Sure enough, after Yun Fei threw out the spiral shuriken, Han quickly took Shou and Huang Tu to move. Because of the barrier, the space they were in was not very large, so the two Chuliki could not completely transform into tailed beasts. They originally thought that they could defeat Yun Fei in one fell swoop by relying on the advantage of numbers and the disadvantage of Yun Fei with two disciples.

Seeing several people hiding quickly, Yun Fei knew that Lao Zi must have told the Rock Ninjas about the power of the spiral shuriken before. Otherwise, even if people who saw the spiral shuriken for the first time knew the power, they must not know that the spiral shuriken could be thrown, so their reaction would not be so fast. The reactions of the Rock Ninjas have already shown that they all know this technique.

Yun Fei was not discouraged when he missed the attack.

The current situation is still very favorable to his side.

Although Yun Fei cannot use Flying Thunder God, the two Chuliki on the opposite side cannot completely transform into tailed beasts either, which is considered a draw.

But now Yun Fei’s only problem is how to protect Nawaki and Mikoto.

Now there are two Kage-level and two Quasi-Kages on the opposite side.

Although Nawaki and Mikoto are both Jonin, it is obvious that they can’t beat any of them.

Fortunately, Yun Fei's Water Break Wave just injured a hunter.

Yun Fei would not use Wood Release if he could, because he had just learned about the joint information of Sand Ninja and Rock Ninja.

The current barrier has confirmed that the previous information is accurate.

If Yun Fei uses his trump card now, then if the Sand Ninja and Rock Ninja are dispatched like today, Yun Fei will be very passive.

Therefore, Yun Fei does not want to expose all his trump cards for the time being unless he has to or has no new trump cards.

Yun Fei is not yet able to reach the strength of Senju Hashirama or Uchiha Madara.

Now is not the time for him to be high-profile.

When Yun Fei has learned all the Wood Release or has the eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, then it will be time for Yun Fei to be high-profile in the ninja world, but not being high-profile does not mean that Yun Fei will be ravaged.

Although he is not going to use Wood Release, other ninjutsu are also very powerful. Because Mikoto and Nawaki are here, Yun Fei does not intend to use the Great Explosion Water Rush Wave, but is ready to use Amaterasu to solve them all at once.

Yun Fei's Sharingan slowly changed from three magatama to a pentagram, and then blood and tears flowed from Yun Fei's right eye. Seeing the blood and tears, Lao Zi immediately recognized this pupil technique. After all, he knew the power of this pupil technique when he was in the body of the Four-Tails before, and immediately told the few people what he knew.

"This black flame will not be extinguished if it is touched, so don't let it touch you! We need to attack quickly, this is the pupil technique of the Mangekyō Sharingan."

After hearing this, several people immediately dodged Amaterasu's attack and started to attack Yun Fei.

"Earth Style: Splitting the Earth and Turning the Palm."

Huang Tu concentrated the chakra in his palm, and then used his palm to hit the ground, causing the earth to crack and making Yun Fei unstable. Amaterasu was also forced to stop, and at the same time, Lao Zi's magma ball was already coming towards Yun Fei and the others. It seemed that Lao Zi and the others were going to continue using ninjutsu on Yun Fei so that Yun Fei would not have time to use Amaterasu on them.

This method was considered to have temporarily sealed Amaterasu. Yun Fei used Water Dragon Bullet and Water Array Wall to block Lao Zi's magma ball, but before Yun Fei could catch his breath, Han had already reached Yun Fei's side and was ready to use physical attacks on Yun Fei.

Yun Fei immediately looked at Han when he saw Yun Fei's Mangekyō Sharingan, but it was obviously too late. Han was a little scared when he was deeply hit by the Tsukuyomi again.

Yun Fei looked at Han who was tied to the cross, and said with a sneer,"Didn't expect it, the power of the Mangekyō Sharingan is not as simple as you think."

After that, he began to torture Han for 72 hours. This time, Han persisted a little longer than last time, but it was obvious that Yun Fei once again forced him to transform into a tailed beast. When Lao Zi saw the appearance of the Five-Tailed King Mu, he knew that the sniper attack had failed again. Moreover, because this time it was very close to the camp of the Rock Ninja, Lao Zi was also very nervous. He said to Huang Tu

"You go and evacuate the ninjas in the camp right now, I will stop the Five-Tails!"

Huang Tu obviously realized the seriousness of the situation, and immediately ran out of the barrier to evacuate the ninjas in the camp, but Yun Fei would not give them this opportunity. Sensing the direction of a large amount of chakra, Yun Fei immediately commanded the Five-Tails to run in that direction, and Lao Zi saw the Five-Tails running towards the camp and immediately transformed into a tailed beast.

The two tailed beasts fought again, but this time it was outside the Rock Ninja camp, and soon the two tailed beasts broke the barrier. Yun Fei could have run away at this time, but he was ambushed by the Rock Ninja. It is impossible for a person with a charisma not to retaliate. Yun Fei began to increase his pupil power and let the Five-Tails start to use the Tailed Beast Ball to launch a devastating attack on the Iwagakure camp.

Seeing the Tailed Beast Ball condensed in the Five-Tails' mouth, the Four-Tails also began to gather and prepared to use the Tailed Beast Ball to resist the Tailed Beast Ball, but Yun Fei would not do as he wished this time. The barrier was lifted and Yun Fei could use the Flying Thunder God Technique. Yun Fei immediately threw the Flying Thunder God Kunai at the Four-Tails, and a spiral shuriken gathered in his hand again.

Just when the Four-Tails was about to condense the Tailed Beast Ball, Yun Fei suddenly appeared. He threw the Rasenshuriken at the Four-Tails' tail behind it. Because the Four-Tails' attention was focused on the Five-Tails, and Yun Fei used Flying Thunder God to attack, the Four-Tails had no time to react and was hit directly by the Rasenshuriken.

The whirlwind caused the Four-Tails' Tailed Beast Ball to be launched prematurely, and because it was hit by the Rasenshuriken, the line was slightly deviated and did not hit the Five-Tails' Tailed Beast Ball.

Yun Fei had just used Flying Thunder God to return to Rope Tree and others when he saw the Four-Tails' Tailed Beast Ball fly past the Five-Tails. Yun Fei Fei decisively ordered the Five-Tails to fire the Tailed Beast Ball at the Iwagakure camp.

As soon as it was fired, a violent explosion occurred behind the Five-Tails. Seeing that they were about to be affected by the explosion, Yun Fei immediately used the Flying Thunder God Technique to take Rope Tree and Mikoto away from the Iwagakure camp.

Just as Yun Fei and others had just left the Five-Tails, the Tailed Beast Ball exploded in the Iwagakure camp. Although Huang Tu had transferred most of the ninjas in time, a small number of ninjas were still caught in the explosion and were killed on the spot. In addition, a large amount of supplies were also affected by the explosion.


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