Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 2163: The old man will go and go (43 more

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[vip] The 2,161rd chapter of the old man went to come (43 more [1/1 page]


"It is to bully you and pull less, how to pull the dragon chapter of the latest free chapter!" The prince's face is full of madness, "I told you, this is my home, how many people I want to call, here Already more than a hundred have come, and some people will come over again. Do you believe that two hundred people have killed you?"

"Letter. How can you not believe what your prince said? {Fiction}" Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile, "You are killing me with three hundred people. I believe, just, you are sure that you are one hundred." Come to the individual, can you beat me like this?"

"Hey? You may not know, these are all the elite of Laozi. Do you know what is elite? It’s okay to play three. Don’t say that you are ** ten, even if you are one hundred and ten, we also Zhao Tiezhu, if you know the truth, I will give the contract to Laozi. I just revealed it. Otherwise, my prince will let you know why the flower is so red. "The prince called .

The women standing next to Zhao Tiezhu and swearing were all eclipsed.

The prince's prestige is still very powerful in front of these people. The owner of the coco bar is the son of the money to help the lord. Such a character, such a reputation, with the more than one hundred hands behind the knife stick People, it is really more shocking to have more shock.

The beautiful women who were next to the smuggling trembled and sneaked behind the smuggling. The smuggling was a calming stroke, and there was a slight smile on his face, as if the hundreds of people in front of him were just pheasants. The latest free chapter of the general ban.

The other **10's blood soul hall is elite, it is quite calm, these people are really elite, the opposite hundred people look at the momentum, but also the hands of the guys, but the blood soul hall these people I don't know how to write 怂, how many people are, how about taking a guy? You should continue to do it, let you sing and conquer, you can't sing and hurt.

Shuya had seen Zhao Tiezhu's performance before, so she wouldn't be very worried. She just leaned back on Zhao Tiezhu. The man named Wen Xi, actually called Zhao Tiezhu, was definitely not as simple as he thought. Just look at the outside of the field to know that this person must have a very thick background, or else you a foreigner, how could you gather here on the 10th?

Just then, a siren sounded.

The police finally arrived late.

A police car passed directly through the crowd and came to the middle of the confrontation between the two people.

The door opened and several policemen walked down the car.

"What is this?"

A policeman who looked like a head frowned and looked around at the people around him and cried, "Is this going out to the streets or cooking?"

"Old week, you are on duty this evening!"

The prince said to the policeman.

"Ah? Oops, it’s a prince!" The policeman, who was called Lao Zhou, saw the prince, his face smiled, and he walked over to the prince with a group of people. He said, "I am on duty just today, I received an alarm call from others. I said that I have to make trouble here, so come over and see, I didn’t expect the prince to be here!"

"It’s a bit of a thing tonight," said the prince. "But old week, you don't care, this is our private matter."

"This, let's get it, do you want me to bring someone to come over to you? When the people on the opposite side want to really start, I can get them all in." Lao Zhou said.

"This is a good way!" The prince's eyes lit up and said, "You used to talk to them."


Lao Zhou smiled and nodded, and then directly brought people to Zhao Tiezhu.

"Who are you taking the lead?" Lao Zhou slightly lifted his chin and looked at Zhao Tiezhu, a group of people, asked.

"What's the matter?" Zhao Tiezhu asked with a smile.

"What do you do here when you don't sleep in the middle of the night? Want to rebel?" Lao Zhou yelled, "Give me all the loose, if you give me something, don't blame me for giving you all the way." Go inside."

"Oh, this police officer, it seems that they are more people than us?" Zhao Tiezhu asked the prince.

"Isn't it possible for people to make friends? What about you? One by one, looking at the evil spirits, it is not a good bird at first glance, and they have given me a zombie battle!" said Lao Zhou.

Zhao Tiezhu looked helplessly and gave a glance, %% said, "I call first."

The old Zhou looked at Zhao Tiezhu disdainfully, dare to confront the son of the emperor, you are useless.


After the phone was connected, Zhao Tiezhu came to the side.

Soon after, Zhao Tiezhu came back.

"The phone is also hitting? Is it possible to disperse people?" asked Old Zhou.

"This, don't you wait for a while?" Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile. "Maybe someone will look for you later!"

"Cut..." Old Zhou just wanted to say something, but the phone suddenly rang.

Lao Zhou looked at the phone number and it was actually the Secretary’s personal call.

Old Zhou quickly went aside and picked up the phone.

In a short while, Lao Zhou came back, but this time, the face of Lao Zhou has a thick and pleasing look. "You are the one who is investing two billion yuan in Guangzhou, Mr. Zhao Tiezhu! This, Just dark, I didn’t see it for a while, Mr. Zhao Tiezhu was no stranger.”

When the old Zhou’s words came out, Shuya, standing next to Zhao Tiezhu, was directly stunned.

200 million?

What is this concept?

It seems that there has indeed been a big investor who came to Guangzhou to invest in it. It seems to be surnamed Zhao. However, it is impossible for Shuya to connect the man who has no rich atmosphere to the big investor who is Zhao.

And the girls who stood next to the murder also heard this sentence, but they were all shocked.

Killing and standing in the crowd, the iron column brother, I like to do this thing.

Zhao Tiezhu said proudly, "These people are the construction workers I brought this time. Let's come out and have a drink together to see the moon blowing, can we?"

"Can, of course!" said Zhou, "the night in Guangzhou is still very good."

"Then you still have something? Nothing to stop us from enjoying the moon." Zhao Tiezhu said bluntly. "You look at the people opposite, and they are knives and sticks. When is Guangzhou already unable to control the knives?"

"This, I am a little dizzy at night, I am leaving, this, Mr. Zhao, you play, play a happy point." Lao Zhou said, turned directly away, no more than a second stop.

Zhao Tiezhu smiled and looked at the killing and said, "Forget the Zen Master, give you a chance to show, and beat the prince in the past."

Killing the eyebrows and bending a corner, smiled, "The donor, and see the old man to go."

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