"It is precisely because these elves are not in the real flow, and their methods of doing things are very strange. So often they are just small elves learning from some big elves, but it is not a system."

"The biggest advantage of this section is its flexibility."

The four-eyed Taoist priest was noncommittal, but seemed to be a little bit dissatisfied.

"There are many disadvantages. Whether it hurts your body or not depends on how much the Xian family is willing to do for you. If you two are compatible or have a good relationship, he will naturally restrain himself."

"But if it's just normal feelings, why would it care whether it would cause harm to you?"

"The so-called ghosts have different paths, and demons have different paths. It's because of the difference in physical energy. Our ancestors have to worry about their meridians being damaged by the divine power, not to mention that they are not from the same source of spirits."

Lin Yu said: "In this case, isn't there no benefit at all? Is it just for the freedom of the mortal world?"

"That's right, they can't help themselves when they are alive. Even if they join the Immortal Family and don't get freedom, they finally gain some strength and the strength to deal with the turmoil outside the Immortal Family."

"The world is like a tide, and I don't know how many catastrophes there are. If you don't join the Immortal Family and just resign yourself to fate and go with the flow, you will instead be under the control of the Immortal Family. You will only suffer from one family. Naturally, the choice will be easy."

Taoist Priest Four Eyes is used to seeing the sufferings in the world, and he understands the various choices in the world very well.

Lin Yu껩 slowly realized this feeling.

The Dharma is rare, not to mention the righteous Dharma, even if it is an evil Dharma, many people cannot come into contact with it.

It’s good if it works, what else should I choose?

Not everyone is as lucky as Lin Yu.

Not everyone is as lucky as Qiu Shengwencai.

“The other good thing is that there are no restrictions.”

"No limit?"

"That's right, there are no limits."

"In other words, don't set limits for yourself."

Taoist Priest Four Eyes explained: "For example, if we ask for help from the gods, even if we invite our own ancestors, the ancestors are willing to do their best to help their descendants, but they are not willing to help with everything."

"Just like parents in an ordinary family, children need education if they want to do bad things."

"Master Patriarch will not help you do bad things, nor will he help you do things that go against the rules and regulations. He will even teach you a lesson."

"But those immortal families are different."

"Most of them are spiritually enlightened but have not yet cultivated their minds. Sometimes their spiritual intelligence is ignorant, they are prone to extremes, and it is difficult to distinguish good from evil."

"As long as you pay for it, I'll be willing to exchange it for any kind of power. It doesn't matter whether you're killing someone, stealing it, or poisoning it."

"They are not afraid of the cause and effect cycle, or they don't understand it yet."

"Even those immortals who are more advanced in the Taoism may have some respect for the heavenly gods, but most of them are because of the rules set by the righteous people."

"They may be restrained, but it is just to avoid being surrounded and suppressed. The bottom line is naturally lower than that of our ancestor. Their disciples naturally have more freedom to use their power."

Lin Yu had questions at this time.

"Is there really a cycle of cause and effect? ​​Doesn't it mean that bad people don't need to be punished when they do bad things, and they just wait to see God repay them?"

Taoist priest Simu patted Lin Yu's head and said with a bad smile: "What are you talking about? In our practice, we obey the nature and the heavenly mind. Naturally, we should learn to worry about our talents. Why shouldn't the cycle of cause and effect be in us? On your body?"

"Isn't our punishment just a kind of cause and effect? ​​This is called doing justice for heaven."

Lin Yu smiled, always feeling that this was a crooked theory.

I'm afraid Simu doesn't fully believe in the cycle of heavenly principles, so his thoughts are a bit rebellious.

Or not that they don’t believe it, but that they have desires in their hearts.

If you have desires, you will not put your hope in God because you are not practical.

So don’t seek outside, but look within.

There is a desire to control.

The cycle of cause and effect must be controlled by oneself.

If someone feels that he deserves retribution, it is best to give him retribution yourself now.

Taoist Master Simu thought for a while, and seemed to feel that it was not entirely right for him to instill such thoughts into a nephew who had just started to practice Taoism.

He still said: "There used to be some in the past, but they have become less and less over the years. After all, even gods are hard to find, so how can we expect any natural cycle?"

Lin Yu sighed: "Whether you have feelings of heaven or not, you should think that you do. If you lose your sense of reverence, you will be like a wild horse that has escaped the reins, and a demon will be born."

