Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 2120: Live broadcast

Early charter

[vip] The 2nd and 120th chapter of the live broadcast (second more) [1/1 page]


I have to say here that Zhao Tiezhu’s mobile phone, although it has been changed, is still very pothole.

For example, although Zhao Tiezhu pressed the hang up button on the mobile phone, but because the mobile phone is too broken, so after the hang up button is pressed, there is no way to hang up the latest chapter of the short-term husband!

Have to despise the manufacturer of this phone!

Therefore, when Zhao Tiezhu’s Sun Jiaying, who is going to play the role of his own body, is holding up and shooting directly, Ling Xue’s phone has not been hung up.


Ling Xue heard the sentence that Zhao Tiezhu shouted: "I am going, I dare to play like this, you are finished."

It was strange in Ling Xue that he was finished, and then he heard the snoring of a woman who was screaming, and with the snoring, there was some kind of low screaming from the man’s throat.

It is like a beast.

Ling Xue was shocked!

It was completely shocked.

Although the quality of the button is not dripping, the function of receiving the sound is very powerful. It absorbs Zhao Tiezhu’s low-pitched sound completely and then passes it to Ling Xue.

Ling Xue still didn't know much about this stuff, but when he heard the various pia.pia sounds on the phone, Ling Xue understood that he seemed to... heard something that should not be heard.


Ling Xue quickly shouted at the phone. She wanted to remind Zhao Tiezhu to shut down the mobile phone. Unfortunately, Zhao Tiezhu, who was already burning at this time, did not hear any voice from the mobile phone. He could only hear the body. Under the woman's all kinds of screams and the pia that the ** hit together, pia sound cold blood President: Where does the baby mom escape? latest chapter. "Search for the fastest free novels on .com"

Ling Xue’s face finally became unstoppable and red.

As a cold and elegant woman, Ling Xue wants to blush, it is quite difficult. Even if Zhao Tiezhu is teasing, Ling Xue is very difficult to blush. However, listening to the pia, pia sound, Ling Xue’s brain can not be suppressed. I thought of the scene at the end of the phone.

Perhaps, now Zhao Tiezhu is kneeling on a woman.

Then, with his explosive body, in...


Ling Xue threw the phone directly to the side, breathing vigorously and quickly.

This is the live broadcast of the Spring Palace drama, and this is very different from watching the film directly. If you look directly at the film, you can see everything, and the live broadcast, you can't see anything, you can only hear the sound, then There is a lot of room for association, and anything is associated with it, and it will become even more beautiful.

Ling Xue wants to remove the body of Zhao Tiezhu in his mind, but I don't know why, but has been thrown into the mobile phone by Ling Xue, but still can hear the familiar pia, pia sound.

This piapia sound, as if it were a curse, tightly entangled Ling Xue's brain, Ling Xue simply could not get out of this voice.

Ling Xue’s face was red, and her breathing was short, and her body slowly became hot.

To put it bluntly, the beauty of the iceberg is also a human being, and there is also a need for the body. In such a situation where only one person is alone, the voice of the pia, pia, who listens to the phone across the phone, no matter who it is, will be hot and hot. Those who have almost fixed their strengths may not comfort themselves.

Zhao Tiezhu said while moving on Sun Jiaying, "Can you come for a few days?"

"This depends on how you plan to let me stay for a few days!" Sun Jiaying swallowed, his body slightly raised, holding Zhao Tiezhu's hand on his waist, and then tightened his legs.

Zhao Tiezhu only felt a pressure coming from underneath, and the whole person was exceptionally refreshed.

"Don't delay the filming of the film." Zhao Tiezhu said.

"Well, no." Sun Jiaying said, "Feng Dao said, after he is ready... Well, that's there... well, when he is ready, he will call me."

Talking here, Ling Xue at the other end of the phone was also listening to it.

Listening to the woman’s voice, it seems to be Sun Jiaying...

Ling Xue is still familiar with Sun Jiaying, two people are neighbors, and Sun Jiaying is now recognized as a **** in China, but Ling Xue does not know, this Sun Jiaying was actually won by Zhao Tiezhu, and the two are now in the midst of a war Crossing: The cold king txt download of evil king.


Ling Xue swallowed a slobber and listened to the voice on the other end of the phone. He shook his hand and wanted to take the call and press it.

Just then, a voice came from the phone.

"Right, Iron Pillar, who did you call with?" asked Sun Jiaying.

"Ling Xue." Zhao Tiezhu did not take advantage of Sun Jiaying, said directly.

"Oh? What do you talk to her?" Sun Jiaying continued to ask.

"Nothing, there will be some things to cooperate with tomorrow." Zhao Tiezhu said, "She is now my general."

"Hey, then you... lightly... Then, have you accepted her?" Sun Jiaying said slyly, but his eyes were slightly closed, and his eyes were full of satisfaction.

"This is not, we are just ordinary friends." Zhao Tiezhu said, "Although I had a little thought before, but after understanding her past, I basically didn't think much about her. They are poor people."

When I heard Zhao Tiezhu’s words, Ling Xue’s heart didn’t know what it was, and lost a bit. Then he smiled and shook his head. Zhao Tiezhu said that he was right. He was really a good friend.

"What is her past? What happened in the past?" Sun Jiaying asked curiously. Ling Xue, who was on the phone, was decisively raised. She is a woman who wants to be strong, otherwise she will not give herself a body. Iceberg, in order to let others fear her in the heart, and her past events, but Ling Xue heart is the most unwilling to see others, Zhao Tiezhu this goods can know, it can only be regarded as an accident, but in addition to Zhao Tiezhu, Ling Xue no longer wants other people to know, especially the other party is still a woman, so Ling Xue is very worried about Zhao Tiezhu will tell his own affairs with Sun Jiaying.

However, I did not expect that Zhao Tiezhu said, "What do you care about in the past?"

"Isn't this curiosity? You have to know that women have a gossip heart!" said Sun Jiaying.

"But curiosity kills the cat, do you know?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"Don't you say that?" Sun Jiaying spoiled the upper body a little, then pulled Zhao Tiezhu's hand on his chest and said, "Let's talk to others."

"No, this is the secret of others." Zhao Tiezhu shook his head decisively. "You don't ask, I would rather die than say." "Husband, you are so good!" Sun Jiaying said with a grin.

"Hey, do you want to change it to be you, will you let your private affairs be known by others?" Zhao Tiezhu slammed the face of Sun Jiaying's chest and said, "Everyone has a past, and some past events are not suitable for others to know. Don't ask."

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