【Ding! Sara joined the regiment, please choose Sara's crew position]


After choosing Sara's position, Lin Yu began to check the other party's information.

[Name: Sara

] [Identity: Former Baroque Studio Member

] [Stunt: None

] [Talent: Listening Position] [Friendliness: 20

] [Combat Power: Three Stars

] [Devil Fruit Ability: Thorn Fruit]

[Hearing Position: You can judge the location of people by small voices, this ability can be used as a raid or reconnaissance].

He actually has a talent.

Seeing Sara's information, Lin Yu raised his eyebrows, a little surprised.

Later, Lin Yu handed Sara a special necklace of the Sea Lou Stone and said, "

After I confirm your loyalty, I will help you take it off."

For Sara, who has a deep mind and a strong ability to do things, Lin Yu does not completely trust.

The other party is not like Keya, Marcino and others, he is kind-hearted and simple-minded.

It is also not like Mikita, who is extremely friendly to Lin Yu at 80.

Therefore, in order to prevent accidents, Lin Yu could only wronged her.

Seeing what Lin Yu handed over, Sara was already mentally prepared for this, and said directly:

"Change to a single handcuff."

"I don't really like wearing this thing, of course, if it's your special hobby, I can too."

Lin Yu shrugged.

"There's only this kind of thing here."


Sara sighed, took the special necklace of the sea lou stone in Lin Yu's hand, and put it on her neck.

Lin Yu also opened the cage at the right time and released her.

"Let's go, go and help me recruit Golden Week Marianou."

"Yes, my lord."

Lin Yu walked to another cell, followed by Sara.

Ten minutes later, Lin Yu recruited Golden Week Mariannu again.

Golden Week Marianou was already timid, and Lin Yu immediately surrendered as soon as he was slightly frightened, plus Sara's example.

Golden Week, who has the ability to 'color palette', soon agreed to join Lin Yu's pirate group.

【Ding! Marianou joins the group, please choose Mariano's crew position] Seeing

the prompt, Lin Yu turned his head to look at Golden Week Marianou and asked:

"Which one do you choose for the navigator or the ship doctor?"

Now there are only two vacancies in his Pirate Corps system, one for navigator and one for ship doctors.

However, the position of these pirate group systems, Lin Yu, can be adjusted at will, but it doesn't matter.

Lin Yu is asking this now, just to show humanistic care....

"Navigator, I have learned about it."

Mariano said expressionlessly.

This is not that Mariannu deliberately put on Lin Yu's face during Golden Week, but her own personality is like this, and she rarely shows any expression.

"Then it's settled."

Lin Yu smiled and took Sara and Marianou out of the prison.

For Sara and Mariano, Lin Yu did not intend to have something with the two immediately.

Anyway, there will be time later.


The people of the Divine Slave found that there were two more people, but Keya, Magino and the others had already prepared in their hearts, which was not surprising.

Mikita was naturally very happy to see Sara and Marianou being released, and she thought that Lin Yu released the two of them for her face, so her friendliness to Lin Yu increased a few points.

A day later.

Palace of Alabastan.

"I don't know where Nami are now."

Princess Vivi leaned against the window, holding a newspaper in her hand, watching the setting sun in the distance, stunned.

If it weren't for the fact that Alabastan had just experienced war and needed her to stay and stabilize people's hearts, I am afraid that she would be on that ship now.

Thinking of her previous experience in the Straw Hat Regiment, Princess Vivi couldn't help but laugh.



"Click!! click"

Suddenly, running fast, Karu opened the door and pointed anxiously to Princess Vivi.

"Karu, has something happened?"

Princess Vivi came to Karu and asked suspiciously.

"Click!! click"

Karu anxiously grabbed the ground, and then arched Princess Vivi on her back and ran towards the outside of the palace.

"Karu, what are you going to do?"

"What the hell is going on?"

Princess Vivi grabbed Karu's reins and spoke stunned.

Then Princess Vivi saw the fallen soldiers and servants in the kingdom.

"What the hell is going on."

Shocked, Princess Vivi jumped off Karu and quickly came to a fallen soldier.

"It turned out that I

just fainted..." Vivi was relieved to find that the guard soldier had just fainted.

Later, Vivi saw two maids dressed in backless maid clothes and special necklaces walking up to her.

"Princess Vivi, come with us."

"The young master is waiting for you."

Wei Wei looked at the two maids in front of her, quickly recognized the previous identities of the two, and spoke in shock:

"You, you are Charulia Palace and Princess Anna?"


The other side.

Inside the royal palace of Alabastan.

Lin Yu sat on the throne.

Beside him, in turn, stood Lei Jiu, Keya, Magino, Noki and others.

Because he was afraid that Vivi would misunderstand, this time he did not take Mikita and other people from the original Baroque studio, but let them wait in the hotel in the royal capital.

Because Mikita had completely fallen towards Lin Yu, he was not afraid of the three running away.

And in front of him.

The king of the kingdom of Alabastan, Neferutari Kobra, was sitting on a chair, silently looking at Lin Yu who was sitting on his throne.

On the ground beside Kobra, Ikarim, the captain of the Arabastan Kingdom's escort, the adjutants of the escort Gaca and Bell, and a group of guard soldiers were all knocked unconscious and fell there.

"Mr. Kobra, how well did I think about my proposal?"

Lin Yu glanced at Kobra and spoke with a smile.

Because Kobra was Weiwei's father, Lin Yu didn't do anything to him.

And he just had only one proposal for Kobra, and that was to let Vivi get on board.

As for the historical text of 'Hades' hidden by the royal family of Neferutari, he was not very interested.

Anyway, Robin would have to get on his ship sooner or later, and now taking the time to find it would be a waste of time.

And he urgently needs to get to Gaya Island now, so he doesn't want to waste too much time here in Alabastan.

"Sorry, as a father, I declined your offer."

Kobra shook his head and directly rejected Lin Yu.

He had already recognized the identity of Lin Yu's god killer, and knew that the other party had killed the kings of the two kingdoms, and he had guessed the outcome he might face, but he still refused.

The only thing Kobra can hope for now is that Karu can successfully take Vivi and let her leave the palace.

"But as a princess and daughter, I have reason to accede to his request."

Vivi, who had blue hair and was wearing a princess dress, walked in from outside the main hall door of the palace and looked at Kobra and said.

Behind her, Anna and Charulia also walked in.

"Vivi!" Seeing Vivi walk in, Kobra was shocked.

"It's all right, Father."

Wei Wei comforted Kobra, looked at

Lin Yu and said, "God killer Lin Yu, I agree to your request."

"But my condition is to let my father go, let Alabastan go."

"As long as you promise me, you can take me away now."

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