There was some expression of compassion on the four-eyed face.

Killing people and setting fire to gold belts, building bridges and paving roads without corpses.

Over the years, more and more evil has been done, but none of them has suffered retribution.

Those foreigners seemed not to be subject to Eastern rules, but even the Japanese pirates seemed to have lost their respect for heaven.

그My heart is like a ghost, but in the end I am still a common people.

"What I mean is not seeking immortality, but only talking about worldliness!"

The eyes of Taoist Priest Four became determined, and he clenched his fists.

Lin Yu glanced sideways.

My uncle seems to be too unimmortal.

Greedy for money, lazy, playful, and stingy.

Don’t talk about immortality, don’t talk about the great road.

After walking through this Xuanmen orthodox sect, the impression left behind seems to be the size of a fist.


Let out a long sigh.

It didn't alarm Lin Yu's eyes.

Uncle Jiu shook his head, looking melancholy.

Living in troubled times, it seems to be the end of the Dharma era, and the suffering of people's livelihood is hidden deep in their hearts.

Seeking the Tao 껣그껩 will inevitably lead to hesitation, and it’s just a matter of taking one step at a time.

Shenzhou is smelly, and the world seems to be enveloped in a layer of gray fog.

그My heart is numb and lifeless.

When will the red sun rise in the east and dawn break?

No one knows the answer.

Lin Yu's divine skill has not been officially completed.

"There is no need to rush now. I know you are very talented, but practicing to pray to God is not the best way to truly pray to God."

"When practicing in Mao 껚, you must first burn incense and pray, put on talismans, and tell the gods in the sky that this is a disciple practicing and there is no need to respond. Otherwise, if you really invite 그 and find that nothing happens, wouldn't it be a joke? god?"

"When you practice, you have to practice it hundreds of times a day. It's not good to disturb everyone's ears over and over again."

"But if you don't respond, it's hard to know where you are. If you've practiced it or not, you may not be good at it when you actually use it."

"So when you first start practicing, it's best to try it at home."

Taoist priest Simu said and became proud again.

놋The ancestor’s blessing makes me feel comfortable.

"Let's find an auspicious day, set up the altar, burn incense and pray, tell the ancestor that you want to practice god, and ask the ancestor to cooperate with you."

"When the time comes, you shout and the Patriarch will come. You can also practice and practice together to see how to summon the gods most smoothly and how to control the divine power most smoothly."

"After our own ancestor's personal experience, if you want to invite other gods, you will have to experience it. You don't have to worry about your operation being wrong, so that people will be happy and comfortable."

Lin Yu naturally nodded obediently.

"Uncle Master, we are relatively few disciples of Maoshan. We all bother the Grandmaster during practice. Will it bother the Grandmaster?"

Lin Yu asked.

The four-eyed Taoist priest patted the back of Lin Yu's head, feeling even more proud.

"Haha, silly boy, why did you forget it again? Do you think our founder is only one person? We have been inheriting Maoshan for many years, and how many great virtues and high virtues can we pull out?"

"When the time comes, we will place the memorial tablet of the Patriarch on the Dharma altar. Several Patriarchs will always give you a blank look. Let's burn incense and pray, and I will say good things for you and beg for mercy."

"In this way, when the Patriarch discovers me, and the several Patriarchs who are familiar with me will naturally give me a face, open their eyes and see what you can do."

"My four eyes are still very favored by my ancestor. For my sake, you will definitely be able to do it. Don't worry, I'll be with you! I think back when our brothers and sisters practiced together, only I was the only one. One person has been favored by three ancestors!"

The four eyes were extremely proud.

Lin Yu was naturally disappointed. He said a few nice words and flattered his uncle, making him happy.

Several days passed after that.

Lin Yu works hard every day to practice.

Uncle Jiu and Taoist Master Simu also became increasingly busy.

A Buddhist ritual requires few preparations.

Qiu Sheng Wencai also helped. Although Ren Tingting had not yet become a disciple, she also kept busy and received some influence in metaphysics.

Just wait until the Dharma period is approaching, and the good days are getting closer.

Renjiazhen Yufa became lively.

A theater troupe was also invited from the provincial capital to set up a stage in Renjia Town and prepare to sing some favorite songs.

"It's obviously a religious ceremony, but why should it be like a temple fair? Is it so lively when I'm worshiping as a disciple?"

The dining table 껗 is explained by Ren Tingting.

