"The country has been destroyed. If you think about it, it's normal for Li Mu to end badly." Someone murmured.

They continued to watch,

‘After the defeat of the war, although Qin was driven back, Qin’s own national power was not greatly affected.

King Qin Yingzheng was very unconvinced.

In the second year, he continued to raise troops to attack Zhao.

Although the process of conquering Zhao this time still started well,

But after encountering Li Mu and the stubborn resistance in the land of Panwu,

Li Mu once again broke the myth of Qin's invincibility.

[Later Qin attacked Zhao again, but Li Mulian resisted]... This sentence also became widely circulated,

Until later generations, this battle was also called the Battle of Fanwu.

Even King Qin Yingzheng had no choice but to withdraw his troops...

As an emperor, he loves and hates Li Mu's military strength! !

He loves Li Mu’s talent,

But he understood that if Li Mu was not eliminated, he would be the most difficult tree to trip over on the road of Qin's attack on Zhao!


The State of Qin used its usual tactics and prepared to use alienation tactics to try to alienate the relationship between King Zhao and Li Mu.

to break down this seemingly impenetrable defense.


This is a slow and detailed job,

Before this, Qin State could not swallow Zhao State for a while, and could only shift its target to other countries, or give up on the road.

Although it is a pity that Zhao cannot be destroyed directly.

But this time the road returned to the one planned from the beginning.

That is to consume Zhao State and attack South Korea. ’

See this...

People also reacted suddenly.

At the same time, I no longer feel disappointed or regretful that Qin failed to destroy Zhao.

That's right...

I almost forgot.

They also knew that Qin initially intended to consume Zhao first.

In order to prevent South Korea from being destroyed, Zhao Guo supported South Korea. This was part of the smooth implementation of the plan, but it was just that he failed to see any unexpected surprises.

It’s good to be able to destroy Zhao in one go, but it’s not a loss if you can’t!

They continued to look—

‘Although Zhao State defeated Qin State, its own losses were very heavy.

They can only hold on to their territory, and for a while they no longer have the ability to support other countries.

From this point on, Zhao's demise was a foregone conclusion, but it was just a matter of time.

Although Qin suffered heavy losses,

But for Qin, who has deep pockets and ample war reserves,

This exchange of battle damage is completely tolerated, and he can continue to destroy the six countries!

There is no better way to describe the advantages of Qin than other countries at that time in one sentence -

You can only lose once, but I can lose countless times!

The goal of weakening Zhao has been achieved, so the next step is to destroy Han! ’

Destroy Korea! ! !

When these two words come into people’s eyes,

Many people felt their hearts surging again.

People can even imagine that if Qin suddenly attacked South Korea, the whole country would be in a state of panic, panic, and fear.

South Korea: This is too sudden! Don't come over here! tvt!

‘233 BC,

Han Wangan realized something was wrong.

Although no one told him directly,

Next, Qin’s target will be South Korea.

But he was still keenly aware that South Korea was in an extremely dangerous situation at this time.

In order to survive, he surrendered to Qin.

In 231 AD, after Qin stopped attacking Zhao, Han Wangan became even more panicked.


There was a turning point in this crisis.

But the matter has to start with a Korean young man...'


If not, South Korea can’t be destroyed, right?

People thought a little aggrievedly when they saw this.

The road to destroying the Six Kingdoms was not very smooth.

There will always be new obstacles that will keep people stuck.

But now that everything is ready, what else can be done to prevent Qin from destroying Han besides making Ying Zheng give up on destroying Han?

Thinking of this, people couldn't help but shake their heads.

They had no doubts about Ying Zheng's determination to destroy Han, which made them even more surprised. What happened next?

How could he be related to a Korean young man?

After reading further, people soon learned the name of this key figure, the Korean prince——

Han Feizi!

‘There was a young man in Korea named Han Fei.

He was smart and eager to learn since he was a child. Later he became a disciple of Xunzi and studied various economics.

He is erudite, versatile, talented, and writes very well, often putting his classmate Li Si to shame.

Although Han Fei studied under the Confucianist Xunzi, his thoughts are quite different from him.

He did not inherit his teacher’s academic ideas,

Rather, under the historical situation at that time, in compliance with the development needs of the times, the study of Xixing Mingfa,

And attributed to Huang and Lao, inherited and developed the idea of ​​​​making a fortune,

He became the master of Legalism at that time, so he was respectfully called Han Feizi.

At that time——

Han Feizi saw it very early on,

South Korea is the weakest country among the Seven Heroes of the Warring States Period.

The neighboring state of Qin is also very powerful.

For this reason, Han was threatened by Qin.

Coupled with the cowardly character of Han Wangan, almost all the political power fell into the hands of important ministers, and the domestic situation was already very dangerous.

Seeing South Korea's national power weakening day by day, Han Fei was very anxious.

He absorbed the teachings of Confucianism, Taoism and Legalism Shang Yang, and put forward a set of theories to raise the authority of the monarch to an absolute status.

Han Fei repeatedly wrote to King An of Han to advise him on his theory of governing the country.

I hope Han Wangan can work hard to govern and reform to become stronger.

But Han Wangan turned a deaf ear to this and never adopted it.

When Han Fei was disappointed and pessimistic, he explored the path from weakness to strength from the gains and losses of those who watched.

In the end, he wrote many works such as "Gu Ang" and "Shuo Lin", totaling more than 100,000 words.

He comprehensively and systematically expounded his concept of the rule of law, and at the same time expressed his anger at being lonely and out of touch with the times. ’

Chapter 62: As a friend, you want Han Fei’s life?!

When people see the situation in South Korea, it is also the important ministers who control the government.

But when the power as a king is very weak,

People feel a strong sense of déjà vu…

This is similar to the situation King Qin faced when Lu Buwei was still there!

But this Han Wangan seemed not as courageous as Qin Wang Yingzheng.

Don’t talk about solving the problem yourself and re-centralizing the power.

Even Han Feizi wanted to help him,

He had no intention of changing his mind at all, and his cowardly appearance was in sharp contrast to the wise and domineering King of Qin.

People continued to look back, wondering how this Han Fei affected Qin's plan to destroy Han.

Unlike Li Mu, who was entrusted with the important task of turning the tide in Zhao,

Han Fei, who was depressed in Korea and was not reused, should be even less likely to hinder Qin's progress!

Until people see——

‘The teachings of Han Feizi gradually spread to Qin.

Finally, he was seen by Ying Zheng, the king of Qin.

After Ying Zheng read it, he praised him greatly and said with admiration: "If I could meet this man and talk with him, I would have no regrets even if I die!" ’

Ying Zheng highly praised two of them academically.

After asking Prime Minister Li Si, I learned that this was a work by his classmate Han Fei.


Ying Zheng was very happy and immediately asked him to invite Han Fei to come to Qin to be his retainer.

But Li Si said that Han Fei was the son of Han Fei, the son of Xie, the previous king of South Korea.

The younger brother of Ren Guojun An,

How could South Korea allow him to contribute to Qin?

What Li Si said was very reasonable. Of course, he also had some selfish motives when he said this.

When they were studying together under Xunzi, he thought he was not as capable as Han Fei.

If Han Fei comes to Qin, he will be reused by the King of Qin.

So wouldn't his current status be affected or threatened? ’

Li Si? !

He has already become the Prime Minister?


Everyone's eyes widened when they saw this.

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