In a shabby little village on the border between the Land of Fire and the Land of Lightning

"Yunfei, have you completed your training today?"

"Allah, Allah, I will finish the training later."

On the field, a red-haired boy said indifferently to a white-haired middle-aged man. The indifferent attitude gave the middle-aged man a headache. You know, the white-haired man has a very correct attitude towards the mission or others, and the boy's indifferent attitude gave the white-haired man a headache. If the injury had not healed, the white-haired man really wanted to beat the red-haired boy.

If someone from Konoha was here, he would definitely recognize the white-haired man. He was the second generation Hokage, Tobirama Senju, who was thought to have died in the first battle.

The other boy was our protagonist Yun Fei. Obviously, this was not the first conversation between Yun Fei and Tobirama Senju. Senju Tobirama remained silent after hearing Yun Fei's words. His disciple was very talented. In just one or two years, he had transformed from an ordinary person who knew nothing into an elite Chunin.

Although he often talked nonsense, he never dared to neglect his training. Otherwise, even if he had high talent, he would not be able to become an elite Chunin in such a short time without practicing hard.

Although Yun Fei said these words in a relaxed manner, he was actually very afraid that someone from the Land of Lightning would suddenly come and capture him and Senju Tobirama. Although he and Senju Tobirama had been together for almost one or two years, the situation would not change as long as Senju Tobirama did not recover from his injuries.


In fact, Yun Fei is a time traveler. He was struck by lightning in his previous life and traveled to the world of Naruto.

When he woke up, he saw a man covered in blood beside him. After observing for a while, Yun Fei thought about it from his memory and found that this was not the second generation Hokage Senju Tobirama? And there were other movements not far away. It seems that Senju Tobirama is still being hunted.

Fortunately, Yun Fei's golden finger finally came at this time.

Choose the system!

When there are certain things or people, different options will be given, and the rewards brought by different options are also different.

But now the most important thing is to save your life. The current situation is that Kinkaku and Ginkaku's troops have not yet discovered Senju Tobirama, but it is obvious that this situation will be discovered soon.

As the sound gets closer, Yun Fei becomes more and more nervous, although at this time the omnipotent system sends a prompt:

Option 1. Help Senju Tobirama escape from danger and obtain the blood of the Uzumaki clan.

Option 2. Help Kinkaku and Ginkaku kill Senju Tobirama and obtain the Nine-Tails Chakra.

But looking at these two options, Yun Fei was a little speechless. He could only choose the second one to complete the task, but after completing it, he couldn't run away at all. Moreover, once he killed Senju Tobirama, he would be at war with Konoha. If he helped Kinkaku and Ginkaku to kill Senju Tobirama, he would not only get nothing, but he might even be hunted down by the Land of Lightning and the Land of Fire at the same time. On the contrary, the

Nine-Tails was in Konoha, and he would have plenty of time to get the Nine-Tails' chakra as long as he could save Senju Tobirama. The problem now was that he had no ability to escape at all. Whether he chose 1 or 2, he would be dead. Just when Yun Fei was about to despair, the system sent another prompt.

"Do you want to open the newbie gift pack?"

"Open it quickly!"

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining a disposable bamboo dragonfly."

After the system prompt, a bamboo dragonfly appeared in Yunfei's hand. Looking at the bamboo dragonfly in his hand, Yunfei couldn't help but think of its introduction.

The bamboo dragonfly is one of the most common props in the famous Japanese comic"Doraemon".

As long as you wear it on your head, the propeller will rotate and an anti-gravity field will be generated around your body.

Then the gravity of the earth will be cut off and people will float up!

As long as you think about the direction and speed of flight in your mind, brain waves will transmit commands to the computer and the speed of the propeller will change accordingly.

As the speed of the propeller changes, the anti-gravity field will also change, and people can fly freely.

In addition, the bamboo dragonfly is equipped with a very small miniaturized battery. It can fly continuously in the air for 8 hours at a speed of 80 kilometers per hour, and can only move forward 640 kilometers.

Silently chose the first option, then took the bamboo dragonfly and put it on his head. Fortunately, there were a lot of clothes nearby, and he used the broken clothes to put it on his head. With the bamboo dragonfly tied behind him, Yunfei flew up directly.

As he was flying, Yunfei suddenly found himself descending, which made Yunfei want to curse. You know, the bamboo dragonfly can fly more than 600 kilometers. How long has it flown and it has run out of power? I'm afraid the system gave it a defective product.

The sky was slowly getting dark.

Yunfei happened to see a small village below. Although it was a little shabby, it was fortunately surrounded by mountains. This small village had a natural barrier and was relatively safe. The most important thing was that the bamboo dragonfly was out of power, and because it was a disposable product, it disappeared as soon as it landed. Fortunately, the system just prompted that the task of saving the bamboo dragonfly had been completed.

In an instant, the bamboo dragonfly, which had just felt very heavy, didn't seem to be so heavy anymore, and there was a feeling of energy in his body. Yunfei knew that this should be chakra, and his strength was also much greater.

What a great feeling!

Is this the power of a ninja?


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