Uncle Jiu glanced at Lin Yu and said, "Xiao Yu, come and explain to your junior sister."

Lin Yu put down his chopsticks and raised his head to say.

But he was helpless to find that Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai also looked curious.

He rolled his eyes and was almost speechless for a moment.

My senior brother and my third junior brother have been urged by me to practice hard during this period. Because I have been teaching them more and more, my progress has been faster.

Qiu Sheng has also developed his magic power.

But forcing these two guys to practice would cost them half their lives, and asking them to read the scriptures would be more difficult than killing them.

Open the book and fall asleep when you see the words.

Even if Lin Yu whipped them with a cane and woke them up over and over again, after taking two or three breaths, they immediately started to doze off again.

Even Lin Yu felt helpless.

Only a few months had passed, and Lin Yu's talent for cultivation was excellent, and his strength completely overwhelmed them.

Even though these experiences should increase with age, the two of them are almost four years old in total, and they don't know as much as Lin Yu, who is half a year old.

Even Uncle Jiu buried his head and took a mouthful of rice, feeling a little embarrassed.

The four-eyed Taoist priest looked on with joy.

Especially when he looked at Lin Yu, a little boy, giving lessons to three young people, he was disgusted by the contrast.

"Here we invite the 놅theater troupe to sing 놊놆 for the living people, and 놆 will be for those lonely ghosts to come and see 놅."

"For the lonely ghosts to see?"

The three of them shuddered at the same time.

Although they have already fought against zombies and evil spirits, even Qiu Shengwencai feels a little scared when it comes to ghosts touching evil things.

When I think of the opera singing on the stage, a group of ghosts are listening to the opera.

That scene really made them shudder.

"The ghosts are dead, why are you watching the show?"

Qiu Sheng complained.

Lin Yu continued to educate these three people.

"When we perform this ritual, we must save the lonely souls and wild ghosts. The lonely souls and wild ghosts are everywhere in the wilderness. We can catch them one by one."

"Of course we have to prepare something that can attract them."

"Some time ago, I asked Mr. Ren to prepare beans and grind them into tofu. Because tofu belongs to Yin, ghosts like to eat it most. A living person can barely smell some beany smell, but the ghost smells almost like a fragrance. 굛里.”

"Singing operas is naturally the same. Lively and exciting dramas also make these lonely ghosts who are difficult to reincarnate and wander in the world feel happy."

"It's not only good food to eat, but also good shows to watch. How about you, how would you like it?"


Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai nodded immediately.

They eat and play together, they really like it so much.

"So we have to rely on these methods to attract them all and make them eat, have fun and be happy, in order to appease their emotions."

"If salvation is carried out in this way, they will be so resistant to it. Although salvation is a good thing for lonely ghosts like them, most of them are intellectually ignorant and cannot distinguish the good intentions and bad intentions of others. "

"Moreover, there is only a residual soul left, and there is no physical body to protect it. The spirit is exposed to the outside, and it is easily affected by the evil spirits between heaven and earth, and the mood is unstable."

"So we must let their emotions stabilize first, otherwise if they start to riot, we will only have to deal with it painfully and destroy their souls."

"If we really achieve this step, even though the incident happened for a reason and they have gone crazy, and there is no way to do it, even if they are eliminated, it will not damage our moral character, but after all, it is consistent with our original intention."

"So I have to prepare tofu, a troupe, paper money, paper figures, paper horses, and wreaths to make it lively and exciting, so that they can go to hell happily."

Ren Tingting nodded and said with a smile:

"Oh, I understand. I didn't expect that there are so many particularities in it. Let the ghosts eat tofu and watch a show for the ghosts. Hehe, I really know who came up with the method. It's so original."

Uncle Jiu said: "This is all based on the experience of our predecessors over many years of exploration. Each one contains the efforts of many sages. You must study hard after you get started."

As he spoke, he glared at Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai again.

"We should be like the two of them who know nothing but know nothing after entering a treasure mountain and trash things."

"Master! I will study hard! Let the second senior brother be my role model!"

Ren Tingting raised her chest and raised her head in a funny manner, as if she was swearing, but she pulled her little second senior brother into his arms with his head between his legs.

It irritated Lin Yu a lot, and annoyed Lin Yu more than anything else.

People's emotions are mostly affected by some hormones.

Lin Yu is so old that even if you are an immortal, he will not be interested in the hormones he secretes, and will only find it annoying.

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