Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 2153: Irritated! (35 more)

Early charter

[vip] The 2,153rd chapter is irritating and difficult to be the latest chapter list! (35 more) [1/1 page]


The prince's face slowly became a little gloomy. The woman who was sitting on the bed looking at the prince, violently shuddered, bowed her head and did not dare to continue to see the prince.

"What are you looking for?" asked the prince. [\'Fiction`.com]

"Nothing." Zhao Tiezhu said at the other end of the phone, "I just missed you for a while, I missed it."

The prince reverted back to the bed, then sat down and asked, "Zhao Tiezhu, don't play a riddle with me, what is going on quickly, I am very busy if nothing happens."

"Haha, that's it." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile. "I mainly want to tell you about the five fields that you lost to me. When are you going to give it to me?"

"Are you still embarrassed to say?" the prince said with a sigh of relief. "When it wasn't Li Ge, I thought you could win."

"Maybe you still don't know, there is something in this world, it is just to see the result." Zhao Tiezhu said calmly, "The process is not important, the result is that you lost the game."

"Hey, I want my place, no door." The prince snorted and said, "There is a kind of you going to find Li Ge to go to the two casinos."

"I am really embarrassed to break the marriage full text for free reading." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile, "Li Ge has already given me his two fields. Hey, Li Ge people, but there are people with integrity, when they say it, they dare He can lose if he plays."

"I am grass, are you saying that I can't afford to lose?" The prince said.

"I didn't say, who are you, the son of Wang Di, the prince, how can you afford to lose, but if you can afford it, give me the opportunity, five, I But remember. (Pure text "Zhao Tiezhu's voice is a bit contemptuous, which makes the prince listen for a while uncomfortable.

"Don't say five, none of them, you don't want to take them away from me," said the prince.

"Since you have to lose, then I have nothing to say, hey, I thought, the money to help the less helper, is a lot of powerful people, I did not expect even five places can not afford to lose, it does not matter In fact, when everyone comes out to play, it’s enough to play a happy one. This kind of little color head is not the same as it is, don’t want it anymore. Anyway, at the level of me and Li Ge, this kind of field is all there is Nothing, and only people who can't go up at the level can feel how powerful the five fields are, and how much they are reluctant to give." Zhao Tiezhu said nothing.

"You!!!!!!!!" The prince was burned by the arrogant words of Zhao Tiezhu. In this year, when you are quarreling, you are not afraid of people quarreling with you, but people simply don’t care about you, then Still saying something hidden in the needle is what makes you feel powerless.

"Hey, since the prince can't afford to lose, then forget it, five venues. I won't despise you. When I return to fj someday, I will tell people that the biggest gang of Guangzhou has even five." The field can't afford to lose, hey, is it your gang in Guangzhou? Is it too poor? If it is, I can consider letting my Blood Soul Hall help you, after all, everyone is in the province next door, if you are too If you are poor, people will think that we are all poor in the south." Zhao Tiezhu said.

"You, he is only poor, I am grass, who is poor, I just don't want to give you no? I have money, who said that Laozi has no money? But can you give me something with money? Zhao Tiezhu You are a fool when I am?" The prince said.

"I didn't treat you as a fool. I just think it. I want to gamble and lose. If you want to gamble and lose, then you can't afford to lose. If you can't afford to lose, it can only show that you are poor." Forced, don't explain, prince, poor and forced, this year, who is not ** silk? We are all short and poor, do not care, I understand you." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile.

"You are only short and poor, Laozi is 175." The prince cried. "Zhao Tiezhu, don't irritate me, it is not good to anger me."

"I didn't irritate you, it is your own list of the most popular chapters in the sky." Zhao Tiezhu said helplessly, "Okay, since you can't afford to lose, then it's like, bye."


After that, Zhao Tiezhu hung up the phone directly.

The prince just wanted to pick something up. As a result, there was a beeping voice at the end of the phone. For a moment, all the prince’s fire was ignited.

"Zhao Tiezhu, I am a mud horse!"

The prince is so big, he has never been so despised and humiliated. Although he was under strict control when he was a child, no matter where he went, people knew that your prince was the son of the emperor, and he was holding all the guards. , which will appear in such a situation that people are despised.

"** Silk, you **** is ** silk, your whole family is silk, my grass!"

The prince seemed to be really not as light as Zhao Tiezhu. While he was squatting, he pulled out the number of Zhao Tiezhu and then hit it.

The woman sitting on the side has already been ruined by the fire of the prince, and her body shivered slightly, and she did not dare to make any sound, for fear of angering the prince.

The other end of the phone.

Zhao Tiezhu is sitting in a casual tea restaurant with no one in Li Ge. On the table, there were exquisite snacks. Not far from the two, standing two people dressed in waiter uniforms, smiling and watching Zhao Tiezhu and Li Ge, waiting for the two to summon.

"This tea restaurant can be regarded as the most high-end in Hong Kong. There are many things in the head here, and there are people who specialize in serving you." Li Ge said while putting a snack into his mouth. .

“It really tastes good.” Zhao Tiezhu tasted his own thing and said, “It’s delicious than what I eat in most other places.”

"You can come often if you have time." Li Ge said, "There are quite a lot of things to eat in Hong Kong. I am a foodie, haha."

"I am also a foodie."

Just then, Zhao Tiezhu’s cell phone rang.

Zhao Tiezhu looked at the number and pressed it directly.

"Prince?" Li Ge asked with a smile.

"Yeah." Zhao Tiezhu nodded and said, "Although the age is quite big, but this brain is still tender, a few words will get angry."

"I also blame you, those words that are said, it is called a yin and yang strange." Li Ge said with a smile, "I want to change it to be me, and I will get fire."

"If you are, if this kind of words can irritate you, then you are not Li Ge." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile.

In a short while, Zhao Tiezhu’s cell phone rang again.

Zhao Tiezhu did not pick up and continued to press.

After a few seconds, Zhao Tiezhu’s cell phone rang for the third time.

At this time, Zhao Tiezhu just picked up the phone slowly and pressed the answer button.

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