beautiful and gentle girl in a high tower? ! ’

Could it be that the evil ‘Devil King’ is doing good things! ?

Whenever he thinks of the villain, he subconsciously thinks of the 'Demon King'. He can't help but think about it, and then he becomes even more eager for the content that follows.

...his face turned red with eagerness.

‘Why did Miss Mellie lament like that at the end. ’

‘What happened next? That's why she showed such a heartbreaking scene. ’

All these things, like a cat scratching his heart, made him look forward to the next plot even more.

At this moment, the clerk on the side finally discovered something was wrong.

‘It’s not like you’re angry after reading an ugly book! Why does it feel like he is getting more and more excited as he watches. Could it be——’

The clerk finally couldn't help but ask: "How's it going? Do you like this book?"

"Yes, it is simply great! Although I have only read the beginning, I promise - this must be the best 'story' I have ever been exposed to in my life!" That was the happy response that made the clerk feel confused.

"Then - do you want one?" the clerk asked tentatively after reacting.

At this time, he was also a little surprised.

I didn't expect that book to be so popular. It seems that I don’t have to worry about the bookstore’s ‘reputation’ being damaged.

Although everyone has different hobbies, the books you like may not be liked by others.

But since they are all ‘hero biographies’, and the boy in front of me likes this book so much, the reaction from other customers who like the ‘hero biography’ genre should not be too bad.

"Uh... how much, how much?"

"A 25-year-old book."

"Ah! It's so expensive!?" The young man's eyes widened in surprise.

Even the most popular "Demon King and the Brave" series among the "Biographies of Heroes" only costs 17 yuan a book, and the price of this book is actually half as much! ?

No matter what happened later, the young man felt some understanding again, and felt a little dazed and lost.

‘That’s right! This book is much better than The Demon King and the Hero. ’

The boy who had just read this book knew that it was indeed worth the price, but what was embarrassing was that he had bought "The Demon King and the Hero" before and now he has no money.

——Price is 25 kora.

This price is already quite cheap in ‘Yan’’s opinion;

At this time, ‘Yan’ didn’t know that someone was distressed because he had no money to buy his book.

In Yan's view, those things written like a group of ghosts can be sold for 17 karas, and even a legendary story like "King Arthur" can be sold for 100 karas.

25 kora is definitely not expensive.

"Can't it be cheaper?"

"No. Violet Bookstore does not accept credit." The clerk smiled and shook his head.

"If you don't want to buy it, can you put the book back in the recommended position?" Although you can try reading a few pages of the recommended book, of course the bookstore will not allow customers to keep reading for free.

The clerk's voice made the boy blush.

This made his plan to read the entire book here all day come to nothing.

In an instant, his eyes showed a look of extreme disappointment, and his spirit became a little decadent.

When I think of such an interesting story, I can’t see it later. He just——

Ahhhh! !

He still doesn't understand why the beautiful Miss Mei Li is imprisoned in a high tower, and what is the meaning of that touching sentence of "self-mockery"!

He still doesn’t know what the ‘Sword of the Chosen King’ is about?

What are the Knights of the Round Table?

He hasn't seen the scene on the cover yet! !

In his heart, there were too many puzzles and expectations for answers.

But the bookstore employee's words of "25" gave him a direct blow, causing his psychological shadow to expand rapidly.

At this time, the boy's face turned red, and he even wanted to say a 'foul word' to him.

Suddenly, he gritted his teeth and looked at the cover book of 'King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table' in his hand.

The boy who was reluctant to put it back on the bookshelf finally made up his mind. Then, he handed back the previously packaged ‘Demon King and the Hero’.

"I haven't opened this yet. I don't want this book anymore. Can I exchange it for other books?"

On the other side, the clerk was stunned by the scene in front of him, and his heart skipped a beat.

‘Change to other books? ’

With such an obvious move, if he didn't know which book the other party wanted to exchange, then he should pay tax on his IQ.

‘No way—this, that book is really that good? ’

Chapter 41: Instructor Mei Li is actually a sword master! ?

Early in the morning, until the sun rises completely.

Every household in the capital opened their doors and windows to welcome a new beautiful day.

There are gradually more pedestrians on the street.

Originally, only one boy visited the Violet Bookstore when it opened its doors. Nowadays, many customers come to buy books.

The boy who was the first to watch the story of 'King Arthur' is now holding the book of 'King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table' that he spent another 8 coins in his hands with excitement and obsession, while reading around.

"It turns out that it was Miss Meili who became Arthur's master and taught him swordsmanship? Ah... Miss Meili is so powerful. She is full of wisdom and resourcefulness, and can make suggestions for the old king; she also has powerful swordsmanship. She is a beautiful and perfect girl who has the ability to guide Arthur's sword practice.

Eh...but isn't Miss Mellie a magician? Why swordsmanship? "The boy was talking to himself excitedly, and on the other hand he was a little confused about the demon spirit Mellie teaching Arthur swordsmanship in the 'story'.

