Astral Ant Tribe

Chapter 490 Only six abilities

On a night with the full moon shining high, there is a cool breeze.

By the Bailian Lake,

Long Bai has two uses: on the one hand, he uses the freezing ability to control the freezing of water and maintains the shape of the ice pot; on the other hand, he uses the boiling water ability to control the boiling of the clear water in the pot.

Mo Lan cuts the venison, removes the bones first, and throws them into the pot to cook.

"Long Bai, how many abilities have you mastered?"

"...a little less."


"Only 6?"


Mo Lan took out the leg bone that had just been placed in the pot, waved her claws, and chopped it into two pieces with a click. She raised the front leg of the sickle and said: If you pretend again, I will chop you!

Long Bai: "..."

Long Bai: "These 6 abilities include the 'Mottled Realm' ability given by the Bancong Fruit, and the 'Night Fragrance' ability given by the Night Fragrance Fruit."

"Ouch! That's right!"

Mo Lan suddenly realized, "Six minus two equals four. That's not a lot! It's equivalent to you realizing four abilities yourself? That's still a lot!"

Long Bai raised his membrane wings, patted his abdomen gently, and said: "The talent of the water system is special. Every time you evolve into a great realm, you will inevitably awaken an ability derived from the creator's civilization."

Mo Lan: "Oh. That's right. Six minus three equals three. If you understand three abilities, that's not a lot."

Not too much~

Normal insect category~

Mo Lan became happy and asked: "What abilities do they have? What is the water ability? Create water?"

"Making water."

The vertical tentacles of the dragon cypress are curved at the tip, and the original energy is gathered. The crystal water droplets slowly condense and gradually increase in size, turning into a water ball with a diameter of ten centimeters and jumping into the pot.

"Original energy creation consumes a lot of physical energy and is a bit strenuous."


The kettle made of ice and fire has this ability.

Do not care.

Mo Lan asked: "What else? There are three more abilities."

Long Bai: "There is a power system, a more conventional 'hundred times power'. Within a limited time, the power increases sharply... It can probably explode to three times the power. It can be used in conjunction with the splitting and wrath abilities."

Mo Lan: "Relatively common, but very powerful!"

Mo Lan: "There are two more abilities."

Long Bai: "The other two are wood type."

Long Bai's eyes were fixed on the weeds by the lakeside. He waved his tentacles lightly, the grass blades stood upright, and shot towards the center of the lake.

Mo Lan: "Uh..."

Mo Lan: "Long Bai! You are imitating me!"

This is the most common 'Flying Leaf' ability, and many insects with awakened wood talent can understand it.

Long Bai didn't talk to him, and he didn't look at it seriously.

Mo Lan turned her eyes and said happily: "Long Bai, if the ability of 'Flying Leaves' is passed on to Qing Bing, then Qing Bing will also have the ability to attack and kill."

Long Bai: "Judging from the rules, it should be possible."

Mo Lan: "So, although the flying leaf ability is common, it is very practical."

Mo Lan: "Is there another wood ability?"

Long Bai buried his head in thought and said slowly: "This ability is a bit strange...wood element? It's a bit like the dual element of water and wood."

Mo Lan: "Put it out and let me take a look."

Long Bai: "This ability is a bit complicated...I haven't figured it out yet..."

Long Bai pondered for a long time, then raised his head and looked at Bailian Lake.

The temperature drops at night and the lake is filled with mist.

Long Bai's spiritual power surged out, locking onto the large fog on the lake surface, activating the water control ability, and controlling the movement to the orchard on the shore. The original energy of the wood element was emitted and merged with the fog, giving the fog full of vitality.

Long Bai used his ability for the first time. After feeling it for a while, he gradually understood the function of the ability. He became slightly excited and calmly explained:

"This ability is for night use..."

"Plants mainly absorb light during the day, synthesize energy and nutrients, and rest and grow rapidly at night. This ability helps plants grow at night."

Mo Lan: "Oh!"

Mo Lan: "Can it be used to run an orchard?"

Long Bai: "Both original plants and ordinary plants can be used. The range of abilities is perfect for running orchards."

Mo Lan: "Oh! This ability should be called Tranquility!"

Long Bai: "..."

