After receiving the mission, Yun Fei gave the three people half an hour to prepare, and agreed to meet at the gate of Konoha half an hour later.

Soon the three of them arrived at the village entrance. Yun Fei saw that everyone was there and prepared to set off. The other three, except Kushina, who had come to Konoha from Uzushio Village before, had never been out of Konoha in their lives. It didn't seem like they were going on a mission, but rather like sightseeing. Looking at the few people, Yun Fei said in a deep voice:

"You must adjust your mindset right now. I will not help you with this mission. You will solve all the tasks by yourselves. I will only consider helping you if there is a senior ninja on the opposite side. Moreover, we are going to the border of the Land of Fire this time. We are very likely to encounter other teams from other countries on missions. It will most likely be a deadly battle at that time."

After hearing Yun Fei's words, the three of them quickly sorted out their previous feelings. Before, they thought that it would be easy to do a B-level mission with Yun Fei's leadership, but now Yun Fei actually said that the three of them would complete this mission, and they suddenly became nervous.

Yun Fei on the other side didn't care so much, and continued:"Maybe you think that ninja is a fun profession, then you are very wrong. Ninja is a very cruel profession, and the mortality rate is very high. Your mission this time is to kill all the bandits and the leading ninja, leaving no one alive."

After listening to Yun Fei's words, the three of them were silent. There was no more laughter along the way. Soon the four of them arrived at Daxing Mountain, which was the gathering place of bandits. In the past, this place was the border of the Kingdom of Wind. The task of Yun Fei and others was to kill all the bandits here.

Looking at the silent three people, Yun Fei said seriously:"Now let's assign the tasks!

According to the intelligence, there are about one thousand bandits, and the leader is a rebel ninja from the Kingdom of Wind.

His strength is an elite Genin.

The task of the three of you is to kill all of these one thousand bandits and leave no survivors.

As for the tactics, you need to discuss them by yourselves.

I will follow you throughout the process.

I will not take action unless your life is in danger.

Everything depends on you.

Do you understand?"

After listening to Yun Fei's words, the three of them nodded, and then the three of them began to discuss tactics.

Yun Fei looked at the performance of the three and nodded with satisfaction.

Then the three of them dispersed, and Yun Fei separated a shadow clone to follow the three of them.

Although it was just a shadow clone, it would not be a problem to deal with ordinary jonin.

But for safety, the shadow clone still brought the Flying Thunder God Kunai, so that if there was a problem, it could ensure that the main body could arrive in the first time.

After all, the identities of the three were too important and too sensitive, and there could not be any mistakes at all.

Soon there were screams in the mountain village. Sheng Shu and the other two had already started, but although the three of them started, Yun Fei's shadow clone still frowned, because although the three of them started to kill, they were still very hesitant. This was not a good phenomenon. You know, many times it was because of indecision that they or their companions were injured or even killed by others.

But Yun Fei thought again that the three of them might not be used to killing people at the beginning. After all, everyone's tolerance and acceptance are different, so Yun Fei still fought. Let's continue to see.

After a period of struggle, the three of them quickly became more agile, and they had obviously passed their own psychological barriers. In this way, the three of them quickly killed all the bandits on the periphery. Yun Fei watched the three of them continue to kill the bandits below. Although the three of them were very determined now, there was still one last level. If they could pass this level, they would officially become a qualified ninja.

That level was some women and children at the back. If they could not be determined to kill those women and children, then Yun Fei would definitely have to teach them a lesson. You must know that in the world of ninjas, if you don't eliminate the troubles, the troubles you will cause to yourself in the future will only be infinite.

The three of them cooperated tacitly and used ninjutsu to quickly kill most of the bandits.

Only a small part of them were still barely resisting.

Even the rebel ninja from the Wind Country was quickly killed by the three of them.

At this time, Yun Fei also appeared in front of them.

Sheng Shu said happily:"Brother-in-law, we have completed the task like this!

" After listening to Sheng Shu's words, Yun Fei said in a deep voice:"No, there are still some women and children behind you who have to be dealt with.

Only when they are dealt with can the task be considered completed.


Hearing this, the three people had different reactions. The kind-hearted Mikoto felt a little sorry and said to Yunfei:"Teacher Yunfei, those women and children are powerless, it doesn't matter if they are not killed."

After hearing what Mikoto said, Yunfei looked at the other two, wanting to see if the other two would come up with other opinions, but to Yunfei's disappointment, they both agreed with Mikoto's opinion.


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