‘Uh, forget it—

If you don’t understand it, don’t think about it. ’ The young man shook his head.

On the contrary, he is now very envious of the protagonist named Arthur in this story!

From the illustrations in the book and the description in the novel, Arthur is a handsome boy with blond hair as bright as the sun and blue eyes as blue as the ocean.

He is handsome, but he is also the king's illegitimate son among the people.

Moreover, there is such a gentle and beautiful Miss Mei Li who has personally taught swordsmanship since she was a child. Wow! Suddenly I feel so jealous!

If he could have such a 'mentor', he might also become a well-known 'hero' on the mainland in the future!

"Warren, why are you going home just now?" Just when the boy was deep in his inner fantasy, a voice suddenly woke him up from the world of the book.

——And ‘Warren’ is exactly his name.

Looking up, Warren saw his father standing at the door of his blacksmith shop.

It turned out that he had arrived home before he knew it.

"Dad...Dad, I just went to the bookstore for a walk." Realizing that his father's sharp gaze had noticed the books in his hands, Warren did not dare to hide his words and stammered.

"Hmph! Are you going to buy those boring 'hero biographies' again? How many times have I told you that those stories are just fake stuff made up by bards. Only young people like you are easy to fool, and you will be so stupid. Pay for that useless thing." Grixi, the old blacksmith, had a dissatisfied expression on his face.

"Forget it, have you bought the wine I asked you to buy?"

Drinking a glass of morning wine before the start of the day's work has almost become a life habit of the old blacksmith.

Every day he would give Warren some change and ask him to buy wine for him.

But today——

"Ah...!" Warren suddenly let out a cry of fear, and his face instantly turned pale.

His weekly pocket money was only 20, and he originally wanted to buy a copy of the newly released "The Demon King and the Brave" on the way to buy wine, so that he would have 3 yuan left.

However, in the end, he exchanged it for the copy of 'King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table' in his hand.

Even if he added in the remaining pocket money, he only had 3 kola, which was still 5 kola short.

In the end, Warren was really itchy.

It’s just like the ‘internet-addicted boys and girls’ who play krypton gold mobile games on earth and see their favorite skins and characters.

Still couldn’t resist the temptation——

As a result, Warren misappropriated the money his father asked him to buy wine, and then bought "King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table".

at this time--

Seeing the frightened and panicked look on Warren's face, and looking at Warren's hands with nothing but the storybook of 'King Arthur'.

The old blacksmith's face gradually darkened, and he still didn't know what happened.

He suddenly snatched the book from Warren's hand.

"Ah! My 'hero biography'!"

"I asked you to buy wine, but you came back with something like this!" After saying this, the angry father was about to perform a hand-tearing 'reading' in front of his son to educate him on this incompetent thing. son.



The next moment, the old blacksmith accidentally saw the beautifully painted cover on the book cover and the 'bright silver armor'.

——He was suddenly stunned.

"This...this armor!!" The old blacksmith's eyes suddenly widened, as if they were about to bulge out, and his voice trembled a little.

Afterwards, the old blacksmith ignored his son's eager expression and started reading by himself.

The structure and style of the ‘armor’ on that cover!

...The old blacksmith suddenly couldn't help but want to see the specific description of the armor of the group of people on the 'cover' of this book.

After that, not long after, under Warren's dull gaze, the old blacksmith also fell into the same 'immersed' state as before.

Warren: ‘…’

After a while, a soldier from the adventure group came to the door of the blacksmith shop and wanted to get the 'sword' he had reserved at the blacksmith shop.

"Closing?! What's going on! Shouldn't their house be open for business at this time?" Looking at the blacksmith shop that was still closed and not open for business, the soldier looked at the already rising sun, Somewhat confused.

"Wow! Is Teacher Meili also a swordsman?" In the Violet Bookstore, a young magician wearing the uniform of the Iris Academy sat in the bookstore, looking at the "King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table" in her hand with little stars in her eyes.

Originally, she came out today to buy some material encyclopedias about "Potion Science".

As a result, when she accidentally saw the colorful and eye-catching "cover" on the recommended bookshelf of the Violet Bookstore, she couldn't help but curiously pulled out the book.

Then she was half obsessed and immersed in the interesting story in the book.

Similarly, the girl was shocked and amazed by the "Flower Magician" in the illustration in the preface.

As a girl who loves beauty, and a noble magician in people's eyes.

For the dreamy image of "Meili" in the sea of ​​flowers, the girl became more obsessed than the boy before.

In her eyes, even the female instructors of the magic academy, none of them is more beautiful and elegant than the "Miss Meili" in the illustration.

The girl who fell deeply in love with this character because of this illustration soon became a little fan of ‘Merry’.

At this time, she had also seen the plot where Merry taught Arthur swordsmanship and horse riding.

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