> is it simple?

It's quite confident.

Hearing Gaji's words, Lin Yu laughed, it seems that he did not run for nothing this time.

As long as he can successfully feed the swallowed fruit to the machine, he can mass-produce memory alloy.

"If you can grab the design drawings of Hades, help me grab it."

"Not only can I help you with feeding items and eating the Devil Fruit, but I can also give you the last bloodline factor transformation technique."

"What do you think?"

Kaji looked at Lin Yu and put forward his own conditions.


Hearing Kaji's request, Lin Yu nodded in agreement.

He originally wanted to give the design drawings of Hades to Gaji, so that he could use the power of the kingdom of Jerma to build it secretly, so that he could pick the fruit himself.

Even if Gaji doesn't ask for it, he will find a way to give it to him.

After thinking about it, Lin Yu looked at Gaji and asked

, "Since you have mastered the ability to feed items with Devil Fruit, then why don't you design some Devil Fruit weapons?"

"These weapons should be more powerful than ordinary weapons."

In Lin Yu's opinion, feeding items with devil fruits was like obtaining magic props.

If he had mastered this technique, he would definitely be so experimental.

Hearing this, Kaji laughed and explained, "

I know what you mean."

"Although items and weapons will gain a certain amount of intelligence because of the Devil Fruit, they are no different from ordinary beasts."

"Therefore, trying to make the items fed with the Devil Fruit do what they tell them to do is extremely long to train, and it is extremely unstable."

"With this time and the Devil Fruit, I might as well train a loyal soldier and let him eat the Devil Fruit."

I see!

After listening to Gaji's explanation, Lin Yu suddenly realized.

However, he just wanted the machine that ate the devouring fruit to produce memory alloy, and there were no other requirements, so he didn't mind the machine being stupid.

Next, Lin Yu gave the Swallowing Fruit to Kaji and asked him to make a machine according to his requirements.

He returns to the Divine Slave and prepares to go to the Water Capital to investigate where Frankie is, and by the way, takes Kalifa captive.

According to Gaji.

Since because of the time when the red dog was located, let the underworld leader of the water capital, Franky, go out and hide.

Those CP9 members in the shipyard should also continue to lurk because they did not complete their tasks.

In this way, Lin Yu did not have to take the initiative to run to the Justice Island to kidnap Kalifa.


Seeing Lin Yu return to the Divine Slave, Lei Jiu asked curiously.

She also knew that Lin Yu went to see her father this time because of swallowing the fruit.

"He agreed, but your father asked me to help him get the design drawings of Hades and give them to him."

Lin Yu said while controlling the Divine Slave to leave the port of Jerma.

"Haven't they got their hands on it yet?" Lei Jiu was a little surprised.

"The Great General Akainu has been in the water capital for more than a month, and Kaji can't imagine it."

"Your dad is really unlucky."

Lin Yu shrugged, held Lei Jiu in his arms, and laughed.

"It's not all because of you."

Seeing Lin Yu laughing, Lei Jiu also hugged him and covered his mouth and chuckled.

She could naturally guess the purpose of the red dog's appearance in the water capital.

Subsequently, Lin Yu controlled the rope of the Shennu and began to transform the appearance of the Shennu, so that the Shennu turned into the appearance of the Five Seas Chamber of Commerce before he drove the Shennu to the water capital.

Although the red dog had left the water capital, Lin Yu, who was afraid of trouble, still felt that it was better to disguise.

A day later.

Water capital port.

"There's a warship here."

"Why did Lin Yu stop here!"

On the side of the ship, Mikita hid in the shadows, quietly watching the warship docked in front of the Shinno.

Nami, Robin, Wei Wei and the others on the Shennu were shocked when they saw Lin Yu's big thorn preparing to stop the Shennu beside the warship.

Most of these people are unsightly, and Lin Yu parked the Shennu beside the warship at this time, isn't this throwing himself into the net.

On the contrary, Nokigao, Keya, Marcino and others, who have never regarded themselves as pirates, feel that there is nothing wrong.

"Lin Yu, is it really okay for you to do this?" Nami looked at the warship next to her and asked Lin Yu.

She had not seen the wanted man take the initiative to come to the side of the Navy.

Hearing Nami's question, Lin Yu looked at Robin, Mikita and the others again, and found that they all had the same meaning as Nami.

Is this when pirates get used to it and form inertial thinking.

Seeing that Robin was also looking at himself with a puzzled expression, Lin Yu shook his head helplessly.


Coughing, Lin Yu pointed to the flag tied to the Divine Slave, "Is that the pirate flag?"

Robin, Nami, Vivi and the others looked up, and were stunned to find that there was a golden coiled dragon flag tied to it, which was not a pirate flag at all.

"And what's written there?"

Lin Yu pointed to the big words on the sails of the Shennu.

The women looked up and found four big words written on the sails: Five Seas Chamber of Commerce!

"From now on, you will all be the secretaries of the Five Seas Chamber of Commerce!"

After Lin Yu finished speaking, he clapped his hands.

MISS Golden Week Marianou stood up, holding a drawing board and brush, and pointed it at the sky.

Fantasy Rainbow Camouflage!

With the continuous wave of the brush in Golden Week's hand, a circular seven-colored rainbow suddenly appeared on the Shennu.

Subsequently, the clothing on Lin Yu, Nami, Robin and others changed, Lin Yu became a handsome man in a suit, and Nami, Robin, Vivi and others were dressed in sexy suits and short skirts of different styles and colors.

This is the secretary's uniform that Lin Yu asked MISS Golden Week to prepare for them.

Then, the appearance of everyone also changed slightly, making it impossible to see the original appearance.

Dream Seven Colors Rainbow Camouflage, which is one of the MISS Golden Week color palette ability 'Dream Seven Color Rainbow', can change the appearance and appearance of others to form a camouflage effect.

"It's amazing."

"Mariano, you're amazing."

Keya looked at the clothes on her body and praised the golden Monday sentence in surprise.

"Yet, it's okay." MISS Golden Week is a little embarrassing.

"Lin Yu, is this really okay?" Robin, who turned into a secretary, was still a little worried.

As a woman who had been wanted by the World Government for twenty years, she obviously didn't believe that Lin Yu could fool around like this.

"Just try it."

Lin Yu smiled, put on the mask of the special product of the Water Capital, and then pushed the Shennu to the vacant position next to the warship.

He is very confident in his name of the Five Seas Chamber of Commerce.

After all, when he was in Beihai, he had already seen in the newspaper that someone had published a newspaper seeking cooperation with the Five Seas Chamber of Commerce.

Of course, if the pretense fails, he doesn't mind.

Anyway, as long as it is not the navy at the level of a general, he is not at all vain, which is the real reason why he dares to stop next to the navy warship.

Seeing that Lin Yuzhen was about to stop the ship next to the warship, Nami, Vivi, Mikita and the others were so frightened that they quickly hid.

Wait a minute!

Why should I hide? I'm the princess of Alabastan!

Wei Wei, who was hiding on the side, thought to herself a little strangely.

On warships.

The navy who remained on the warship saw a ship parked to the side, and they all turned their heads to look at a few large characters on the sails of the Shennu.

Five Seas Chamber of Commerce ??!

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