Mo Lan became excited, suddenly thought of something, and suddenly lost it again, and asked: "Water and wood dual elements? Doesn't that mean that it cannot be passed on to the wood element green ants?"

Long Bai: "...No."

Long Bai explained: "Wood-type abilities can only be exerted with the help of water mist as a medium. According to the rules, wood-type green ants should be able to inherit, but there are geographical environment, seasonal and climate restrictions. Or it is more troublesome to arrange blue soldiers to cooperate. And inefficient.”


Mo Lan said objectively: "Then this ability is not perfect. But after all, it is the ability to assist plant growth. This kind of ability is rare and expensive."

Long Bai moved his tentacles.

Evolving to the Lord level, among all the abilities that one has mastered, this 'tranquility' is the most precious.

Mo Lan asked: "Are there any other abilities?"

Long Bai: "...No."

Mo Lan: "It seems that six abilities are indeed not many."

Mo Lan greeted: "Eat quickly. Let's go back to Xianglan Mountain after eating."

After sleeping and evolving for more than ten days, Long Bai was starving.

After showing off his abilities, he became even more hungry and panicked.

Eating like crazy.

After eating and drinking, Long Bai waved his tentacles and threw the ice pot directly into the lake.

"Long Bai, let's drive all night back to Xianglan Mountain."

"Mo Lan, don't worry, take a look at my 'mottled ruins'."

Long Bai walked on the water and came to the lake, his tentacles swaying high.

The scene before Mo Lan's eyes changed. When he looked closely, the lake disappeared and turned into an orchard of mulberry trees with bare branches.


Mo Lan looked back.

There is also a mulberry garden behind.

Mo Lan turned around and looked left and right, unable to tell which was real and which was illusion.

Then he turned around and walked cautiously towards the lake in his memory.

Strangely, he was down to earth and did not touch the lake.

Mo Lan turned around and ran in the opposite direction.

It's still the real ground.


Mo Lan stopped and then, with an idea, kicked her legs into the air and flapped her wings to fly high into the sky.


The mottled remains disappeared, and Mo Lan found that she had plunged into the lake, fluttered her wings, and came ashore in embarrassment.


Long Bai was secretly amused and asked with concern: "Mo Lan, are you okay?"

Mo Lan: "It's okay. I'm not angry. Come to the shore quickly."

Long Bai: "Don't worry. I have awakened the water and wood talents at the same time, and there are other changes to the mottled residual realm ability."


Mo Lan felt the scene before her eyes change again. When she looked again, she was actually on the water. She looked up and looked around. The orchards, jungles, and mountains disappeared, and the surrounding area turned into a vast body of water.

Activate the soul-fixing ability induction to lock Long Bai's position.

"Can mottled ruins still be used like this?!"

"This is an illusion created by water-based abilities."

"Oh! That's equivalent to two types of hallucinogenic abilities? Long Bai! That Bancong fruit costs 2 million, we made a profit from buying it!"

"Yes. If you awaken the wood or water talent alone, this ability is only worth 1.5 million. But if you awaken the water and wood talent at the same time, it is natural that the value will double."

As Long Bai said, his thoughts changed.

Mo Lan felt another gust of cold wind blowing past, snow was falling in the sky, and the lake beneath her feet was frozen, turning into a world of ice and snow in the blink of an eye.

"Mo Lan, try taking two steps."

"Don't want to move around."

"I won't tease you, just take two steps forward and try."

"Do you dare to tease me?"

"Don't dare!"

"Stab you to death."

Mo Lan warned fiercely.

When the tentacles are waved, the snowflakes falling in the sky appear to be real. However, they disappear as soon as they fall on the carapace, indicating that the snowflakes are false illusions.

Mo Lan thought for a moment, turned around, and took two tentative steps back.

It was really like stepping on snow, my feet were still a little cold, so I kicked my legs and stepped hard.


The thin ice broke under her feet, and Mo Lan fell into the lake again.


Long Bai quickly picked it up and said, "I used my freezing ability to create a thin layer of ice on the lake, so it won't sink when I walk on it. Mo Lan, you are so smart, you found the weakness of the water illusion right away... …”


Mo Lan climbed ashore in embarrassment, furious and going crazy, "Long Bai! I'll kill you!"

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