Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 2048: Do not talk about cause and effect


The butcher finally stopped being smashed by a dog like a dog and was printed on the chest with a knife.


The butcher's knife on the butcher's hand broke under the force of quit, and the butcher was spit out a blood, and the body was wilting and soft on the ground. Com, the madness in the eyes is still there, but more It was a horror and a puzzle. He didn't know why the smuggling would become so powerful. He didn't know why he was so defeated.

Killing and rushing to breathe, the price of madness is the strong overdraft of physical strength. This is the big handprint printed on the butcher's body. It almost consumes all the power of smuggling. The screaming foot is shaking, and it will almost fall. .


The smuggling took a deep breath. At this time, the heartbeat was very rapid. As soon as it was about to jump out of the eyes of the blind man, one face was full of flushing, and the body was slightly trembling.

The butcher's hands were on the ground. He also saw that the smuggling seemed to have reached the limit. However, he was more than the quit. The body was not only exhausted, but also quit. The internal organs were injured, and the body seemed to be burning.

The breathing of the quit was slowly flattened, then walked to the butcher's body and squatted down to the same height as the butcher.

"I won."

Killing and watching the butcher, said.


The butcher wanted to say something, but the hand that quit was suddenly extended and caught in the butcher's neck.


The butcher's neck was clamped by the hand that was quit, and the instinctive was going to open the hand of the smuggling. However, the butcher at this time was worse than the murder of .com. The physical injury made the butcher have nothing at all. Power can break the hand of smuggling.

Kill and take a deep breath, the blue veins in your hand violently violent.


The butcher's eyes were sharp and wide, his mouth opened and he wanted to breathe, but there was no way to get oxygen.

"You are the most powerful person who has died in my hands for a while," said the murderer calmly. Although the physical strength is almost .com at this time, the most vulnerable part of a person is the knot at the neck. It is very simple to kill the butcher's neck so that he can't breathe. Of course, if it is just suffocating and dying, it is too slow, so quit and decisively smashed the butcher's throat.

Butcher, dead.


The body that quit was soft, sitting directly on the ground, and then looked at Zhao Tiezhu, who was not far from his hand, and shouted, "Iron brother, fortunately, not to be insulted."

"Haha, it's not bad." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile. "I will go back this time and estimate that you will be more powerful than before. This person must make progress. He has to find someone who is better than you, or else he always abuses food." It is impossible to progress."

The person who was covered by Zhao Tiezhu’s shoulder heard the words of quit, and turned to look at Zhao Tiezhu in horror and said, "You are Zhao Tiezhu."

"Yeah." Zhao Tiezhu smiled and asked, "Is there a problem?"

" problem, iron...Iron brothers, you...what are you kidding with me, let's go...we have no enmity!" Xiang Rong asked with a slight trembling voice, for Zhao Tiezhu, Xiang Rong is I know, Zhao Tiezhu’s background, Xiangrong is also relatively clear, but Xiangrong does not know, Zhao Tiezhu will actually come and assassinate himself, because Zhao Tiezhu is also a figure of his own level, such a character How can I make my own shots?

"We are innocent and invincible." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile. "Just, there are some things that don't need hatred. Are you saying yes?"

"What do you mean? What's the matter, even though you say, the Iron Pillars, I am proud, there are no other strengths, it is good for friends, if you have any needs, don't hide, as long as you want, I will be able to give you!" Xiang Rong said with a smile.

Zhao Tiezhu’s face showed a thoughtful look, and then the glasses lit up, then said, “I really have one thing I want!”

"Well, the iron pillar brothers, though you said!" Xiang Rong Daxi, as long as Zhao Tiezhu puts his life, wait for him to return to Dongxing, call people, and then use his own relationship, you must let Zhao Tiezhu understand Hong Kong and Macao, this is not fj.

"I want your life." Zhao Tiezhu’s face showed a sunny smile. "Do you give me?"


Xiang Rong screamed and looked down, but saw a dagger, and the whole did not enter his chest.

Xiang Rong felt that his strength was madly losing from himself. Xiangrong wanted to struggle and wanted to break free. However, Zhao Tiezhu’s arm on his shoulder seemed to be tens of thousands of pounds, so that Xiangrong could not struggle at all. Only the blood and strength will slowly pass away from their bodies and pass away.

"Things on the underworld, generally do not pay much attention to causality." Zhao Tiezhu said softly, "I want to develop, you stopped me, I will kill you. This way, you will not understand the boss?" ”

" you think you can eat Dongxing?"

Seeing that he must die, Xiang Rong asked with a bite.

"I don't eat Dongxing, it doesn't matter, naturally someone will eat it. I can get what I need. It's enough. You will go all the way, I won't start with your loved ones." Zhao Tiezhu Reaching out, covering the eyes of Xiangrong, the body of the glory, slowly lacking strength, the whole person softened.

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Zhao Tiezhu stood in front of Xiang Rong’s body, calmly took out his mobile phone and made a phone call.

"Ying Rong died, the next thing, come on your own."

"it is good!"

At the other end of the line, Li Ge’s voice was also very calm, except that under the two calm voices, the entire Hong Kong underworld was about to come to a big cleansing.

Zhao Tiezhu looked at his body, because the control was good, so Zhao Tiezhu did not have any blood on his body.

"This way, you don't have to change clothes." Zhao Tiezhu patted the body as if to shoot off the dead air of the glory, and then said to the slain not far away, "You let people come over and clean this side, those If you don't die, you will be ruined and you will kill less."

"Know it, Tiezhu brother, where are you going?" asked the murderer.

"I am going to meet someone." Zhao Tiezhu smiled and walked over to a black car.

The car has already waited for a good driver to start the car, carrying Zhao Tiezhu and going to the distance.

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